Do Narcissists Respect Their Partners?

Narcissists are known for their self-centeredness, need for validation, and manipulative behavior. These traits can raise questions about whether narcissists are able to respect their romantic partners. In this article, we will explore the complex dynamics of narcissistic relationships and whether narcissists can truly respect their partners.

Understanding the narcissistic personality

To answer the question of whether narcissists respect their partners, it is important to understand the nature of narcissistic personality traits. Narcissism is characterized by a common pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These traits often lead to selfish behavior and a focus on self-interest.

Superficial respect versus true respect

Narcissists are often able to show superficial respect for their partners when it serves their interests. During the idealization phase of a relationship, they may appear respectful and attentive. However, this respect is often a façade designed to gain admiration and control.

Idealization and undervaluation

Narcissistic relationships tend to follow a cycle of idealization and devaluation. In the idealization stage, partners are placed on a pedestal and showered with attention and affection. This may give the appearance of respect. However, as the relationship progresses, narcissists often devalue their partners, subjecting them to criticism, manipulation, and emotional abuse.

lack of empathy

One of the basic characteristics of narcissism is a lack of empathy. Narcissists struggle to understand or validate the feelings and needs of others, including their partners. This lack of empathy can lead to disrespectful behavior, as they prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their partners.

Entitlement and control

Narcissists often feel that they deserve special treatment and believe that their needs should come first. This sense of entitlement can lead to disrespectful behavior when their partners’ needs or desires conflict with their own. They may seek to control the relationship to ensure that their interests are met.

Related : 7 Signs of An Over-Emotional Histrionic Narcissist

Manipulation and exploitation

Narcissists are skilled manipulators and may exploit their partners for personal gain. This manipulation can manifest in the form of emotional abuse, gaslighting, or coercive control, all of which are disrespectful and harmful to their partners.

Respect vs. tolerance

While narcissists may not genuinely respect their partners in the way that healthy relationships do, they may tolerate them as long as partners continue to provide validation and meet their needs. However, this tolerance is fragile and can turn into a devaluation if the partner no longer serves their interests.


In narcissistic relationships, self-interest, manipulation, and lack of empathy often trump respect. While narcissists may show superficial respect during the idealization stage, it is rarely or always real. Recognizing the complex dynamics of narcissistic relationships is essential for partners to protect their well-being and make informed decisions about their future. Seeking support from therapists or counselors with experience in narcissistic relationships can be helpful in overcoming these difficult dynamics and making choices that prioritize one’s emotional health.