Am I in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

The fact that you find yourself wondering if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist points to one of the core problems associated with being emotionally attached to a narcissist — confusion.

It’s pretty easy to tell if you’re in a relationship with other types of people. If you’re in a relationship with an alcoholic, it probably won’t take long to figure it out. If your partner is suffering from severe depression, you may have known about it fairly early in the relationship.

But knowing whether or not you’re in a relationship with a narcissist can be a little trickier. Your partner may be outgoing, engaging, and charming. You may feel lucky to have been chosen to be their partner. If they’re more prone to narcissism, you may feel like you’re serving a vital purpose in life by being their emotional support. Whatever the case, it can be perfect to be with a narcissist during the early stages — and it may take some time to figure out that something is wrong with your relationship.

Here are five signs that you’re in a relationship with a narcissist.

They Can’t Handle Criticism.

If we’re being sincere, most of us don’t like being on the receiving end of criticism. However, if the criticism is fair, most of us will be able to handle it, and hopefully learn from it. If your partner is a narcissist, they won’t be able to handle criticism in such a thoughtful way. Feeling like they’re on the receiving end of a critical comment can cause a lot of conflict, and if you’re with a narcissist, you may end up staying silent and feeling like you’re walking on eggshells.

They Know Best

If you’re with a narcissistic partner, it doesn’t matter how knowledgeable or skilled you are in a particular area, they always know best. Narcissists feel special, which applies to the special or expert knowledge they believe they have about a whole range of issues. If you’re with a narcissist, they’re unlikely to have any interest in what you think, and again, you may find yourself staying silent rather than sparking a one-sided conversation with your partner.

They’re experts at manipulation.

Relationships are complicated in the lives of narcissists. Instead of being honest and direct, if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, they may use a variety of manipulative tactics to get you to meet their needs. You may not know this is happening for a long time and you may find yourself in a relationship for several years before you realize the ways your narcissistic partner is manipulating you.

They’re jealous.

Narcissists tend to be envious of others, and if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, they may be jealous of your friendships, accomplishments, and hobbies. Narcissists often see other people close to them as extensions of themselves and become jealous when they try to do things for themselves.

They put themselves first.

If you’re with a narcissist, they will always put their needs first. They may lack empathy for you and continue to engage in behaviors even when you express your discomfort. Narcissists often choose partners who also put the narcissist first, and you may find yourself exhausted and ignoring your own needs to accommodate your narcissistic partner’s desires. Being in a relationship with someone like this severely damages your self-esteem. You begin to question the validity of your needs and opinions. You feel anxious about causing conflict with your partner and may find yourself effectively shutting down because of this. You may find yourself giving up friends, hobbies, and activities because of your partner’s jealousy. If you are with a narcissistic partner and are feeling the effects, please seek the help you need.

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