A woman with integrity will never tolerate these 10 things in a relationship

A woman with integrity is a person who tries to do the right thing-always.

And of course, she wants a like-minded partner.

That’s why she won’t stay calm and pretend to be okay when her partner does something contrary to her values-especially when their actions directly affect her!

Want to know what a woman with integrity will not tolerate in a relationship?

Here are 10 of them.

1) cheating

A woman with integrity cannot stay in a relationship if she learns that her partner is cheating on her.

Sure, she knows that there are many legitimate reasons why someone cheats and so she will try to forgive her partner if they promise not to do it again.

But she will only do it once.

If it happened again, she’d get rid of them in a heartbeat no matter how much they love them.

Trust is extremely important for a woman with integrity.

If she can’t trust her partner to be faithful to her, she prefers to find someone else who can.

They know that their life will be a living hell if they stay committed to someone who can’t commit!

2) lying in any way, manner, or method

Whether it’s a white lie, a Red Lie, a little lie, or a big lie —a woman with integrity will not get any of them!

She prefers to be with a partner who finds it very difficult to lie because she is just like that.

She is the kind of person who appreciates honesty and is probably the first thing she is looking for in a partner.

That way, she can sleep peacefully knowing that she and her partner are honest with each other about everything (or at least, about really important things).

3) inability to fulfill the promise

A woman with integrity keeps her promises, expecting the same from her partner.

So if her partner promises to give 1000 dollars a month to their holiday fund, and they “forget” to do this, she will not be ashamed to remind them.

And if their partner comes home in the middle of the night when they promised that they would do it at 10 pm, she won’t just let things slide—she’ll talk to them about it even if they both have to get up at 4 am!

A woman of integrity puts value in words – especially promises. She wants a partner who is the same.

4) physical, verbal, or emotional abuse

A woman with integrity has self-esteem.

She knows her worth and won’t put up with people who treat her—or anyone else— like dirt.

That’s why she keeps her eyes open for any signs of abuse. The moment she notices them, she wants to run.

After all, she’d rather be happily single than stuck in an abusive relationship!

So when her partner yells “You dirty pig!”, You will not take it lightly.

And when her partner tries to slap or punch her, she’d take it as a sign that she could be physically abusive.

She wants to talk to them about it. And if things are not going to change, she wants to pack her bags and leave.

She will also not hesitate to contact the police when she receives any kind of physical abuse.

5) exposing the body

Some women may be able to fake a laugh when their partner jokes about how ugly their nose is or how fat they are like a whale.

But not the woman with integrity!

While she’s confident in her appearance and their comments don’t affect her self-esteem at all, she’d still get pissed or more like, turned off.

It’s just against its principles.

She believes that no one should be ashamed of their appearance to anyone—especially if they have no control over it.

And so when her partner would joke about her hairy arms or their neighbor’s chubby baby, she would tell them even if it seemed like “killing fun” to do so.

6) threats and intimidation

“If you won’t make love to me, we might break up as well.”

“Try to push my limits and you will regret it!”

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A woman with integrity will see these phrases as red flags, and she wants to be sure that she and her partner will have a serious discussion about it.

She won’t let anyone feel comfortable scaring her-especially not her partner!

Threats and intimidation control things and disrespect people and they don’t want any of that.

7) manhood

If her partner was acting superior just because he was a man, she would raise her eyebrows and laugh out loud.

A woman with integrity cannot stand men who think that a woman’s place is in the kitchen.

She wants to give him a long lecture about equality and respect so he will realize how annoying and dangerous his views are.

But if she thinks that he is a hopeless case, she will abandon him.

Why would she stay with someone who doesn’t see her as an equal?

She loves and respects herself and her partner should do the same.

8) manipulation

A woman with integrity is not a schemer.

She does not feel guilty- anyone’s trip for favors. She does not use triangulation to get ahead of others.

It’s not just in her DNA!

That’s why the moment she notices that her partner is using manipulation techniques on her (or others), she pauses and meditates.

She was asking herself if she could live with someone like that.

If their partner uses manipulation of small things—such as stumbling with guilt until they decide which TV show to watch-you may let him slip.

But if it comes to big things they play the victim until you let them borrow 10,000 dollars—you will contact them about their behavior.

9) excessive dependence

If she felt like she was carrying the weight of two people, she would drop that heavyweight and go “Wait a minute, something’s not right!.”

She’d be understanding if her partner was unemployed for a few months…

But if it was more than a year, and he became comfortable getting gifts from her?

Nah! nah!

She wants a partner who knows how to carry his weight – from finances to household chores.

She will not hesitate to have a serious conversation with them even if it is a sensitive topic because she knows that she deserves to be with a partner, not a child.

10) repetition of bad behavior

While a woman with integrity has high standards, she is also very patient.

She knows that a good relationship takes a lot of work—and that includes talking about differences and behaviors that she won’t tolerate.

So if their partner commits any of the things on this list, you will get in touch with her directly.

She’d have to be very patient in guiding them so they can figure out how to handle it better. And they were asking them how they could be better partners, too.

They’re not perfect, after all!

But if their partner keeps repeating the same crimes?

She would rush to the door before they could say “I won’t do it again!”

Final thoughts

So what does a woman with integrity want in a partner?

Integrity. That’s what!

For her, roses and kisses around the clock are nice and all.

But the most important thing is that her partner is a good person who knows how to treat her (and others) correctly.


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