Going No Contact With Your Narcissistic Grandmother

Not having contact with a narcissistic grandmother can be a difficult and daunting task. Not only will you have to face the prospect of dealing with your complex emotions surrounding the decision, but you may also face narcissistic rage from your grandmother and rejection from other family members who may not understand why you chose this path.

Not having contact with a narcissistic grandmother can be difficult and stressful at times, but it is often necessary when our mental health and safety are at stake due to the continuation of unhealthy relationships.

This article will explore the implications of not contacting a narcissistic grandparent, including potential reactions from both the grandparent and other family members.

Make the decision not to contact your narcissistic grandmother

Here are some tips for overcoming the challenges of cutting off contact with a narcissistic grandmother.

Acknowledge your feelings

Realize that this process will trigger strong emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, sadness, and uncertainty.

Related : Breaking Free: Overcoming the Challenges of Malicious Parent Syndrome

Allow yourself to feel these feelings instead of suppressing them because they will help you move forward in the healing process.

Take time to meditate

Think about why you chose to cut off contact with your grandmother and make sure you understand why this decision is necessary for your mental health and safety, especially if it conflicts with your family or cultural norms.

This could involve not responding to certain calls or emails or refraining from discussing certain topics.

Set boundaries

Draw a line between healthy interaction and unhealthy interaction by setting firm boundaries so that all family members understand and respect your decision.

Ask for support

Reach out to friends and family members who can provide emotional support throughout this process.

Having someone who understands what you’re going through can be incredibly helpful when going through tough times like these.

Reframe your thoughts

Take time to reframe negative thoughts about yourself or your choice not to contact your grandmother into more positive thoughts such as “I’m taking care of my mental health by rethinking how I interact with it” or “I’m setting healthy boundaries.” “Because I respect myself enough to not allow toxic interactions” – This can help maintain a more positive outlook on the situation.

Cutting ties with someone we love can be difficult, and even more difficult when it comes to our beloved grandparent, but sometimes it is the safest option we have to protect ourselves from toxicity and manipulation in relationships.

Related : Walking Away From a Narcissistic Mother

By acknowledging our feelings surrounding this decision, reflecting on why we chose not to contact, setting boundaries, asking for support, and reframing our thoughts accordingly, we can take steps toward healing from any hurt caused by maintaining an unhealthy relationship dynamic with a narcissistic relative. Like our grandmothers.

Reactions from your narcissistic grandfather

denial. Their first reaction will be to dismiss the possibility that you have already made the decision not to contact them.

They will be sure to be able to manipulate you back into the relationship.

Narcissistic rage. Narcissists hate to be put down, and your narcissistic grandmother will likely be angry when she realizes you have the courage to take a stand.

prediction. Once the anger subsides, they will use projection to blame you for everything that is wrong in the relationship.

Because let’s face it, it’s never the narcissist’s fault.

They will also likely use various techniques to try to manipulate you into getting you back into a relationship with them. Here are some examples.

Guilt tripping. They will suddenly start suffering from multiple illnesses and use other family members to tell you that they are heartbroken.

Making false promises. They will resort to faking it in the future, making promises they have no intention of keeping.

Great displays of affection and love. They will likely bombard you with gifts and invitations and try to manipulate you into changing your mind.

Using threats or blackmail. If all else fails, they will likely resort to coercion, for example by threatening to remove you from their will if you do not change your mind.

Feedback from other family members

Family members may react differently when you tell them about your decision not to have contact with a narcissistic grandmother.

Some may be understanding and supportive, while others may feel shocked or angry.

Here are some tips on how to communicate with family members after making the decision to no longer contact your narcissistic grandmother:

be honest. Explain your thoughts and feelings in a clear and concise way.

Avoid labeling or blaming. Focus on explaining why you need to take this step and how it will benefit you in the long run, rather than negatively labeling or blaming anyone else.

Keep in mind that it’s not your job to diagnose personality disorders, so don’t use any of these terms.

Acknowledge their point of view. Let them know that you understand and respect their point of view, even if it’s not like yours.

Focus on yourself. Remember, it’s ultimately about making the best choice for yourself, rather than trying to please others or change their minds.

It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique perspective and may not always agree with your decision.

They may try to convince you otherwise, but in the end it should be up to you and the choice should be respected by those close to you.

FinalThoughts on No Contact with a Narcissistic Grandmother

Not having contact with a narcissistic grandmother can be a difficult and emotionally exhausting experience.

It is important to always keep in mind that you are making the best decision for yourself, and to maintain respect for all family members throughout the process.

It may take some time for everyone to adjust, but with honest communication and understanding, it is possible to maintain relationships within the family while still taking care of yourself first and foremost.