10 Common Myths About Narcissists And Their Hidden Realities

Narcissism is a complex personality trait that has received much attention in recent years. While there is a growing awareness of narcissism, there are also many myths and misconceptions surrounding this personality type. In this article, we will explore ten common myths about narcissists and shed light on the hidden truths behind them.

Myth 1: Narcissism is always overt

Fact: While overt narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, attention-seeking behavior, and arrogance, there is another form known as covert narcissism. Covert narcissists often display humility, self-sacrifice, and a facade of insecurity, making their narcissism less obvious but just as harmful.

Myth 2: Narcissists have high self-esteem

Fact: Narcissists may appear to have high self-esteem, but this is often a fragile facade that hides deep insecurity. They rely on external validation and admiration to maintain their self-esteem and can become emotionally destructive when threatened.

Myth 3: Narcissists are always successful

Reality: While some narcissists may achieve success in their endeavors, not all narcissists are high achievers. Success can be driven by a need for validation rather than passion or true talent. Many narcissists struggle to maintain healthy relationships and can experience setbacks in their personal lives.

Myth 4: Narcissists are easy to spot

Reality: Narcissists can be skilled at hiding their true nature, especially covert narcissists. They may present themselves as charming, sympathetic, and caring, making it difficult to recognize their narcissistic traits until you get deeper into the relationship.

Myth 5: Narcissists completely lack empathy

Reality: While narcissists often struggle with empathy, it is not completely absent. Some narcissists may display selective empathy, where they can empathize with situations that directly affect them or when it serves their interests. However, their compassion is limited and self-serving.

Myth Six: Narcissists cannot change

Reality: While changing the core traits of narcissism may be difficult, it is not impossible. Through self-awareness, therapy, and a genuine desire for personal growth, some narcissists can learn to manage their behaviors and develop healthier relationships. However, change often requires significant effort and commitment.

Myth 7: All self-confident people are narcissists

Fact: Confidence is not synonymous with narcissism. Healthy self-confidence is based on a realistic assessment of one’s abilities, while narcissistic confidence often involves an inflated sense of self-importance. Many self-confident individuals do not display narcissistic traits.

Eighth Myth: Narcissists only care about themselves

Reality: Narcissists may prioritize their own needs and desires, but they also care about how others perceive them. They often crave admiration and validation from others, and their behavior can be driven by a desire to maintain a positive image.

Myth 9: Narcissists are always manipulative

Fact: While manipulation is a common trait among narcissists, not all narcissists are manipulative in the same way or to the same degree. Some may use passive-aggressive tactics, while others may use overt manipulation. The degree of manipulation can vary between individuals.

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Myth 10: Narcissists are evil and incurable

Fact: It is important to remember that narcissism exists on a wide scale, and not all individuals with narcissistic traits are inherently malignant. Some narcissists may really want to change and improve their relationships. However, dealing with narcissistic behavior can be difficult and may require boundaries and self-care.


Understanding the myths and realities of narcissism is essential for fostering healthy relationships and promoting personal growth. While narcissistic behavior can be harmful, it is important to realize that individuals with narcissistic traits are not one-dimensional villains. They may have their own struggles and weaknesses. However, it is equally important to protect yourself and set boundaries when dealing with narcissistic individuals to maintain your health and emotional well-being.