Narcissists Say the Darnedest Things

Narcissists have a unique way of communicating that often leaves those around them bewildered and frustrated. They frequently employ language that reflects their self-centeredness and need for admiration. In this article, we will delve into some of the sayings and phrases commonly used by narcissists, shedding light on the underlying motivations and meanings behind their words.

  1. “It’s All About Me” Mentality

One of the hallmarks of narcissism is the belief that everything revolves around the narcissist. They may use phrases like, “I should be the center of attention,” or “What’s in it for me?” This reflects their deep need for constant admiration and validation.

  1. “I’m the Best” Boasts

Narcissists often engage in self-aggrandizing statements to boost their own self-esteem. You might hear them say things like, “I’m the smartest person in the room,” or “I’m always right.” These statements aim to assert their superiority over others.

  1. “You’re Lucky to Have Me” Attitude

Narcissists frequently convey a sense of entitlement in their communication. They may say, “You should be grateful to have me in your life,” or “I’m doing you a favor by being here.” These phrases reflect their belief that they are doing others a favor by their mere presence.

  1. “No One Understands Me” Lament

While narcissists often exhibit a lack of empathy, they may still play the victim card by saying, “No one understands me,” or “I’m all alone in this world.” This tactic seeks to elicit sympathy and attention from others.

  1. “I’m Special and Unique” Claims

Narcissists have an inflated sense of uniqueness. They might say, “I’m not like other people,” or “I’m too special to follow the rules.” These statements highlight their belief in their exceptional status.

  1. “I Know Everything” Declarations

Narcissists often resist admitting their lack of knowledge or understanding. You may hear them say, “I already know everything about that,” or “I don’t need your advice; I’ve got it all figured out.” These declarations serve to maintain their image of infallibility.

  1. “It’s Your Fault” Blame

Narcissists are adept at deflecting blame onto others. They may use phrases like, “You made me do it,” or “It’s your fault I acted this way.” These statements shift responsibility away from themselves and onto others.

  1. “I Deserve Special Treatment” Demands

Narcissists often demand preferential treatment. You might hear them say, “I deserve the best of everything,” or “Treat me like royalty.” These demands stem from their sense of entitlement.


Narcissists have a unique language that reflects their self-centeredness, entitlement, and need for constant admiration. Understanding the motivations behind their words can help those dealing with narcissists navigate conversations more effectively. It’s important to remember that interacting with narcissists can be emotionally draining, and setting boundaries and seeking support when necessary are crucial for maintaining your well-being in such relationships.