Do Narcissists Have Feelings? The Other Side of The Ego

Do people with narcissism cry? Narcissists are often called the “bad guy,” but that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings.

It can be easy to think that narcissists don’t show their emotions or feelings. After all, why would they display behaviors associated with remorse, sadness, or empathy?

In fact, narcissism does not mean a lack of feelings. Narcissistic traits are often self-serving rather than altruistic, but the person can still feel emotions.

People with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic traits may laugh like everyone else, although they may have different reasons for doing so.

For example, people who lack empathy (a narcissistic trait) will not feel sad when they see someone else upset, but they may be upset by feeling embarrassed or victimized.

What is narcissism?

The term “narcissism” can be used to describe a personality trait and personality disorder.

Many people express some narcissistic tendencies, but very few people meet the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissistic personality disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as follows:

Behavioral patterns of greatness
The need for admiration
Lack of empathy
Grandiosity is an excessive sense of self-importance. A person living with narcissism may believe that they are physically stronger, smarter, or more

When do narcissists cry?

A person with traits of narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder may cry, but the reasons may not be the same as those for a person without narcissism.

Dr. Thomas J. says: “Narcissists can certainly care about others and their feelings […] but they do so to serve their own needs and desires, as a form of caring,” says Plante, a licensed psychologist and psychology professor from Santa Clara, California. a base.”

This means that a person living with narcissistic traits may cry from remorse or remorse, but not from compassion at its source.

They may feel embarrassed, for example, by being criticized for their role in a traumatic situation. They may feel sad or remorseful because everything that happened paints them in a negative light.

Other myths about narcissism

Not all assumptions about narcissism are as true or clear as you might think. Below, we debunk some myths about narcissism.

Do narcissists care about your feelings?

“Narcissism exists on a spectrum. Someone on the lower end of the narcissism spectrum could be interested in hurting someone else’s feelings,” says Dana Coulthart, a licensed clinical social worker in Edgewater, New Jersey.

Narcissistic personality disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as impaired empathy, meaning that living with severe narcissism suggests that you are less likely to care about the feelings of others.

However, there may be small levels of empathy even for those who meet diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, and some experts suggest that the capacity for empathy can be built to some extent, even if it is difficult.

Do narcissists know they are hurting your feelings?

A person living with narcissism may realize that he or she is causing you distress, but knowing and caring are two different things.

“Their need to protect themselves tends to override consideration of other people’s feelings,” says Diane Kim, a licensed mental health counselor in Kirkland, Washington.

Can narcissists feel love?

“[People with BPD] are generally capable of love, but it is to their own advantage, as a rule, and they may not have the mutuality that most people desire in a relationship,” Plant says.

This may mean that a person with BPD can only love you because of what you do to reinforce their sense of self-importance.