Dating Someone Who Was Abused By A Narcissist: Understanding, Compassion, and Patience

Starting a new romantic relationship can be exciting, exhilarating, and a little scary. But when you’re dating someone who has been emotionally abused by a narcissist, there’s an extra layer of complexity.

Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse committed by someone with strong narcissistic traits or with narcissistic personality disorder.

Understanding the impact of this type of trauma is crucial to helping your partner heal and build a healthy relationship together.

Understanding narcissistic abuse tactics

Narcissistic abuse is insidious, and often goes unnoticed until the damage is done.

It can leave deep emotional scars that affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall mental health.

Here are some common tactics used by narcissists and their effect on their victims:

Mind manipulation
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic where the abuser makes the victim question their reality or reason.

They may deny things happen, distort the truth, or blame the victim for their abusive behavior.

This can lead to confusion, self-doubt, and a feeling of losing one’s identity.

Love bombing

Initially, narcissists often shower their victims with affection and attention, a tactic known as love bombing.

This creates a strong bond, making the victim feel incredibly special.

However, once the abuser feels safe in the relationship, he withdraws this affection as a form of control.

Currency devaluation
After the love bombing phase, narcissists often begin to devalue their victims.

They will belittle, criticize, or dismiss their feelings.

This constant negativity erodes the victim’s self-esteem, leaving them feeling worthless and dependent on the abuser for validation.


Narcissists often isolate their victims from friends and family.

They may make their partner feel guilty for spending time with others or create drama to drive a wedge between them and their loved one.

Related : What Happens When an Empath Leaves a Narcissist

This isolation makes the victim more dependent on the abuser and less likely to seek help.


Triangulation involves using a third party to create tension, jealousy, or competition.

The narcissist may compare their partner to others or openly flirt with them to undermine their self-confidence and keep them off balance.

The effect of narcissistic abuse on the victim

The psychological impact of narcissistic abuse can be profound, affecting victims in many ways.

low self-esteem

One of the most common effects of narcissistic abuse is low self-esteem.

Victims are constantly criticized, belittled and devalued, leading them to believe that they are worthless or unlovable.

This may make it difficult for them to assert themselves or pursue their goals, as they may feel that they do not deserve success or happiness.


Living with a narcissistic abuser can be like walking on eggshells.

The volatile and unpredictable nature of an abuser’s behavior can create a constant state of fear and uncertainty.

Over time, this can lead to chronic anxiety.

Victims may live in constant worry about upsetting the abuser or provoking an abusive episode.


The emotional distress caused by narcissistic abuse can also lead to depression.

Feeling trapped in an abusive relationship, coupled with feelings of isolation and low self-esteem, can lead to hopelessness and hopelessness.

Victims lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed and experience feelings of sadness and emptiness.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Narcissistic abuse can be traumatic, and some victims may develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

This can include flashbacks or nightmares about the abuse, hypervigilance, and an exaggerated startle response.

They may also avoid anything that reminds them of the abuse, further isolating them and limiting their life experiences.

Difficulty trusting others

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, victims find it difficult to trust others.

They fear that others will manipulate them or hurt them in the same way their abuser did.

This can make it difficult to form new relationships or maintain existing ones.

Struggle with setting boundaries

Narcissists often do not respect or ignore their victims’ boundaries.

As a result, victims struggle to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in other relationships.

They may feel guilty or afraid to assert their needs and rights.

Guilt and shame

Narcissistic abusers often blame their victims for the abuse, leading to feelings of guilt and shame.

Victims are made to believe that they are at fault for the actions of the abuser or that they deserve the abuse.

Related : Mastering the Game: How to Get a Narcissist Back

These feelings may be difficult to overcome and may persist long after the abusive relationship has ended.

Understanding these influences is crucial for anyone supporting a victim of narcissistic abuse. They need patience, empathy, and understanding as they navigate their healing journey

Guilt and shame

Narcissistic abusers often blame their victims for the abuse, leading to feelings of guilt and shame.

Victims are made to believe that they are at fault for the actions of the abuser or that they deserve the abuse.

These feelings may be difficult to overcome and may persist long after the abusive relationship has ended.

Understanding these influences is crucial for anyone supporting a victim of narcissistic abuse. They need patience, empathy, and understanding as they navigate their healing journey

The importance of compassionate communication when dating someone who has been abused by a narcissist

When you are dating someone who has been abused by a narcissist, compassionate communication is of the utmost importance. This will help your partner feel understood, supported, and loved as they navigate their healing journey

Encouraging open dialogue

Encourage your partner to share their thoughts and feelings, but never force them.

