6 Ways to Deal When a Narcissist Calls You a Narcissist

Interacting with a narcissist can be challenging, and when you assert yourself or challenge their behavior, they may resort to a common tactic – calling you a narcissist. This projection of their own traits onto you can be disorienting and frustrating. In this article, we’ll explore six effective ways to respond when a narcissist calls you a narcissist, allowing you to maintain your emotional well-being and assertiveness.

  1. Stay Calm and ReflectWhen a narcissist labels you as a narcissist, it’s essential to stay calm and take a moment to reflect. Remember that this accusation is often a defense mechanism employed by the narcissist to deflect attention away from their own behavior. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that their words may not be a reflection of reality.
  2. Avoid DefensivenessResisting the urge to become defensive is crucial. Engaging in a defensive argument can escalate the situation and play into the narcissist’s tactics. Instead, respond with a composed demeanor and a willingness to engage in a productive conversation.
  3. Ask for Specific ExamplesCalmly ask the narcissist for specific examples of your supposed narcissistic behavior. This not only shifts the focus onto their accusations but also forces them to provide concrete evidence, which they often cannot do. Requesting examples can also help you gain a better understanding of their perspective.
  4. Set BoundariesNarcissists may attempt to control the narrative or manipulate you with their accusations. Firmly assert your boundaries by letting them know that name-calling and baseless accusations are not acceptable forms of communication. State that you are open to constructive dialogue but will not engage in personal attacks.
  5. Stay Grounded in RealityRemind yourself of the reality of the situation. Narcissists often engage in gaslighting, trying to make you doubt your own perceptions and feelings. Trust your instincts and maintain a strong sense of self-worth. Seek support from trusted friends or a therapist to validate your feelings.
  6. Disengage When NecessaryIf the conversation becomes toxic or unproductive, consider disengaging. Narcissists thrive on attention and conflict, so refusing to engage further can be an effective strategy. Calmly express that you are not willing to continue the conversation until it becomes more respectful and constructive.


Dealing with a narcissist who calls you a narcissist can be a perplexing and emotionally taxing experience. Remember that their accusations are often a projection of their own traits and insecurities. Staying calm, avoiding defensiveness, and setting boundaries are essential strategies for maintaining your emotional well-being in such situations. Ultimately, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental health and seek support when needed, whether from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals, to navigate these challenging interactions with grace and resilience.