6 Less-Known Signs of Narcissism

Narcissism is a complex personality trait that exists across a wide spectrum. While many people are familiar with some common signs of narcissism, such as grandiosity and a lack of empathy, there are many lesser-known signs that can also indicate narcissistic tendencies. In this article, we’ll explore six of these lesser-known signs to help you recognize hidden narcissistic traits in individuals.

He catches compliments

Narcissists often seek constant validation and admiration from others. While this is usually associated with overt bragging, some narcissists may use more subtle tactics, such as phishing compliments. They may downplay their achievements or appearance, hoping that others will praise them and boost their ego. Pay attention to individuals who typically look for compliments or validation in everyday conversations.

Selective memory and gas lighting

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to make others question their perceptions and reality. Less well known is the selective memory of narcissists, where they easily forget events or conversations that fit their narrative. They may deny saying hurtful things or claim to have provided favors they never received. This subtle manipulation can leave others feeling confused and doubtful about their memory.


Triangulation is a tactic in which narcissists involve a third party in conflicts or discussions to manipulate or control a situation. They may share private information about others to create divisions or play one person against another. This can sow discord within relationships while allowing the narcissist to maintain control.

Compassion-seeking behavior

While narcissists are often associated with self-importance, some may show another side by constantly searching for pity or sympathy. They may play the victim in various situations, exaggerating hardships or adversities to arouse sympathy and concern. This tactic manipulates others into feeling sorry for them and offering them emotional support.

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Hidden sabotage

Narcissists may engage in subtle forms of sabotage to maintain control or undermine others. This can include withholding important information, offering indirect compliments, or offering help with ulterior motives. Their actions may not always be overt, but are designed to keep others unbalanced and dependent on the narcissist.

Moral superiority

Narcissists often view themselves as morally superior and may use this belief to justify their actions. They may engage in virtue signaling, or publicly defend a cause or moral position to attract admiration and attention. However, their actions may not align with their stated beliefs, and they may exploit others while maintaining a façade of moral righteousness.


Recognizing narcissistic traits is essential for understanding and navigating relationships with individuals who may exhibit these behaviors. While grandiosity and a lack of empathy are well-known signs of narcissism, it is equally important to be aware of these lesser-known signs, such as compliment-phishing, selective memory, triangulation, pity-seeking behavior, covert sabotage, and moral superiority. By being vigilant and educated about these covert narcissistic tactics, you can better protect yourself from manipulation and maintain healthier relationships.