Do Narcissists Enjoy Kissing?

At the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist, there can be a lot of kissing and physical touching. They call and text you all the time, take you out to dinner, and listen to you talk for hours on end. Not to mention lots of honeymoon sex and enjoyment. The thought of whether they like kissing or not never crosses your mind.

Unfortunately, the honeymoon phase ends and the kissing and physical touching stops. You start to notice a few negative comments coming from them, and you might wonder what you did to make things change.

The truth is that the narcissist liked to bomb you to get you hooked. Now, any instigation to kiss and touch may all come from you, in an attempt to rekindle those wonderful early days you shared together.

On the other hand, you may be wondering: Do narcissists enjoy kissing their partners at all? The short answer is yes, they enjoy kissing at first… but not for the same reasons you do.

The Science Behind Kissing

Scientists are still trying to figure out why we humans are one of the few creatures on the planet that feels the need to press another person’s lips and share saliva. Sounds cute when you put it like that, doesn’t it!

But here are some very good arguments why people should share a kiss.

Kissing relaxes you

When we kiss, our brains release feel-good chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin.

Specifically, oxytocin is known as the “love drug,” because it increases endorphins, which make the body feel good. Oxytocin is also known to promote bonding and attachment in humans, as well as create feelings of affection.

Dopamine is released when we do something that feels good, like kissing someone we’re attracted to, which gives us that “high” feeling.

We also have more nerve endings in our lips than any other part of the body. What does it mean? When we press it against another set of warm, soft lips, it feels just right!

In addition to all of that, kissing lowers cortisol levels, making you feel more relaxed.

Kissing determines compatibility

According to biologists, kissing is one of the first ways we can identify the people we are most compatible with. This is why someone we consider a “terrible kisser” is a deal breaker for us! They may not be bad at kissing at all, it’s just that you’re not compatible with each other.