What nobody tells you about narcissists is that they excel in disguise and a girl going out with a narcissist will only realize it when it is too late.
When she is alone, broken, and forced to pick up her own crumbs. It will take an enormous amount of time to heal because after frequenting a narcissist, the consequences are dire.
A girl who has been with a narcissist will see her self-esteem diminish.
After her relationship with a narcissist, she will be completely lost. Her self-esteem will be at its lowest point – if she has any left, once that narcissist is done with her. She will lose her dignity, all the love and faith she could have had in her before this narcissist entered her life.
A girl who has been with a narcissist will be weak and constantly afraid.
The consequences after dating a toxic man will be very clear even if she does her best to hide her fear or the fact that everything in the world touches her; You won’t succeed. Everything about her – her eyes, the way she reacts if a stranger approaches her – everything indicates her great weakness stemming from her past.
A girl who has been with a narcissist will only smile because she has to.
She will not want to smile, but to prevent her loved ones from worrying, she will adorn her face with a smile. You will forget the meaning of happiness and you will not laugh out loud for a very long time. This is the price she will have to pay for allowing a narcissist into her life.
A girl who has been with a narcissist will avoid talking about what happened.
It will develop its own defense mechanisms. She will be on edge, she will avoid people and try to keep herself as busy as possible to forget what she had to go through and the hell she went through by facing the consequences of her relationship with a narcissist.
A girl who has been with a narcissistic person will have best friends, anxiety, and depression.
This may not have been the case at first. She may not have been anxious or depressed, but going out with a narcissist came at a cost. In general, anxiety and depression are side effects of a toxic relationship and it will take some time before you feel “normal” again.
Recovering from a relationship with a narcissist and its consequences will not be easy.
The recovery will be long and difficult and many will not understand why it has taken so long and why it is not “over” yet. Only those who care enough about her will stay as long as she needs. Only those who truly love him will be by his side all the time and will be his biggest support because he will not be able to cope on his own.
A girl who has been with a narcissist forgets that there is good in people.
You find this difficult to understand because you have probably never witnessed anything like this before and you should feel glad that you survived it. Unfortunately, this was not his case. I fell in love with the bad boy and lost a lot there. But the worst thing is that she thinks that there is no good person left in the world. She is unable to see him because her past has forced her to see her tormentor in everyone she meets.
She is not recovering from a lost love or even a failed relationship, but from a real war.
She will not easily recover from what happened to her. It will take longer than you think. Your impatience will only hurt her. If you don’t help him, at least try not to make it worse by judging him.
Do you think she doesn’t want to be normal or happy or be who she was before she landed in the narcissist’s lair? She wants to, but she doesn’t know how to do it.
She needs to be constantly reassured.
It’s been a long time since I forgot what it means to be brave – not to be terrified or to have to be careful. I forgot what it was like to not see evil everywhere.
So, she will need you to tell her regularly that the nightmare is over and that everything will be okay. She will need you to tell her that she no longer needs to be afraid and that she no longer needs to worry because now you are there and you will be her rock.
You will find it very difficult to trust.
Her past has taught her not to trust anyone because the person she believes is closest to her is the one who brings her closest to hell. That’s why she will be suspicious as soon as someone tries to enter her life.
She will doubt every good deed towards her, believing that she will have to pay for it later – and that she will pay for it for a very long time.
She will need some time before welcoming someone else into her life or falling in love again.
Love is now a strange and unknown feeling in his eyes. What she thought was love finally turned into a very toxic feeling that left her a prisoner bound by her torturer.
She will refrain from developing feelings for someone, especially love. Here’s how bruised she is.
You will constantly apologize. And because she’s been through hell, she’ll need to apologize — even when it’s not worth it. I’ve learned that the best way to avoid emotional abuse is to take responsibility for everything, and that’s what I did when I went out with a narcissist.
She’s going to have a really hard time letting go of this, so don’t be surprised when you hear her say “I’m sorry” for something small. It is a defense mechanism and it will take time to get rid of it.
She will hide her feelings.
In his previous relationship with a narcissist, the “feeling” always came at a price. The more she expressed his feelings, the worse he treated her. This is why you will find it difficult to know what you really feel.
She will be afraid that you will be clingy, too emotional, too sensitive, or even dull with all her feelings. She will be afraid that you don’t understand, so she will choose ease and choose to stifle what she feels.
His recovery will not be easy.
She will have frequent mood swings. She often wants to isolate herself and will protect her heart more than anyone else. You will need to constantly reassure her – you will have to prove to her day after day that you are there, that you are not leaving and that you understand what happened to her.
You will have to show her that she is not alone, that you care for her, and that together you will be able to overcome everything that happens. It will take a lot of time and she may never become the person you want her to be. And all of this will be overwhelming at times.
But it’s worth it.
It’s not her fault that she’s like this now. She doesn’t know how to live otherwise. It’s unusual – or at least it was before falling into the narcissist’s clutches – but it will get better.
It will take a lot of work but she will eventually become a normal person again.
She needs someone to show her that there are still good people on Earth. She deserves someone who will not only talk, but will also be there for her, and will make and keep promises.
She needs someone to put her first after she was the last priority for so long. She needs someone to show her her importance and a shoulder to lean on.
She needs someone to help her heal and show her that life has more to offer her than what she experienced with a narcissist. She needs a good man to free herself from the consequences of her relationship with a narcissist.
So, if you care about her, care enough to be that good man. She deserves the love she gave to the wrong person. It deserves to be counted.
This extraordinary girl is still in it. This girl, ready to conquer the world and destined to live fully, still exists – she simply disappeared for a moment because she was broken and then afraid. Show her that there is no need to be afraid and that all your efforts will be meaningful once she recovers