Avoid These Temptations With The Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist can be one of the most emotionally draining and frustrating experiences. Whether you are in a relationship, friendship, or workplace situation with a narcissist, you might often find yourself caught in a cycle of manipulation, confusion, and emotional exhaustion. Narcissists thrive on control, manipulation, and validation, and their behavior can leave you feeling powerless and questioning your reality. However, there are certain temptations that, if avoided, can help you maintain your boundaries, protect your emotional health, and reduce the narcissist’s influence over you.

Here are the key temptations to avoid when dealing with a narcissist:

1. The Temptation to Argue or Defend Yourself

One of the most common traps people fall into with narcissists is the temptation to argue or defend themselves. Narcissists are skilled at twisting conversations, blaming others, and shifting the focus away from their own behavior. When you try to argue with them, you’ll often find yourself going in circles, as they deflect responsibility and manipulate the conversation to suit their agenda.

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Engaging in arguments with a narcissist rarely leads to resolution. Instead, it often escalates into a frustrating battle where you end up feeling misunderstood or even more confused. The best way to deal with this temptation is to disengage from arguments and focus on protecting your own peace of mind. If you must communicate with them, stick to facts, remain calm, and avoid emotional reactions.

2. The Temptation to Prove Your Worth

Narcissists often make the people around them feel inadequate or unworthy. They may belittle your achievements, dismiss your feelings, or make you feel like you’re constantly falling short. This can lead to the temptation to prove your worth to them, seeking validation that you may never receive.

It’s important to recognize that no matter how much you try to prove yourself to a narcissist, they will likely never acknowledge your value in a meaningful way. Their need for superiority will always push them to keep you feeling less than. Instead of seeking validation from them, focus on affirming your self-worth independently, whether through self-care, building supportive relationships, or pursuing personal goals.

3. The Temptation to Seek Closure

Closure is something many of us seek after conflicts or the end of a relationship, but with narcissists, closure is often elusive. Narcissists rarely admit fault or take responsibility for the harm they cause. They may even refuse to give you the answers or explanations you’re looking for, leaving you feeling unresolved.

The temptation to seek closure can keep you emotionally entangled with the narcissist, prolonging the pain and frustration. To avoid this trap, it’s important to understand that closure doesn’t have to come from the narcissist. You can find closure on your own by accepting that you may never receive the answers you want and by focusing on your own healing process.

4. The Temptation to Change Them

One of the most dangerous temptations when dealing with a narcissist is the belief that you can change them. Narcissists often show glimpses of vulnerability or promise change, leading you to hope that if you just love them enough, support them enough, or explain things clearly enough, they will transform into a healthier version of themselves.

The reality is that narcissistic behavior is deeply ingrained and unlikely to change without professional help, and even then, true change is rare. Trying to change a narcissist is a futile exercise that often results in emotional burnout. Instead of focusing on changing them, prioritize setting boundaries and taking care of your own emotional well-being.

5. The Temptation to Over-Explain Yourself

Narcissists have a way of making you feel like you constantly need to justify your actions, decisions, or feelings. They may question you in ways that make you feel defensive, leading you to over-explain yourself in an attempt to be understood. However, no amount of explaining will ever fully satisfy a narcissist, because they are often not interested in understanding your perspective—they are more concerned with maintaining control over the situation.

Resist the temptation to over-explain yourself. Keep your communication clear and direct, but don’t fall into the trap of trying to convince them of your point of view. Remember that you don’t owe them endless explanations or justifications for your thoughts and actions.

6. The Temptation to Respond to Provocation

Narcissists are experts at pushing buttons and provoking emotional reactions. Whether through criticism, passive-aggressive comments, or outright insults, they know how to trigger a response that keeps you engaged in their game. The temptation to respond, defend yourself, or retaliate can be strong, especially when you feel hurt or disrespected.

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However, reacting to their provocations only gives them more power. Narcissists thrive on the attention and chaos that emotional reactions bring. Instead, practice detachment and emotional self-control. Responding calmly or not at all deprives them of the drama they seek, making it harder for them to manipulate you.

7. The Temptation to Seek Fairness

Many people are tempted to seek fairness when dealing with a narcissist, hoping for balanced reciprocity in the relationship. Whether it’s expecting them to treat you fairly at work, in a friendship, or in a romantic relationship, this temptation can lead to disappointment. Narcissists are not motivated by fairness; they are motivated by what benefits them.

To avoid this trap, adjust your expectations and recognize that fairness may never be part of the equation when dealing with a narcissist. Instead, focus on what is fair and right for you, setting boundaries and limiting the narcissist’s ability to take advantage of your desire for fairness.

8. The Temptation to Take Their Behavior Personally

Narcissists often engage in hurtful, dismissive, or manipulative behavior, which can feel deeply personal. However, it’s important to remember that their actions are a reflection of their own insecurities, fears, and need for control—not of your worth as a person.

The temptation to take their behavior personally can lead to feelings of self-doubt, guilt, or confusion. Avoid internalizing their behavior by reminding yourself that their actions are about them, not you. This perspective can help you maintain your sense of self-worth and emotional resilience.

9. The Temptation to Give in to Love-Bombing

Narcissists are known for love-bombing—an overwhelming display of affection, attention, or promises to lure you back into their control after a period of conflict or distance. This phase can be highly tempting, as it may feel like the narcissist is finally giving you the love and attention you’ve been craving.

However, love-bombing is often just a manipulative tactic designed to keep you hooked. Once they regain control, the narcissist’s behavior is likely to revert back to its previous, toxic patterns. Recognize love-bombing for what it is and resist the temptation to be swept up in the false promises of change or affection.

10. The Temptation to Stay Silent to Keep the Peace

Many people are tempted to stay silent in the face of narcissistic behavior, hoping that by avoiding confrontation, they can keep the peace. While this might seem like a way to minimize conflict, staying silent often allows the narcissist to continue their behavior unchecked.

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By remaining passive, you give the narcissist more power and enable their toxic actions. It’s important to find your voice and assert your boundaries, even if it leads to temporary conflict. Speaking up for yourself is essential to protecting your mental and emotional well-being.


Narcissists are skilled manipulators who know how to exploit emotions, provoke reactions, and maintain control over those around them. To protect yourself from their toxic influence, it’s essential to recognize and avoid the temptations that can keep you trapped in unhealthy dynamics. By staying calm, setting boundaries, and focusing on your own emotional health, you can break free from the narcissist’s grip and regain control over your own life.

While dealing with a narcissist is never easy, understanding the traps they set and the temptations they create can empower you to navigate these relationships with more clarity and resilience.

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