How Do You Know If A Narcissist Is Gone For Good?

Wait… Did you check everywhere?

And are they really gone this time?

But how do you know…?

This is where so many people fall into a trap.

How do you know? Especially if the narcissist has a knack for showing up when you least expect it.

Is there any way to know when they’re gone for the last time?

I promise.

Let’s get to the answers.

Cycle Predicts The Return…

The cycle of narcissistic abuse is one we’re all becoming more and more familiar with, isn’t it?




Cleansing Up

Related : The Real Difference between a ‘Narcissist’ and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

It goes round and round and round, and it doesn’t stop until someone changes.

When you assume the narcissist is gone forever, it often feels like just a phase in that cycle.

How many times have you thought, “No, this is really it. It’s final this time.”

Just because… yeah… you guessed it…

The narcissist is back!

So, yes—any true ending will be familiar, because narcissistic relationships often end temporarily until they can begin again.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be different this time. It could be final.

It’s all up to you, and how you draw a line behind you as you move forward.

What This Looks Like

Cycles of narcissistic abuse are what narcissists create for their victims. They are, by design, able to keep someone in their arms for as long as possible.

When narcissists dump you, they leave you alone without warning. Some might call it abandonment, which is equally vile and devastating.

To think you have the best person you’ve ever met, and for them to simply decide to walk away, affects you alone. For them, it was all part of their plan.

On The Edge Of Your Seat

When this abandonment happens repeatedly, you won’t be able to convince yourself that it will be the absolute last time.

The narcissist turns and walks away, and you’ve seen it all before. He leaves, and a certain amount of time passes.

Related : Narcissists Must Make You Miserable for This 1 Weird Reason

You go through the motions, and suddenly, with the wheel turning completely, he returns, and the process starts all over again.

And now, here you are.

And you feel like you want to sit on the edge of your seat and wait for his familiar return.

Waiting For Adramatic Entry

Don’t confuse waiting for the narcissist’s return with wanting him back. These are two separate things—and you shouldn’t let them overlap.

The waiting for that dramatic entrance is hardwired into you.

You now know it’s going to happen, and how you’ll feel. Yet, you’ll be convinced that “this time is different.”

It isn’t.

If you can constantly remember this, you’ll be more likely to reject the entrance later.

I can’t stress enough that the only way this will be the last time is to draw a line under the rug and do everything you can to keep them at bay.

Moving On

It’s up to you to start living life anew after the narcissist leaves.

The more you fill your life with things, people, and hobbies that make you happy, the less likely the narcissist will return.

The solution is to prevent them from coming back, right?

They can knock on the door all they want, but if you don’t let them in, they’ll eventually leave.

Looking Over Your Shoulder

There will always be a part of you wondering if the narcissist is really gone this time. You can be sure they won’t return if:

  • They met someone else
  • They moved on
  • They told you they didn’t want to do it again
  • They met someone else
  • They moved on
  • You told them you didn’t want to do it again

Narcissists don’t know when to close the door because they always want to keep you as an option. If all else fails, they know you can provide the best support.

Related : When THIS Happens The Narcissist Becomes Dangerous!

Narcissists are known to return somehow years later, and they can suddenly appear in your direct messages. They may email you or meet you by chance at a place they know you’ll be.

As time goes on, you’ll look less and less behind you, but that sense of anticipation will never go away completely.


…is the only thing you need.

I know this sounds cliché, even a bit predictable, but it’s true.

Time is the only concept you need on your side, and it’s the only thing that will truly ensure the narcissist leaves.

Don’t be tempted to lure them back, or even try to lure them back.

You want the familiar, intoxicating feeling of starting that cycle of abuse all over again.

Love. Excitement. Promises. But toxic is right in the middle of the word “intoxicating” for precisely that reason. And what you’re looking for can be found within yourself, with a little time.

You want to be loved, but that won’t happen unless you know what love means.

It all starts with you, and with time.

Tips to Help You Get Rid of a Narcissist for Good

Every time you think of them or text them, do something else. Go for a walk, listen to your favorite song, call a friend—whatever it takes.

Related : How Do You Break Up With a Narcissist?

Remind yourself of all the pain they’ve caused you. When you miss someone, it’s easy to remember the good times. Those beautiful moments were only because the narcissist was deceiving you.

Don’t be fooled by their overly seductive expressions of love. You know their tactics and how they’ve treated you in the past. It’s time to move on.

Work on yourself. What are your needs? What do you want from life? Make them the focus of your attention.

Block, delete, and forget. They don’t deserve to know what you’re doing with your life.

Eventually, the narcissist will get tired of trying, and they likely won’t come back.

Narcissists leave behind bad memories, but those memories may remain in the past where they belong.

All you have to do is believe that you can live happily without them and that you don’t need them.

Only then will you see your ability to live without them interrupting your life and trying to return.

Do you want to get rid of them for good?

Start today!

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