Five Ways to Make Narcissists Run From You

Narcissists are often drawn to people they can manipulate or control, feeding off attention, admiration, and emotional responses. However, it is possible to set firm boundaries that make narcissists uncomfortable and ultimately force them to distance themselves from you. Here are five effective strategies to make narcissists run from you:

1. Establish and Maintain Strong Boundaries

Narcissists thrive on violating personal boundaries because it allows them to exert control over others. To protect yourself, it’s crucial to set clear, firm boundaries and enforce them consistently. This might mean:

  • Limiting how much time you spend with them.
  • Refusing to engage in certain conversations or behaviors that make you uncomfortable.
  • Clearly stating what is and is not acceptable in your interactions.

When a narcissist realizes they can’t cross your boundaries or manipulate you as they wish, they often lose interest and seek someone else who is easier to control.

Tip: Use assertive language such as “I will not tolerate being spoken to like this” or “This is not up for discussion.”

2. Stop Feeding Their Ego

Narcissists rely heavily on external validation to maintain their inflated sense of self-worth. They often manipulate others into providing them with admiration, praise, or sympathy. By refusing to feed their ego, you can disrupt this dynamic. You can:

  • Avoid giving excessive compliments or attention.
  • Refuse to engage in their self-centered conversations or inflated stories.
  • Withhold sympathy when they attempt to play the victim or seek pity.

When a narcissist no longer receives the praise and admiration they crave, they will likely feel frustrated and seek attention elsewhere.

Tip: Stay neutral in your responses, and avoid overly reacting to their provocations. Keeping your emotional distance can make them feel less powerful.

3. Remain Emotionally Detached

Narcissists often manipulate people by eliciting emotional responses, whether it’s anger, sadness, or guilt. The more reactive you are, the more control they feel they have over you. One of the most effective ways to repel a narcissist is by maintaining emotional detachment. This means:

  • Not reacting to their provocations or attempts to push your buttons.
  • Staying calm and composed, no matter how hard they try to upset you.
  • Refusing to engage in their emotional games or drama.

When a narcissist realizes they can’t provoke an emotional response, they lose their grip on you, making them less likely to stick around.

Related : Do Narcissists Really Hate You?

Tip: Practice gray rock technique, where you make your responses as bland and uninteresting as possible to avoid feeding into their need for attention.

4. Refuse to Be Manipulated

Narcissists are master manipulators, often using tactics such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail to get their way. To make a narcissist run, you must recognize these manipulative strategies and refuse to fall for them. Some ways to do this include:

  • Calling out manipulation when you see it. For example, saying, “I see what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work.”
  • Staying true to your decisions and not allowing the narcissist to sway you with emotional appeals.
  • Trusting your perception of reality and not letting the narcissist gaslight you into doubting yourself.

When a narcissist realizes their manipulation no longer works on you, they often move on to someone else who is more easily influenced.

Tip: Be firm in your stance and avoid explaining or justifying yourself excessively. Narcissists love to argue and twist your words, so keep your responses short and direct.

5. Build a Strong Support System

Narcissists often isolate their targets from friends and family to increase their control over them. By building a strong support system, you can prevent this isolation and protect yourself from their influence. Surrounding yourself with people who respect your boundaries and offer emotional support can:

  • Provide you with validation and help you resist the narcissist’s manipulation.
  • Help you maintain perspective when dealing with a narcissist’s behavior.
  • Give you the strength to stand firm in your boundaries and decisions.

Narcissists often shy away from people who have strong networks of support because they are less vulnerable and harder to control.

Tip: Talk openly with trusted friends or a therapist about your experiences with the narcissist. Having a sounding board can reinforce your sense of self-worth and help you stand up to manipulation.


Dealing with a narcissist can be draining and emotionally exhausting, but by setting firm boundaries, refusing to feed their ego, maintaining emotional detachment, rejecting manipulation, and building a strong support system, you can make them uncomfortable enough to run from you. These strategies empower you to take control of your interactions and protect yourself from their toxic behavior. Over time, narcissists will seek out easier targets and leave you in peace, allowing you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life free from their influence.

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