Emotional Abuse Test: 11 Signs of a Toxic Relationship Quiz and Questions to Ask Yourself

Psychological abuse is very good at hiding itself. Many who are stuck in emotionally abusive relationships will answer “No” if someone asks them if they are in an unhealthy relationship. This fact is exactly why, sometimes, we all need to take an emotional abuse test and be honest with ourselves.

Emotional abuse is not only limited to romantic relationships. You may be struggling with a psychologically toxic parent, boss, or friend. These relationships have a way of wreaking havoc on your health and inner peace, often leaving you stumbling around in the dark as you fruitlessly try to pick up the pieces and randomly put them back together.

Knowledge is always power and will enable you to stop living in denial and inadvertently gaslighting yourself. So, take the toxic relationship quiz and face your reality. Get answers because I am being mentally abused, and don’t look back as you move towards your Higher Self.

  1. Possessive and jealous behaviors

Perhaps the most commonly misinterpreted sign of emotional abuse is this person’s jealous of you. Do they want to know everything about what you’re doing and where you’re going? You may feel that this person will psychologically collapse and will not be able to support himself if you leave him or retreat from his life to some extent.

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The problem is that it is very easy to mistake this jealous behavior for super-caring. At first, you might think that this person loves more than anyone else in the past. Finally, I noticed that they are often jealous and seem to resent any attention you receive.

  1. Guilt trips

Does this individual have a way of making you feel as if you are always wrong? Have you unconsciously changed your behavior to make this other person happy? Instead, maybe you somehow end up feeling responsible when things take a bad turn. Notice the person’s language; do they inject emotions into ordinary topics to change the outcome? The feeling of guilt indicates that everything is not rosy on the emotional abuse test.

  1. Forging the future

Does this person make you think that things will get better in the future? Has their behavior or action disappointed you, but have they reassured you that it will never happen again as they are working on themselves? Perhaps they make promises of a distant date or create a detailed vision of how things will turn out by simply sorting out something in their present that hinders them. Emotional abuse quotes are usually full of forgery in the future.

  1. Poor communication

How many issues do you honestly go through and resolve in this relationship? If you approach this person and say you want to discuss things, how do they react? Do they seem happy to sit down and invest time to purify the air, or do they come up with an excuse why they can’t talk to you?

  1. Shifting the blame

Do you take the blame when things go wrong to keep the peace? Does this person find many ways to blame you, even when they were wrong? If someone systematically shifts responsibility to you, he will not pass the toxic relationship test. You may be wondering to yourself, Am I abusive?

  1. Rapid mood changes

Can the environment and mood be completely calm and happy when this person suddenly overcomes anger? Does their face wriggle too quickly in one of the negative emotions? Often, you discover that the only way to improve the atmosphere is to praise this individual, to which they respond in a very positive way. Be careful if you are dealing with a person whose action turns lightning fast.

  1. Emotional neglect

Do you feel that this person is indifferent to many aspects of your life? Maybe you should ask them to pay attention to something that affects you or instruct them how to act to support you. You feel that they are not particularly bothered unless they are directly affected.

  1. Public criticism

Is this person waiting until you are in a public place to make fun of you? Maybe they tell you that it’s just a joke, or that they were teasing you and you misunderstood their intention.

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Do they make so-called jokes about your weight, finances, or other sensitive and personal topics? Emotional abuse quotes can easily be disguised as humor, which keeps the abuser off the hook.

  1. Bad listener

Trying to get this person to listen to what you have to say is a challenge. Do they seem to be constantly distracted or uninterested? People who invest in your health will always be ready to give you their time and attention. If you have to regularly ask this person if they are listening, it is a red flag and a warning sign for anyone who is undergoing an emotional abuse test.

  1. Undermining

Do you feel that something is wrong with you or is your opinion constantly rejected? Maybe they find subtle ways to compare you to someone else, inferring that you are the lesser of the two. After a while, your self-confidence takes a hit, you become less confident in yourself.

  1. Threats and intimidation

How do they respond if you feel dissatisfied with the relationship and start expressing this in person? Do they say intimidating things along the lines of their life is not worth living or even threaten to kill themselves? Perhaps you feel that they may be reading your phone messages or talking about you to others in a bad light. You soon realize it’s a case of playing by this individual’s rules, or the relationship becomes strained.

Final thoughts on the emotional abuse test

Did you recognize these behaviors as abuse on this toxic relationship test? Or did many take you by surprise? If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to reevaluate your connection to this person and how you can better protect yourself moving forward. Denial plays an important role in psychological abuse relationships, so you should get the support you may need to get through this difficult time. You can ask, I’m being mentally abused again and again and doubt yourself all you want, but sometimes outside opinion and help are crucial.

Alternatively, you may have taken a toxic relationship test and wondered, Am I abusive? Nobody’s behavior is a perfect model, and you may have seen yourself in some of these ways of acting. If so, know that confession is always the first step towards emotional healing and that for most people change is possible. To get started, read about how to manage your toxic behaviors and move on to the path of awakening and restoring the soul.

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