If you have ever looked at someone and thought they must be ruled by Satan, you are probably not far from reality.
People are far more evil than we tend to think, and sometimes they are so skilled at what they do that it takes us years to realize how evil they really are.
But this is not your fault. They are master manipulators. They take advantage of every advantage of people to get what they want, get the things they want, and leave people feeling lost and broken.
There are a lot of them out there, and you probably interact with a bad guy regularly but just decided to classify him as an idiot.
Turns out they might be a lot more than that.
Signs of an evil person
I think there are 20 signs that someone you know is an evil person or a toxic person. Check them out:
1) They enjoy watching others suffer.
If they laugh or smile even slightly at the thought or sight of someone suffering, it could mean that there is a problem.
In general, we think karma can be a funny thing, but when someone seems genuinely tickled by someone else’s pain, they can be evil.
This reaction is actually known as schadenfreude.
According to Adrian Furnham, Ph.D. In Psychology Today, it is defined as “the wonderful joy and overbearing satisfaction resulting from the contemplation and enjoyment of the misfortune of others.”
No one should look down on someone’s pain in order to get pleasure for themselves.
2) They need to control everything.
The bad guys need to get what they want, and they will do everything they can to ensure that.
At every turn, they bring their opinions and actions into the situation to make sure it goes a certain way.
At first glance, people who appear to be control freaks appear to be anxious or people who “just” like things, but if you look closely, they are people who always get what they want and will wear any face to get it.
3) They manipulate everyone.
Like lying, evil people manipulate people and situations into submission to their will. They will cry to divert attention from you to them.
They will make a fuss if they don’t get their way, and they will feel guilty about people doing things for them.
It’s scary when bad guys go to great lengths to bend fate in their favor.
They will even like to pound you to make you feel good, and then they will use that feeling to manipulate you.
If there are selfish people in your life trying to manipulate you, you simply have to learn how to stand up for yourself.
Because you have a choice.
4) They hide who they really are.
lie a lot? The bad guys do this because they don’t want you to see them for who they really are.
After all, who wants to admit they’re actually evil?
Not many people are proud of this type of title. So they hide their truth as much as possible, and this means falling for lies on many occasions.
5) They leave you feeling weird whenever you’re around them.
If you feel exhausted and tired after being around someone who is really evil, your stomach gets weird when you’re around them, and something about them just doesn’t suit you; You must be busy with something.
Don’t ignore your gut instincts towards people. You are usually right.
6) They show no remorse.
Even after hurting someone, whether by accident or on purpose, he shows no remorse.
You see this in the courtroom when murderers accept their sentence without bating an eyelid, but you don’t usually see that in a boardroom.
However, this happens more often than we’d like to admit.
And you can be sure that people who don’t show any emotions are not good people.
7) They are mean to others.
Why would one person be mean or cruel to another person? Aren’t we all just trying to get through this life together?
It turns out that bad guys take great pleasure in hurting others, and if your friend is always stabbing someone in the back, he’s probably not your friend at all. It is very difficult to deal with them.
8) They don’t take responsibility for their actions.
There is no situation where an evil person stands up and says, “Yeah, that was my fault.”
They always blame someone else when something goes wrong and they love to play the victim.
They simply will not be held responsible for any of their wrongful actions.
9) They come with a good reputation.
If you’ve heard of this person before actually meeting them, the reputation is likely correct.
Most of the time, a person’s reputation actually precedes them, and if you get weird feelings along with that reputation, you’re probably right in assuming that something isn’t right with that person.
10) They only come when they need something.
What’s worse than a friend who stabs you in the back?
The friend who only calls when he needs something.
This usually means that you need to do your best to help them, which you do, because they fall into a guilt-ridden journey of making you do the things they want you to do – every time.
11) They laugh at other people’s misfortunes.
While it might be funny to watch a popular video of someone falling on their face while on the road, in real life it’s not quite as funny.
If you find someone in your life enjoying someone else’s misfortune, it may be because they are toxic.
