ENTJ Personality Type: Common Strengths And Areas For Growth Of The Commander

The Myers-Briggs Indicator (MBTI) personality test was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, and has been used by millions of people to understand individual personality and use that knowledge to enhance everyday life.

This assessment can be a valuable tool for developing a deeper understanding of yourself and others, and may help you better leverage your strengths and manage your areas of growth. Based on the assessment, there are 16 personality types. One such type is the ENTJ, who is often called the “leader.” To understand this personality type further, learning about the traits assigned to it can be helpful.

An overview of the ENTJ or leader personality type

The MBTI assessment identifies 16 possible personality types, divided into four broader categories. These types are listed below:

Analysts: Architect (INTJ), Logician (INTP), Leader (ENTJ), Debater (ENTP)

Diplomats: Lawyer (INFJ), Mediator (INFP), Champion (ENFJ), Fighter (ENFP)

Guards: Logistician (ISTJ), Defender (ISFJ), Executive (ESTJ), Consul (ESFJ)

Explorers: Gifted (ISTP), Adventurer (ISFP), Entrepreneur (ESTP), Artist (ESFP)

ENTJ is referred to as “The Leader,” which is short for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judgment. These features include:

Extraversion: ENTJs are often motivated by interacting with people. They are sociable and generally have a wide circle of acquaintances. Social events activate the ENTJ personality type.

Intuition: ENTJ focuses on the “big picture” and future possibilities; They tend to pay less attention to details and the current situation. The finished product interests the ENTJ more than the steps taken to get there.

Thinking: ENTJ bases their decisions on logical, objective facts. ENTJ personality types may not focus on emotions and social values when making decisions.

Verdict: ENTJs are quick planners and decision makers. The ENTJ personality type likes predictability and often tries to envision different outcomes to plan and control situations.

ENTJs may be organised, reliable, and leadership due to their innate ability to influence others. In addition, ENTJs can sometimes be insensitive to the needs of others, impatient, and intolerant. They may appear harsh on those who do not meet their high standards and whom they view as ineffective or incompetent.

Traits common among ENTJs

While each individual is unique, according to MBTI types, certain traits tend to be shared among ENTJs, including the following.

ENTJs can be effective

The ENTJ personality type is said to be exceptionally effective and organized in planning a long-term strategy to achieve a mission. They may set realistic goals and can always succeed in achieving them. ENTJs often dislike inefficiency, seeing it as a waste of time and energy that can delay or spoil the results they want.

ENTJs can be independent decision makers

ENTJ personality types are often strong-willed and may not be influenced by the opinions and ideas of others. They often see the world in a logical, straightforward way and may ignore emotional and social considerations when making decisions.

ENTJ may feel confident

ENTJs are often assertive and outspoken because they can be confident in their abilities. They may not be bothered by conflict and criticism, and they may try to impose their worldview on others, and they often succeed in doing so.

ENTJs may believe that they can achieve anything they set out to do, and they often achieve their goals because of their ambition. While ENTJ personality types are often outgoing, charismatic, and natural leaders, they can also intimidate others if they display arrogance or insensitivity.

ENTJs can be strong

ENTJ personality types often like to be in positions of power. They may enjoy taking charge of situations they believe are out of control, putting aside their own needs and the needs of others until tasks are completed.

ENTJs can be career-oriented

ENTJs are often work-focused and may have difficulty making time for other activities. If they have interests or hobbies outside of their careers, they may hold leadership positions in clubs or community organizations. They may also be inclined to play competitive sports, including when it helps advance their career.

ENTJs may like a challenge

Whether in the workplace or at a dinner party, the ENTJ personality type often loves a challenge. These individuals may wander across the world looking for problems to solve believing they have the best solutions. They can respect people who engage in lively and challenging discussions with them, but their strong personalities sometimes discourage others from engaging with them.

ENTJs may enjoy leadership roles

Any career that offers an ENTJ a leadership role is often a valuable choice for them. ENTJs may succeed as politicians, judges, and businessmen, but they often succeed in whatever career they choose because of their talent for strategic thinking and willpower.

ENTJs can make difficult partners

The ENTJ personality type can be challenging, as they can have high expectations of themselves, their partners, and their children. These individuals may be bossy about how they want their homes organized and organized, often with strict rules that they expect to be followed.

