Are You With Him For Toxic Reasons? 5 Ways To Find Out

I know that being in a relationship beats being single any day.

But is it really worth clinging to for all the wrong, even toxic, reasons?

The relationship should be nurturing, soothing and reassuring.

It should be your safe place, a way to hide from the problems that are bothering you.

A relationship should be something that keeps you going through the tough days because you will be able to see your favorite person at the end of it.

It shouldn’t just be about not being alone.

It shouldn’t be about being able to tell people you’re with someone.

These are all the wrong reasons and you will never find happiness this way.

What you need is someone who makes you feel like you’re walking on clouds.

Someone who will make you see why it didn’t work out for everyone else.

Not someone who will fill an empty place in your heart.

Please be careful with the people you invest your time with.

Not everyone is as nice as they may seem.

Not everyone deserves your love.

You are with him because you feel as if your ship has sailed

There weren’t any good, nice, available men anymore, so you took what you could get.

He’s not a bad guy, but you don’t feel that eternal love with him.

You keep trying to convince yourself that you’ll get there, feelings will emerge, and it will ultimately be your ultimate love story, but deep down you know that’s not true.

He’s not the love of your life.

You feel like your options are limited and you settled on a good guy.

He’s a decent choice, but not someone you’d go to the ends of the earth for.

He may be cute and he may be kind, but if he doesn’t make your heart beat, he’s not the one.

You’re with him because you’ve been hurt so many times that you’re no longer looking for someone better

The pain you went through and the experiences you had with other people left a huge impact on your life.

Now you are too afraid to look for someone who will make you the happiest you can be.

What if it happens again?

What if you end up broken like so many times before?

It’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

This man is not the one who hurt you. I’ve proven it many times.

So you keep going because you feel it’s better than finding a crushing romance and getting broken again.

You desperately wish you could feel the strength he feels towards you…but you don’t.

He’s a nice guy and treats you right, so you’ll stay in it to protect your heart from further pain.

You’re with him because you were the last one to find a man in your circle

Being the only girl in your social circle has taken a toll on you.

It’s no fun being the only one who doesn’t have plans for Saturday night once they’re all out with their friends.

Being single has its perks, but you can’t enjoy it if all your girls are happily taken away and you’re left there alone, watching Netflix and wishing there was a man with you.

You had to find someone, even if it wasn’t a love for the ages.

At a certain age, you just have to stop being picky and lower your standards.

You’ve been kidnapped now, but it’s not a love story you’ll tell your grandchildren.

He’s not the man you see a future with.

It’s fine for now, but deep down you know your lover is still out there somewhere.

You are with him because you need to forget your ex

You’ve had a bad breakup and you can’t bear to think about it anymore.

He has left a hole in your heart and you need to fill it with someone.

And this is this guy.

An alternative to your ex who you desperately need to get out of your mind.

You know this is wrong and you know you are going to hurt him and yourself in the process.

It’s only a matter of time before that happens.

But somehow, it makes forgetting your ex a little easier if you have another man by your side.

You know it’s not yours forever, but you’ll stay in it as long as it serves its purpose.

You’rewith him because you need someone to show off on your Instagram

You just need people to see that you are “happy.”

Even though you know it’s not true happiness, it’s more important for you to keep people fooled than for you to actually be happy.

So keep up the wits.

You keep flaunting it on your social media accounts and people keep liking your adorable photos.

You’re selling them something that’s not real, and sooner or later your lie will catch up with you.

You will realize how miserable you are by faking your life and people will start to notice that you are not as happy as your pictures show.

Before you hurt yourself further, stop keeping up facades and start taking better care of yourself.

Only when you realize how wrong this fake relationship is will you give yourself a chance to post about someone who actually makes you happy!