6 Common Traits of Narcissists and Gaslighters

Narcissists and gaslighters are individuals who engage in manipulative and emotionally abusive behavior in their relationships. Although these are distinct personality types, they often share some common traits that can make it difficult to pinpoint their toxic behavior. In this article, we will explore six common traits that narcissists and gaslighters frequently display.

Manipulative behavior

Both narcissists and gaslighters are skilled manipulators. They use various methods to dominate and control others, often to serve their own needs and desires. These tactics may include lying, guilt, emotional manipulation, and playing mind games.

lack of empathy

The primary trait that narcissists and gaslighters share is a lack of empathy. They have difficulty understanding or validating the feelings and needs of others. Instead, they prioritize their feelings and desires above all else.

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Narcissists display great self-importance and believe that they are unique and superior to others. Gaslighters, on the other hand, may not exhibit greatness to the same extent, but they often believe that they are “right” and that their point of view is the only correct point of view. Both traits contribute to their manipulative behavior and inability to consider other people’s viewpoints.

Deviation and shifting blame

Narcissists and gas users typically evade blame and responsibility for their actions. They may blame others, make excuses, or minimize their behavior. This tactic makes it difficult for their victims to hold them accountable.

Control and isolation

Both personality types seek to control their victims. They may isolate their victims from friends and family, and exert control over their social interactions and support systems. This isolation makes it easier for them to manipulate and control their victims without interference.

Gas lighting techniques

While gaslighting is a specific manipulation tactic, narcissists often use gaslighting techniques to undermine their victims’ confidence and perception of reality. Gaslighting involves denying or distorting facts, invalidating feelings, and making the victim doubt his or her memory and reason.


Identifying narcissists and gaslighters can be difficult due to their manipulative and deceptive behavior. Recognizing these six traits that both have in common can help you become more aware of their toxic patterns. If you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist or arrogant person, it is essential to prioritize your well-being, set boundaries, and seek support from a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate the complexities of these toxic dynamics and provide strategies for healing and recovery. Recovery.