In addition, ENTJs can be rational and consistent with their children. They may not take their partner’s or children’s feelings into consideration in disagreements, and may not take the time to listen to family grievances due to impatience. However, ENTJs are not necessarily heartless or unemotional. They may have deep feelings for others but they keep these feelings close to their hearts and reveal them in intimate moments.

ENTJ strengths

With these shared traits in mind, it may also be helpful to recognize some of the strengths an ENTJ may possess, including the following.


The ENTJ personality type often has a natural talent for recognizing and implementing the best use of time and resources to reach a goal. This skill can be useful for jobs such as operations managers or CEOs.


ENTJs are often confident in their skills and abilities. Personality types are often confident and do not hesitate to express their opinions. They often know that they have strong leadership abilities, which can help them succeed in their careers.


ENTJs are often strategic thinkers. The ENTJ personality type may examine all sides of any problem and find a permanent solution rather than a short-term fix. This ability to lead and solve problems in teams can help groups develop solutions quickly and efficiently.


ENTJ personality types may not believe in giving up. They may overcome and move beyond obstacles, keeping in mind the lessons they have learned as they go. These individuals may find that they often achieve their goals.


ENTJs often see challenges rather than problems. This personality type can handle many issues that may prevent them from reaching their goal. While others may feel overwhelmed and helpless when faced with a complex challenge, ENTJs are often cheerful and energetic.


ENTJ personality types often use their charisma to inspire others to follow in their footsteps to achieve their ambitions.

Areas of growth for ENTJ personality

Meanwhile, some common ENTJ weaknesses can include:

Domination and stubbornness

An ENTJ’s confidence in his own abilities can prevent him from entertaining someone else’s ideas and opinions. The ENTJ personality type may be competitive, trying to win every argument and pushing their vision without consideration for the people around them. They can become ineffective leaders if they take their dominance and confidence too far.

ENTJs may work on this by taking time to listen to other ideas and thinking about how others can expand their ideas. In a leadership position, it may be helpful to listen to other viewpoints, even if you think your ideas are the most competent.


ENTJs can be arrogant. Because ENTJ personality types are often praised for their great leadership, strategic thinking, and problem-solving talents, they may become overly self-confident and arrogant.

ENTJs who leave praise to their heads may look down on those who have a different point of view. The ENTJ personality type who acts arrogantly can have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.


ENTJs may feel intolerant and impatient with people they believe are ineffective or who they disagree with. They may appear to be direct, telling people exactly what they think, perhaps with little regard or respect for their feelings or boundaries.

ENTJ personality types tend to be quick thinkers and may ignore those who don’t keep up with them. Their disregard for those they consider inferior can lead them to misinterpret or miss valuable insights from those around them.

Difficulty with emotions

ENTJs may have difficulty with emotional intelligence. ENTJ personality types often view emotional expression as a weakness and may rarely show emotions themselves. In these cases, it may be helpful to talk to a counselor and work through emotional expression strategies. Studies show that suppressing emotions can worsen physical and mental health and have long-term consequences.

Treatment options for ENTJs

Each person has unique strengths and areas for growth. Sometimes, it can be helpful to work with a trained professional to learn how to best leverage your strengths and build on these areas for growth. A counselor can help you understand your personality type while providing a personalized plan. Some ENTJs may struggle with emotional intelligence, so working with a therapist can help them strengthen their interpersonal skills and increase emotional intelligence. You don’t have to have a profound mental illness or challenge to see a counselor, and more than 41.7 million American adults currently see a therapist, showing just how widespread this treatment is in society.

Since ENTJs are often career-oriented, many of them may have a busy schedule which makes it difficult to make time for therapy. In this case, online therapy using a platform like BetterHelp can be helpful. With an online therapy platform, you can meet with your therapist wherever you have an internet connection, eliminating the need to commute to and from the office, which may be more convenient.

Research has shown that online interventions can be an effective way to improve emotional intelligence. For example, one study found that emotional intelligence can be trained with the help of an online training program targeting adults. If you’re having trouble identifying or expressing your feelings, you’re not alone, and therapy may support you.