Let them know that there is no pressure to reveal anything they are not ready to talk about.

Assure them that when they choose to open up, you will be there to listen without judgment.

Practice active listening

Active listening is about focusing fully on the speaker and showing empathy.

It’s not just about hearing the words, it’s also about understanding the emotions behind them.

Show that you are engaged in the conversation by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and providing positive answers such as “I see” or “I understand.”

Validate their feelings

Validation is about acknowledging and accepting another person’s feelings.

Even if you don’t fully understand what your partner is going through, let them know that their feelings are valid and important.

Avoid dismissing or belittling their emotions.

be patient

Remember, it may take some time for your partner to feel comfortable opening up to you.

Be patient, and don’t rush them.

Healing from narcissistic abuse is a process, and each person moves at their own pace.

Use nice language

When responding to your partner, choose your words carefully.

Avoid language that may sound critical or dismissive.

Instead, use kind, supportive language that shows understanding and empathy.

Patience is key when dating someone who has been abused by a narcissist

When dating someone who has experienced narcissistic abuse, it is important to understand that healing is not a linear process, and it takes time.

Therefore, patience becomes an essential virtue in such relationships. Here’s why:

Understand their reactions

Your partner may have intense reactions to situations that seem insignificant to you.

They may be upset by a seemingly innocuous comment or show anxiety about changes to routine.

It is important to remember that these reactions are often caused by past traumas, not by your current actions.

Respond with kindness and understanding, not frustration, when these situations arise.

Navigation triggers

Survivors of narcissistic abuse may have certain triggers that bring back traumatic memories from their past experiences.

It could be a word, gesture, or situation that reminds them of the abuser.

Being patient and understanding when these triggers occur, and providing comfort and reassurance, can help your partner feel safe and supported.

Provide reassurance

Victims of narcissistic abuse often suffer from self-esteem and confidence issues.

They may need more reassurance and validation than you are used to providing in the relationship.

Reaffirm your love and support regularly, and reassure them that they are valued and appreciated.

Respect their pace

Recovering from trauma is a personal journey that each individual takes at their own pace.

Some days may be better than others.

There may be periods of progress and times of setback.

During this process, respecting your partner’s pace is essential.

Avoid rushing them into recovery or pushing them to move faster than they feel comfortable.

You must build trust when dating someone who has been abused by a narcissist

Trust is an essential element in any relationship.

However, when you are dating someone who has been abused by a narcissist, it can be very difficult to establish trust.

Their past experiences have left them wary and fearful of betrayal.

Here are some strategies to help build trust with a narcissistic abuse survivor:

Consistency in actions

Consistency is key when building trust.

Show up when you say you will, follow through on your promises, and maintain a consistent behavior.

Over time, this consistency shows your partner that you are a reliable and dependable person, which may help ease his or her fears and doubts.


Honesty is the cornerstone of trust.

Be open about your feelings, intentions, and interests.

If there is a problem, discuss it openly rather than avoiding it.

This transparency shows your partner that you respect them enough to share the truth, even when it’s difficult.

Emotional availability

It is also important to be emotionally available to your partner.

Let them know that they can express their feelings to you without fear of judgment or dismissal.

Your willingness to be present and attend to their emotional needs can help foster trust.

Respect boundaries

Respecting your partner’s boundaries is another important aspect of building trust.

Their boundaries may have been repeatedly violated in the past, so showing that you respect their boundaries and personal space can go a long way in building trust.

The importance of professional help for survivors of narcissistic abuse

While personal support from loved ones is of great value, professional help often plays a crucial role in the healing journey of narcissistic abuse survivors.

Here’s why it’s important and how you can encourage your partner to seek help:

Understand the role of professional help

Mental health professionals are trained to deal with the complexities of emotional trauma and abuse.

They understand the psychological impact of narcissistic abuse and can provide personalized strategies and tools to help survivors go through the healing process.

Encouraging treatment

Encourage your partner to consider treatment if they haven’t already.

Present it as an opportunity for them to get additional support and resources, not as an indicator of weakness or failure.

Make sure they understand that asking for help is a sign of strength and self-care.

Explore different therapeutic approaches

There are many treatment approaches available, each with its own unique methods and benefits.

These include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-focused therapy, and even group therapy.

Encourage your partner to explore different options and find the one that suits them best.