Do Narcissists Prefer to Date Other Narcissists?

Narcissism, characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others, can manifest in various ways in relationships. One intriguing question is whether narcissists are naturally drawn to others with similar personality traits or if they seek out partners who complement their behavior. In this article, we’ll explore the dynamics of narcissistic relationships and whether narcissists tend to prefer dating other narcissists.

Narcissists in Relationships

Before delving into whether narcissists prefer to date each other, it’s essential to understand how narcissists typically behave in relationships:

  1. Attraction to Admirers: Narcissists are often attracted to individuals who provide them with the admiration and validation they crave. They seek partners who boost their self-esteem and reinforce their belief in their exceptionalism.
  2. Manipulative Behavior: Narcissists may use manipulation, charm, or intimidation to achieve their goals and maintain control in relationships. They often prioritize their own needs and desires above their partner’s.
  3. Idealization and Devaluation: Narcissists tend to idealize their partners initially, showering them with attention and affection. However, over time, they may devalue their partners and become critical or emotionally distant.
  4. Conflict and Drama: Narcissistic relationships often involve frequent conflict and drama, as narcissists can be hypersensitive to criticism and have a tendency to react defensively or aggressively.

Do Narcissists Prefer Narcissistic Partners?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether narcissists prefer dating other narcissists, several factors come into play:

  1. Narcissistic Supply: Narcissists thrive on what is known as “narcissistic supply,” which includes admiration, validation, and attention. They are more likely to be attracted to partners who can provide a steady supply of these emotional resources, regardless of whether the partner is a narcissist themselves.
  2. Shared Traits: Some narcissists may be drawn to partners who share similar traits, as they may find it easier to understand and tolerate each other’s behavior. However, this is not a universal preference.
  3. Power and Control: Narcissists often seek power and control in relationships. Whether their partner is also a narcissist or not, the narcissist will attempt to assert dominance and maintain control in the relationship.
  4. Idealization Phase: In the early stages of a relationship, narcissists typically engage in an idealization phase, during which they see their partner as perfect and flawless. Whether the partner is a narcissist or not, they may be idealized during this phase.
  5. Complexity and Variation: Human relationships are complex and multifaceted. While some narcissists may be attracted to similar personalities, others may find fulfillment in more complementary relationships.


The preference of narcissists for dating other narcissists is not straightforward, and it can vary from individual to individual. While some may be drawn to partners who share similar traits, many narcissists are primarily attracted to those who provide them with the admiration and validation they seek. It is essential to remember that narcissistic relationships can be challenging and tumultuous, regardless of whether both partners exhibit narcissistic traits. In any case, healthy and fulfilling relationships prioritize mutual respect, empathy, and open communication, qualities often lacking in narcissistic dynamics.