Heavy Lies The Crown Of A Narcissist

Narcissism always advocates a strong need to control others, so the narcissist will always need a scapegoat for control. They need a constant supply of attention and admiration from others to fuel their false sense of “self”, to have the power to influence the course of events and to set up their behavior, and to constrain some of it too. But why is there an obsessive, ready drive to dominate and stay in power? Learn from the narcissist himself.

Heavy lies crown narcissist

Heavy lies the crown that sits above my head as I look upon my kingdom. Within my gilded tower, I remained, behind those dreaded double doors four times locked and triple barred. I sit upon my throne made of the souls I have stolen and bound to this edifice of dark steel and jagged glass.

I hear the low moans of their families as I sit and contemplate my lands stretching north, east, south, and west. From this point of view, I see all things and everyone else sees them, reminding them of who I am and why I am better than they are.

I have been chosen to command and govern and they must always show me due respect and loyalty or suffer the same fate as those who knowingly provide my seat. I know that there are demonstrators who, by their treacherous ways, want to storm my castle and dislodge me.

I know their plans. I know their treacherous schemes, their seditious whispers come my way, carried to me by the ever-loyal crows that flutter hither and thither spreading my dark message and feeding me replies that I feed voraciously by way of much-needed sustenance.

I well know that some will come like a thief in the night and premeditatedly seek to slash my throat and leave me to bleed to death, my life leaking from their many wounds, and therefore I must keep my own. Defenses and search for these unfaithful enemies. I know their game and they have it in my sights. They can’t get me here though.

My dedicated lieutenants guard the path to this castle and will reject all who approach me with wrong intentions. I know that they will not deviate from their master’s protection because I made them in my image to enable them to perform their parts. Equipped with black weapons that cut and tear, cutting down anyone who dares to harm me.

No one can land that killing blow against me though. I am as wise to their schemes of mischief and assassination and smell the blatant betrayal that drips like an ikor from them as easily as I can detect the scent of a lily or honeysuckle.

Heavy lies the crown that falls on my head, for I bear the burden of many for me.
It is not easy to guide and detain those souls who look to Me for protection and enlightenment. How they flock to my castle when I stand on my porch and give them the grace of my golden rule.

They prostrate themselves before me in their thousands of tangible admiration and gratitude and allow me to drink deeply from their worship. In return, I guarantee, these dedicated people are going through a golden age, an era of favor, and gaiety, so they keep gathering under me on their knees bent in the hope of catching a glimpse of their best ruler. No role for those with a weak heart.

Read : What Is Narcissistic Gaslighting? 7 Signs It’s Happening To You, From Therapists

And he who lacks patience cannot sit on this throne, because only the great and the blessed can capture the hopes of a thousand followers and give them their time in the sun. Only he who is revered and from such a height can provide such succor to the many who call for such guidance in such dark times. My space allows them to thrive because they tend to these fertile lands.

My leadership provided them with reason to till the land, sow their seed, and gather the fruits of the kingdom in my name. Only Karami can bloom in such a period of abundance.

More often than not, I have to put some of them in the shadows and turn off the golden pillar of light that lit up their realm. I do this with a heavy heart because they have shown me some service but now do me little, and therefore they must understand that such grace and beauty are within my gift, and as I bestow it, I can deny it.

Their howling and wailing in pain and protest always confirm that my decision was the right one and I am making a great living out of their misery. Yet such is the strong attraction to one such as myself that they do not leave or sneak away to distant lands, but instead remain, enduring tortures and crying out to me, begging my forgiveness and begging for my gold back. ruling era.

I am not an evil man, though many spread such falsehoods as I am, and as such I will, from time to time, allow this golden light of life and goodness to honor their lives again, and their relief and gratitude shall be most upon them.

I must sit every day on this throne above my mountain castle and ensure the welfare and good order of my subjects to ensure that the daily harvest is strong, bountiful, and effective.

Few can do that as effectively as I can. I have yet to meet them, but I know they exist, and rule lands far from mine in a manner very similar to mine. Every day I must put some people to shadow and shame, and every day I must bring others back into the fold. They cannot exist without me and I cannot exist without them. I am theirs, and I and the Earth are one.

Read : 5 Ways Being Raised By A Narcissist Negatively Affects Your Life

Today the heavy crown lies over my head but I know that tomorrow the harvest will be greater and therefore I will lighten the weight and lift up my head to let my eyes of gold and black look upon every one of my subjects. With the eye, as if asking them what they will do for me today.

Heavy lies the burden that they will carry for their king. Heavy lies their duty to their king. Heavy invisible yokes lie around their necks and chains that I will snatch in order to ensure that this heavy weight will not be heavy anymore.