Help! My Boss Is a Narcissist

Since the day I began studying narcissistic leadership, I’ve found no shortage of people eager to share their firsthand experiences with narcissists in various positions of power in the workplace. I’ve heard stories ranging from the mildly disturbing effects of working with an arrogant coworker to deeply personal stories about the negative effects of working with a selfish boss who lacked the slightest bit of empathy, couldn’t take anything remotely resembling criticism, or engaged in more damaging behaviors, such as “manipulation” or emotional blackmail. (Note: Manipulation refers to a type of manipulation where someone tries to make you question your memory, reality, or perception of a situation. For example, if someone ever says to you, “Those words never came out of my mouth,” when in fact you (or a group of people) know that, then you’ve been “manipulated.”)

Why have stories like this become so common?

While much has been written about “larger than life” leaders throughout history who have inspired and guided social, political, and religious change (think Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Fidel Castro, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), narcissism among business leaders has only recently become a topic of interest (roughly in the past twenty years). As business has emerged as a more active part of our social fabric, and organizational leaders have been called upon to possess dynamic change management capabilities, the demand for larger figures to lead in visionary and charismatic ways has increased (think Steve Jobs, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk, Elizabeth Holmes, and even Donald Trump).

As the pace of change accelerates, companies will continue to hire and reward leaders who can mobilize followers to pivot in an instant. But the ability to engage and inspire in these powerful ways is strongly correlated with narcissism, and in some people, has severe negative consequences. It is worth noting that the examples above include leaders who inspired their followers to create extraordinary positive change, as well as those who led their followers to disaster. Working with narcissistic leaders can be difficult, if not impossible. So the question is this: To get sustainable value from these leaders, how can we harness their productive qualities while minimizing the dark side of narcissism that can cause suffering, lower well-being (among other things), and ultimately undermine business success?

Narcissism on a Continuum

It’s important to distinguish between the two, as our use of the term “narcissism” in leadership is different from the pathological definition. The American Psychiatric Association defines narcissistic personality disorder as a mental disorder characterized by at least five of nine criteria, which indicate “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a persistent need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” Pathological narcissists can certainly be found in the workplace, but in general, when we refer to narcissism in this context, we see it on a continuum that can produce a range of highly productive outcomes (“constructive narcissism”) to severely negative outcomes (“reactive narcissism”) and anything in between.

Most of us in high-achieving professions do in fact have some narcissistic traits, with an ego strong enough to expect great things from ourselves and our team, take risks, and rally the troops to embrace our vision. Frankly, a “healthy” dose of narcissism can be a very valuable leadership trait when combined with visionary thinking, a strong sense of systems, inspiration, and partnerships with other leaders who offer complementary skills. In fact, narcissism can be found in some of the world’s most creative leaders. We often think of this as “charismatic leadership” that can produce amazing results in an organization.

Constructive narcissists have a special talent for communicating a compelling vision, motivating followers to give their “all,” and doing their best work. Herb Kelleher, co-founder of Southwest Airlines, is a good example. For 30 years, the company was profitable under his leadership, largely because he created a culture that fostered connectedness, inspired employees, and encouraged fun. If you’ve ever worked with someone you would follow in any company, anywhere, you’ve likely experienced this type of leader.

However, those leaders who tend toward the other extreme end of the spectrum are capable of causing devastating negative outcomes for individuals and companies if left unchecked. Consider this scenario: After years of striving to establish yourself as an expert in your field, you finally land your dream job at a company widely known for creating a product so innovative that sentiment toward it is almost cult-like. Then the company’s legendary CEO fires you on the spot for not answering a question with what he deemed a “satisfactory” answer. While this example is extreme—it’s also very real (hint: it rhymes with “husk”) and exemplifies characteristics often found in reactive narcissists. People on this end of the spectrum tend to project an arrogant level of confidence; be overly sensitive; and become defensive and insulting when they feel they’re being criticized. While leaders of this type are capable of producing amazing results, at least in the short term, they tend to crush people in the process.

My journey into studying narcissistic leadership began with a question about the causes of burnout in the workplace. Along the way, I found a great many burnout victims who were abused—insulted, called names, belittled, publicly humiliated, even threatened—by a leader who initially showed commercial brilliance, then struggled to maintain his followers, and in the long run, failed to deliver the promised commercial results.

What Can You Do?

So what can you do if there’s a narcissistic leader in your organization who’s leaning toward the dark side? The solutions lie at both the organizational and personal levels…

Examine your organization’s culture. Reactive narcissism doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There are cultural and systemic forces that either enable negative leadership behaviors or encourage productive ones. Take a look at your company. Is the culture one where people feel safe and secure? Or do they walk on eggshells, afraid to share their opinions even when they’re backed by sound analysis? If someone encounters destructive leadership, are there clear paths to seek intervention without fear of retaliation—either through your management structure or HR? The process of managing and channeling narcissistic leadership into a productive place is only effective in the context of an environment that rewards the desired behavior.

Involve the leader(s) in coaching. Coaching someone who is defensive, lacks empathy, and is unlikely to acknowledge any shortcomings may seem like a hopeless cause… but it is possible. An experienced coach can help the reactive narcissist see their behavior for what it is—a failed strategy. From there, a roadmap can be built for a healthier way of being. New, progressive coaching methods that focus on guiding these leaders to mindsets that reflect humility and compassion have shown promise and mitigated the dark side of narcissism.
Help them find a partner. Pairing such a leader with someone who has a complementary set of traits can create a highly productive environment. This person can often act as a buffer between the reactive narcissist and the rest of the company, providing directional guidance to the leader, and providing a healthy filter. Now, if you’re the one playing the “filter” role, this can take its toll on you. In this case, find healthy outlets for your frustrations, or you’ll eventually tire of the situation and look for a way out. In this context…
Be clear about your boundaries. When you’re under the sway of a powerful, dynamic leader who has shown signs of destructive tendencies, remember that you have the power to act even when there are forces working to convince you otherwise. Take time to review your values ​​and reflect on what it means to work authentically to you. Can you continue to achieve your important personal and professional goals with integrity while working with this leader? If not, it’s time to explore new opportunities. Most importantly for you…

Look for signs of burnout. At some point, you may no longer have the energy to work with this type of leader. If you find yourself experiencing mental and physical symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), lacking the energy to engage in things inside and outside of work, no longer caring about your performance, or experiencing feelings of intense anxiety or depression, it’s time to leave.

Narcissistic leaders within organizations are capable of achieving amazing results, but they can also have devastating long-term negative consequences for the health of the organization and its employees. The truth is that whether we like it or not, narcissism will continue to play a role in the business world. Many of us have some degree of narcissistic tendencies and are capable of producing amazing results. At the other end of the spectrum are narcissistic leaders who are capable of wreaking havoc on the organization and the people within it. But what we do know now is that we are not without options—no matter your position in the organization, there are actions you can take to help reactive narcissists act more constructively… and it may be worth the effort to do so.

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