How Does a Narcissist Think?

Narcissism is a complex personality trait, and understanding how a narcissist thinks can shed light on his behavior and motivations. In this article, we will delve into the thought processes of narcissists, providing insight into their mindset and the factors that drive their behavior.


Introducing the topic of narcissism and the importance of understanding the thinking patterns of narcissists to improve communication and the dynamics of dealing with others.

The essence of narcissism:

Explain the basic elements of narcissism, including an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Discuss how these elements shape the way narcissists think about themselves and others.

Need to verify:

Explore the narcissist’s constant need for validation and admiration from others.
Describe how this need drives their thoughts and behaviors, leading to a preoccupation with their image and self-worth.

Thinking in black and white:

Discuss the tendency of narcissists to engage in black-and-white thinking, viewing situations and people as either completely good or completely bad.
Explain how this cognitive distortion can lead to polarized judgments and emotional reactions.

Manipulation and control:

Highlight the narcissist’s tendency to manipulate and control others to meet their needs.
Explain the strategic thinking that often underlies their actions, such as gaslighting and emotional manipulation.

Lack of empathy:

Explore the lack of true empathy in narcissists and how this affects their understanding of other people’s feelings and perspectives.

Related : Narcissists Say the Darnedest Things

Discuss how their inability to empathize can lead to hurtful or dismissive behavior.

Defense and avoidance:

Describe how narcissists often react defensively to criticism or perceived threats to their self-esteem.
Explain their tendency to avoid self-reflection and accountability.


Discuss the psychological defense mechanism of projection, where narcissists attribute their negative traits or behaviors to others.

Provide examples of how projection can distort their thinking and perception of reality.


Summarize the thought processes of narcissists, focusing on the role of validation, manipulation, and lack of empathy in their thinking.

Encourage empathy and open communication when dealing with narcissists while recognizing the challenges that may arise in dealing with relationships with them.