Accidentally saw my sister-in-law naked – should I tell my wife?

My wife and my visiting sister-in-law recently went out to a bar for the evening while I was looking after our two-year-old at home. They came back drunk (as expected), and were generally on their way as we have enough bedrooms for them to sleep separately. Now, I am a bit of a night person and was up doing daddy duty while my wife was completely absent in our bed. I was running errands when I heard a loud bang from the bathroom. My youngest sister had somehow found a full bottle of wine, was washing herself, and had fallen before entering. I first asked her through the door if she was okay, and she called me over – and told me she was fit when I asked. She was completely naked and lying on the floor, completely drunk. As it was past 2 am at this point and my wife was also very drunk when she went to bed, I threw a towel to my sister, turned the tub on, and helped her to sleep. I do not doubt that this was just drunkenness and not an attempt to expose herself, your sister-in-law seems to have passed out and doesn’t remember anything, but a few days have passed and I initially thought it would be best not to tell my wife as she tends to get a little jealous, but now I’m starting to doubt my decision. Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


Your sisters-in-law seem to know how to let themselves go! Wine plus young mothers can certainly lead to some… interesting situations. Kudos to you for stepping up to the role of responsible parent and making sure everyone got to bed safely!

Now, regarding your sister-in-law’s impromptu bathroom performance: I’m a little surprised that you didn’t tell your wife the next morning. It’s a funny story, and your sister-in-law was not in her right mind. Your concern about your wife’s reaction is justified, but wouldn’t she rather hear it from you than stumble upon the information elsewhere?

Honesty is (almost always) the best policy, but at the end of the day, you know your wife better than anyone else. If you’re convinced that her jealousy will override any potential trust issues, then keeping it a secret might be the answer. But if you’re just hesitant to avoid an awkward conversation, it could be a warning sign of deeper problems in your relationship.

If you decide to stay silent, be honest with yourself about your motives. Are you protecting her feelings, or are you simply avoiding discomfort? A little casual nudity shouldn’t cause a major trust crisis. If you’re worried about her reaction, it might be worth exploring ways to build trust and honesty in your marriage.

My take? Take your wife aside, tell her the story, and have a good laugh.

But ultimately, the decision is yours. Trust your gut, be honest with yourself, and do what feels right. If you decide to tell her, be honest and reassure her that what happened was a harmless accident.

Hope this helps!

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