I didn’t know what a narcissistic trait was until someone in my family was seriously abused. Then I started to wonder how it feels to be in a narcissistic relationship being an empath.
Questions about why an empath would attract a narcissist even if he has such a charming personality. If an empath ends up in a relationship with a narcissist, that relationship will be a real disaster. You won’t even know that you are the victim. The narcissist initially behaves well, showing himself to be a really nice person and you will believe him. The narcissist leaves no holes in the relationship until he gets to you.
Who is a narcissist?
A narcissist and an empath is a person who lacks a sense of empathy for people and the people around them. They have an exaggerated sense of entitlement and think as if they are above everyone else. Narcissists thrive on worship and admiration so much that even if someone doesn’t like them, they end up acting like a person desperate for drugs. They lack knowledge of human nature and are ignorant of how emotions work. How do you spot a narcissist?
Who is Empath?
A true empath is someone who has a high emotional intelligence and always understands other people’s feelings and pain. They are always there for whoever needs them. An empath sees true sympathy for everyone, even if the other person is cruel. They often go out of the way and think outside the box to fix others. They help heal others without asking. They are kind and generous to every living being.
Perception of love:
The narcissist’s perception of love and empathy is very different. Empath longs for love as deep as the ocean. They are not fascinated by material things such as wealth, power, money, possessions, or any other factors. But for a narcissist, love is completely vulnerable. Their love is defined by material abundance. They are always looking for benefit in exchange for love. So after getting into a relationship and starting to get to know each other, they never get their emotional needs met.
How do you feel when an empath is in a relationship with a narcissist?
While empaths give themselves completely in a relationship, narcissists are the exact opposite. They don’t even care about working in a relationship. Empaths are the epitome of love and care, while narcissists are void.
Most of the time, an empath is naturally drawn to a narcissist because of this reason. Narcissists benefit from the unconditional love that empathy can provide.
What happens when both of them fall in love?
In this article, we will highlight 7 causes and consequences when a narcissist and an empath are in a relationship.
Related : Surviving The Toxic Workplace: How To Deal With A Narcissistic Coworker
Empath feels the best for life at first.
When an empath enters a relationship in need of love, care, and affection, they easily find themselves drawn to a narcissist without even knowing it. They have this deep feeling that their needs are being met. Hence, they assert that the relationship they have is eternal and that it is wrong to look for other partners. Empaths feel they are receiving baggage when in reality they are going to receive breadcrumbs. Empaths make their partners narcissistic throughout their lives.
Narcissists demand constant admiration and validation from their partners.
Narcissists love their partners for the constant validation and admiration of their partners. If they fail to do so, they move away and only consider those they constantly brag about. They never tire of showing themselves off and they also expect others to do the same.
Empaths will be very empathetic towards their partners.
It is always pathetic narcissists and sympathetic sympathizers in their relationship. No matter how inhuman the narcissist is, empaths always end up forgiving them. They are filled with such generosity that they feel a constant need to fix their narcissistic partners. And take full blame and responsibility towards them. Narcissists are easily offended and empaths are easily manipulated. Because of this empath-extroverted behavior, narcissists take them for granted and manipulate them.
Empaths are afraid to communicate their true needs.
Since empaths will crave love and attention, they fail to express their true feelings due to fear of abandonment. They are afraid to communicate about their emotional needs because they will think they are annoying and upsetting their partners. But the truth is that the power and authority that narcissists wield are much more than the love that empaths have for their partners.
Narcissists abuse their partners
Narcissists often tend to hurt their partners because of whatever goes wrong in their relationship and the empaths believe them. They blame their mistakes on their partners and expect an apology from them even if empathy has nothing to do with it. There will be no “us” in their relationship but only “you” which poses a serious threat to the continuation of their relationship. They will not be willing to work for the mistakes they made in the relationship but rather blame and scapegoat their partners.
Narcissists become great manipulators
Narcissists enter relationships as master manipulators. They go to any lengths to get what they want and do it. They even fake their love and affection with their partners to meet their needs. They by hook or by crook fulfill their harmful desire by manipulating their partners. And partners who sympathize don’t realize it. Empaths support their bad behavior because they are unaware of their partners’ intentions.
Narcissists exploit their weaknesses.
The lower the sense of empathy, the more the narcissist takes over. When noticing their empathy weaknesses, narcissistic partners scapegoat them and abuse their soft-spoken personalities. They may abuse them physically, emotionally, or even verbally which makes them the most difficult people to love.
The toxic relationship between a narcissist and an empath is, in fact, frustrating. As long as the empaths tend to support their behavior, their narcissistic partners withhold authority and continue their arrogant behavior. The only way to make a relationship work is to either take the initiative to act or walk away. Empaths should consider themselves first and put their own needs before anything else.
If this resonates with you, take a step back and consider that you are as deserving of love, care, and affection as anyone else. If you can give your unconditional love and affection to your narcissistic partners, why not try giving it to yourself first? Only then will you witness your magic?