Cerebral VS Somatic Narcissist: What Is the Difference and How to Spot Each

What is a cerebral or physical narcissist? Let’s get acquainted with the features of each type.

It’s fair to say that by now, most people will have a pretty good idea of what a narcissist is.

For those who don’t know: narcissism is an overwhelming self-admiration, an arrogant attitude towards one’s talents and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Psychological studies on narcissism have now divided narcissists into two types – cerebral and physical.

Cerebral narcissists use their brains and intelligence to impress those around them, while physical narcissists use their bodies (“soma” comes from the ancient Greek language and means “body”).

There are some psychologists who believe that you are either one or the other, and others who believe that narcissists can switch between the two states.

So how can we tell which is which and what should we look out for?
Cerebral narcissist

Their mind is used to prove their uniqueness
very smart
Huge ego
Greatness Achievements
He holds a position of power and authority
No interest in sex
Cerebral narcissists will either be very smart, or they will pretend to be. The only thing they want to be complimented on is their amazing mind and to them, their body is just an inconvenience.

Cerebral narcissists will occupy positions of high power and authority where they have a lot of responsibility. They are able to convince others to do whatever they want because of their high self-confidence. They surround themselves with people who are likely to be pushed out. They consider themselves God-like and untouchable when it comes to the law.

Cerebral narcissists will want to impress you with their academic achievements, mastery of the English language and scientific intelligence. For them, the mind is everything and their bodies get in the way, which is why so many of them are celibate.

Uses their bodies to prove their uniqueness
Obsessed with looking good
Always seems properly dressed
He may undergo plastic surgery
Embark on intense fitness regimes
Very sexually active
Physical narcissists are obsessed with their bodies. How beautiful they look, how attractive they are, and what they can do with it. A physical narcissist will take every opportunity to flaunt their body in order to accept the compliments to come.

They have frequently undergone plastic surgery to maintain their youthful and attractive appearance, and they always look immaculate, wearing the latest fashions. They believe their bodies are to be admired, and as such may follow extreme dieting, weight lifting, and intense exercise programs to hone and maintain their physique.

A physical narcissist will brag about their sexual conquests, but will also interpret any type of behavior from others as an invitation to have sex with them. If they do have sex, the physical narcissist will use the other person’s body as an object to feel good from.

How do cerebral and physical narcissists manipulate people?

All narcissists use manipulation techniques to get what they want, it’s just a cerebral narcissist using his mind and a physical narcissist using his body.

With cerebral narcissists, they will blind you with their intelligence and mental strength in order to exercise power over you. They will use complicated language or unfamiliar words to confuse you so that they can manipulate you. They will look very smart and untouchable and they will use this look to scare you.

Physical narcissists will use their appearance to exert control over you. They may use the fact that they are pretty or handsome to get their own way. They’ll draw you in at first thinking you’re lucky to be dating someone so amazing, and then once they’ve had enough, they drop you without a word or warning.

Can brain and physical traits overlap?

There are researchers who believe that narcissists share both brain and physical traits, one being dominant while the other is submissive. Depending on the narcissist’s circumstances, they either use the cerebral part of their narcissism or the physical part.

For example, the cerebral trait might be dominant when a narcissist wants to impress someone they think is highly intelligent, while the physical trait would be dominant in a situation where looking good is important.

Whether someone is mentally or physically narcissistic, they will try to manipulate and deceive you in order to get what they need – complete and absolute admiration.