They may tell you that it’s all in fun, but the truth is that toxic people don’t have enough of seeing things from other people’s point of view, and what may seem funny to them is very annoying to others.
When you think about it, it’s pretty scary for someone to laugh at someone else’s injury.
12) You get a weird vibe from them.
No matter what they do, you can’t seem to relax around them, and you keep thinking they’re going to say or do something inappropriate.
Evil people don’t know what boundaries are, and they like to push them anyway, so it doesn’t matter if they are aware of any boundaries you have in your life.
Sometimes, you’ll feel this strong that you can’t be close to someone without really knowing why.
Pay attention to what your gut is telling you – your body can pick up bad vibes from other bodies and will try to make you see what kind of person is really in front of you.
13) They assault animals.
It’s hard to believe that people are mean to animals, but it happens every day. And if the person in your life doesn’t mistreat animals, but just ignores them, it can be just as bad.
People who have no connection with other living beings are not only toxic; It is believed that they are some kind of evil. They don’t have a soul.
Furthermore, people who hurt animals often go on to hurt people, so stay away from people who are not kind to animals.
14) They think it’s funny when they insult you.
There is something sick and twisted about someone trying to laugh at you and insult you while trying to be funny.
The two don’t go together, and it’s even worse when people try to undermine you with humor.
It is not comfortable for everyone. Toxic people don’t understand how to use humor, and this is a clear sign that you should stay away from them.
Getting a toxic person out of your life is harder than you think, so be sure to look out for these signs before you get into a relationship with someone and save yourself a lot of trouble.
15) Evil people lie. a lot.
Whether they’re lying about the grocery bill or the weather, they find something to lie about on a regular basis. They can’t help it.
They need to complain or exaggerate life to make it interesting. This is usually done at the expense of others, and they will lie about others as well.
It’s embarrassing to catch someone lying, but that doesn’t mean you have to be ashamed of accusing someone of their lies.
This may mean that you can’t work with or be with someone anymore if their lies begin to affect your life, but it is a necessary step to remove the toxic person from your life.
16) Bad guys manipulate everything and everyone.
You’ll know a toxic person when they try to get everyone to do everything for them.
They will find a way to make someone do anything they want, and this is usually accomplished by making someone feel bad, belittling them, or being mean to them.
17) They make people feel stupid.
Whether you share a dream or a fear, a toxic person will find a way to tell you they’re stupid.
This can be devastating for a number of reasons, not least because it makes you feel like they don’t care about you and what’s going on.
This is common in abusive relationships, but also between friends where one is toxic and takes his thoughts and feelings out of the other, who is apparently the weaker friend.
18) They don’t know what guilt is.
One of the strangest things about an evil person is that they don’t feel bad about their own actions.
They will never apologize for what they did unless it helped them in some way; Think of abusive relationships where one partner vows never to “do it again” and then turns around and does it again. It’s called a treadmill for a reason.
19) The bad guys don’t get it.
One of the big red flags about a toxic and evil person is that they cannot feel empathy.
No matter the situation, they can’t put themselves in someone else’s shoes…or they don’t want to. If you come across someone who can’t see the misery they’re causing, they’re probably toxic.
20) It’s all about them.
They will manipulate or lie to get anything they want. How they affect others simply does not matter.
If you’re in their way, beware, because they won’t feel sorry for hurting your feelings to get what they want.
(Manipulative and toxic people can only ruin your life if you let them. Learn how to stand up for yourself by embracing your inner beast. Find out how in Ideapod’s free course)
How to deal with an evil person
1) Get angry
Here’s a counterintuitive piece of advice if you want to break free from bad guys: get angry with them.
I believe that anger can be an excellent motivator to make real change in your life. Including moving on from toxic relationships.
Before I explain why, I have a question for you:
How do you deal with your anger?
If you’re like most people, you suppress it. You focus on having good feelings and thinking positive thoughts.
thats understood. We have been taught throughout our lives to look on the bright side. The key to happiness is simply to hide your anger and envision a better future.