How Narcissists Reassure Their Conscience

Narcissists are individuals known for their selfishness, manipulative behavior, and lack of empathy. Many people wonder if narcissists feel guilty or have a conscience. In this article, we will delve into the mechanisms behind how narcissists clear their conscience and explore whether they can truly feel remorse.

lack of empathy

To understand how narcissists quench their conscience, it is necessary to acknowledge their inherent lack of empathy. Narcissists struggle to understand or validate the feelings and needs of others, making it difficult for them to feel guilt or remorse in the way that emotionally healthy individuals do.

Related : 18 Signs Of Lack Of Empathy To Look For and What You Can Do

Rationalization and justification

Narcissists often engage in extensive rationalizations and justifications to justify their behavior. They convince themselves that their actions are justified, even if they involve manipulating, deceiving, or harming others. This justification allows them to maintain a positive self-image.

Drop the blame

When narcissists face the consequences of their actions, they often blame others. They shift responsibility away from themselves, attributing negative outcomes to external factors or circumstances or to the actions of their victims. This projection helps them avoid feeling guilty.

Idealization and undervaluation

In narcissistic relationships, the cycle of idealization and devaluation plays an important role in reassuring the narcissist’s conscience. During the idealization stage, they may truly believe that they treat their partners well. However, when the devaluation phase begins, they justify their hurtful behavior by convincing themselves that their partners deserve it or that they are protecting themselves.

selective memory

Narcissists often display selective memory when it comes to their actions and words. They easily forget their hurtful behavior or may distort events to fit their self-image as a victim or hero. This selective memory allows them to evade feelings of guilt or responsibility.

External authentication

Narcissists seek external validation and admiration to boost their self-esteem. They surround themselves with enablers that validate their behavior and choices, reinforcing their belief that they are blameless. This external validation acts as a shield against guilt.

Avoid weakness

Narcissists have a deep fear of vulnerability. Admitting their mistakes or feeling guilty requires them to confront their weaknesses, which they avoid at all costs. Instead, they focus on maintaining an image of strength and invulnerability.


Narcissists reassure their conscience through a range of mechanisms, including rationalization, projection, selective memory, and external validation. These strategies enable them to avoid feeling guilty or remorseful for their actions. While narcissists may sometimes show a semblance of remorse, it is often short-lived, insincere, and serves primarily to manipulate others. Recognizing these mechanisms is crucial for those dealing with narcissists to protect their well-being and make informed decisions about their relationships. Seeking support from therapists or counselors with experience with narcissistic personality can provide valuable guidance in dealing with these complex dynamics.