After you end your relationship with a narcissist, do you ever wonder that the narcissist loves the new show more than ever?
Does it seem, in no uncertain terms, that the narcissist likes the new show more?
Have you been completely held back by the apparent change the narcissist has made with the new offer, driving you into a depression so deep you can barely make it through the day?
Of the many fears that the neglected narcissist’s partners face, the soul-crushing belief that the narcissist will be better—and deeply loved—the new supply is the worst.
Despite knowing that the narcissist is a pathological (and always unstable) liar, neglected victims are often 100% sure that the narcissist has miraculously begun to follow the line of the new lover.
It’s a miracle, by George! The narcissist has changed! The wounded ex-showrunner sees them on Facebook and Instagram, hears about them from the narcissist themselves, and is told through their shared circle of friends that the narcissist has never been happier.
The narcissist’s friends and family can hardly believe their eyes, and even neighbors are walking around with their mouths impulsive, wondering what it is about the narcissist’s new partner that has instigated such a divine intervention of the narcissist’s crafty ways.
Jeepers, if they change radically in relation to the new partner, then …
… So that must mean something was wrong – their ex, right? And perhaps for this reason, the narcissist has been forced to find love elsewhere. Because the new lover’s love is so heavenly and the depth of their devotion so amazing, the narcissist loves the new supply even more.
They have really changed and they love the new partner more than they could love you.
Let’s take a moment to think.
No one can say that it cannot happen. However, the probability of this happening is very small.
In other words, I can’t guarantee that this event will never happen, but I will bet large sums of money that it won’t.
The prospect of a narcissist being transformed by the new supply – at the same time falling head over heels in such a love that Eros and Aphrodite themselves have blessed – is about the same as building a drone for the Ministry of Defense, all without a tutorial.
The narcissist is a skilled and persuasive actor. After all, they tricked you into thinking you were the love of their lives, maybe even their past lives.
How long have they been able to keep up with the charade? Months? Maybe years?
Then, after the mask started to slip, they probably expected you to keep up appearances in front of everyone. However, when you discovered their lies, online dating profiles, and infidelities, they convinced you that they had plausible justifications for it all.
Maybe, somehow, despite their love crimes, they still wanted you and were in love with you.
And so it will be with the new person.
You see, not only do they have to convince you that they’ve found their soul mate and best friend on the new show, but they have to get everyone involved, too. It is necessary to doubt your memories; Don’t trust that what they did to you was so bad after all. The narcissist has to make you and everyone in a 100-mile radius believe that you are exaggerating everything and – on top of that – delusional and unstable.
Related: Why You Should Never Let Your Loneliness Drive You Back To A Toxic Ex
In other words, the narcissist did nothing wrong and they are just an innocent human being trying to find true love.
What better way to do this than to trap a new source in a web of deception and get them to drink Kool-Aid? And so begins a new round of love bombing, with vacations, a church with the kids, and an engagement ring.
This crusade is a war they can wage for long periods. It is important not to internalize this because the new supply is better than you or has a special kind of love that you cannot give.
The narcissist does not want to be suspected of wrongdoing and does not accept one part of the accountability for his actions, hence the “I changed for someone new” bluff.
The truth about whether a narcissist likes new supplies more
Has the narcissist fallen in love with the new person?
A narcissist may seem happier in the new relationship, and there is a very simple reason for that. The new partner simply does not know the narcissist the way you do.
The narcissist has planted the seeds of a convincing and perplexing scenario in the mind of the new person. In contrast, the new show Narcissist perfectly reflects what a narcissist needs to feel like the best partner and lover a person can have in their life.
At first, the narcissist will go to great lengths to keep this charade going because it fills the eternal void that the narcissist feels.
However, with time, all the acting and falsifying the future will wear on the narcissist as the new partner or friend reveals himself to be just a normal human being, like everyone else, and in so doing, disappoints the narcissist just as much as everyone else. post has.
Every relationship is an epic failure for the narcissist because their expectations are not met. They expect the other person to be perfect and, in combination, to make them perfect.
When this does not happen, they feel deceived, disappointed, and betrayed.
Inevitably, the new show will expose imperfection by having a human flaw, having emotional needs, or by knowing the narcissist isn’t perfect…all sins forbidden in The Narcissist’s Handbook.
How do you know if a narcissist is done with you
Some narcissists leave a relationship and are never heard from again. But this is not the most common scenario.
In many cases, you may be pretty sure the narcissist is gone for good, but then the narcissist will come back on the scene as if it were an old friend who happened to be in town or saw an old photo of you and they “sincerely” want to know how things are going.
Sometimes this happens five or ten years down the road.
This is why you should not waste your precious time trying to find out if the narcissist is done with you or if the narcissist likes the new supply more.
You are the one who should decide that you are done with them.
Narcissists do not change with time.
Narcissists don’t value anything. Don’t confuse this with having no value to you.
Narcissists don’t like anyone, don’t confuse this with being unlovable.
Narcissists cannot appreciate the value and beauty of life, so do not confuse this with being unworthy or not beautiful.
It is natural for a human being to expect emotional connection to return, and it is only natural for you to continue to work harder to restore it because it is not logical that your input is unreciprocated, but that you are dealing with a person whose inner workings are yours. I can’t imagine it.
Narcissists are detached from life; They have no knowledge, experience, or memory of love or care. They cannot appreciate beauty. They are unable to renew themselves; They have no internal resources and are at the mercy of other people who give them what they need.