If you want to watch people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or strong narcissistic traits, look no further than your television.
There are many memorable movie characters who display the core characteristics of narcissism: an inflated sense of self, a lack of empathy, an unrepentant exploitation of others, and an excessive focus on oneself.
Here are some of the most famous narcissistic characters portrayed in movies:
Miranda Priestly
Movie: The Devil Wears Prada
Starring: Meryl Streep
Overview: This is a character with NPD that will stick in your mind.
Gilderoy Lockhart
Movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Starring: Kenneth Branagh
Overview: This is the definition of narcissism. Lockhart is hilarious. One of the funniest moments in the series is when Lockhart talks to Harry while he’s in detention and says, “Fame is a fickle friend, Harry.
Fame is what celebrity does. Remember that.” Turn around and smile
He goes so far as to fake his fame and risk the deaths of several students just to satisfy his ego.
Zaphod Beeblebrooks
Movie: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Played by: Sam Rockwell
Movie synopsis: Zaphod (Sam Rockwell) is great and Rockwell plays him well – he’s fun to play.
Related : List of Famous People with Narcissism
Patrick Bateman
Movie: American Psycho
Played by: Christian Bale
Movie synopsis: Bale plays the role with ease. He’s an absolutely unforgettable character with some very iconic scenes.
Kieran Vollard
Movie: Dinner for Schmucks
Starring: Jemaine Clements
Movie synopsis: Whether you like the movie or not, most people will agree that Jemaine Clements was the best part of it.
Steve Stifler
Movie: The American Pie Trilogy
Starring: Seann William Scott
Movie Synopsis: Stifler thinks he’s attractive, almost to the point of annoying.
But he’s not without his own insecurities.
He may not be a true narcissist like the rest of the people on this list – it’s just a facade, at least in part.
But there’s no doubt he has self-respect, and he’s funny when he thinks he is.
Derek Zoolander
Movie: Zoolander
Starring: Ben Stiller
Movie synopsis: “I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously handsome.
“And I plan to find out what that is.”
Aldous Snow
Movie: Forgetting Sarah Marshall/Get Him to the Greek
Played by: Russell Brand
Movie synopsis: Russell Brand was hilarious in both movies – they’re clearly the best parts of both movies.
Movie: The Princess Bride
Played by: Wallace Shawn
Movie synopsis: Vizzini: “I can’t compete with you physically, and you’re not a competitor with my mind.” Westley: “Are you that smart?” Vizzini: “Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?” Westley: “Yes.” Vizzini: “Stupid.”
Ron Burgundy
Movie: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Played by: Will Ferrell
Movie synopsis: Narcissism is right there in the title! He’s a fun character, immersed in his own little world.
Gregory Anton
Movie: Gaslight
Starring: Charles Boyer
Movie synopsis: This classic movie is the origin of the term gaslighting, referring to how a narcissist (or other abusive person) lies to you to make you doubt your own experience of reality.
Although the movie is a bit dated now (it was made in the 1940s), it’s still very engaging and terrifying.
The narcissist in this movie, Gregory Anton, is deliberately trying to drive his new wife crazy in order to inherit her.
Anyone interested in learning more about malignant narcissistic personality disorder should watch it.
Joan Crawford
Movie: Mommie Dearest
Starring: Faye Dunaway
Synopsis: A classic. It’s the true story of complete narcissism Joan Crawford and her daughter Christina.
This is a terrifyingly accurate portrayal of the hell that comes with being raised by a narcissist.
Related : 12 Famous People with Borderline Personality Disorder
Movie: White Oleander
Played by: Michelle Pfeiffer
Synopsis: Michelle Pfeiffer plays the narcissistic mother in this amazing film, and she does it beautifully.
Scarlett O’Hara
Movie: Gone With the Wind
Played by: Vivien Leigh
Synopsis: Scarlett O’Hara is a complete narcissist in this classic story.