9 signs of gaslighting you need to watch out for

The term gaseous is a term that has been thrown around many times but what does it actually look and feel like?

The first thing you should know is that it is a serious form of mental and emotional abuse that makes you question your own reality and sanity.

In other words, Gas Controllers use tactics of manipulation and control to distort your perception, feelings, and self-esteem.

Gaslighting can occur in any type of relationship – from romantic relationships to those between family members, friends and co-workers.

So, how do you know if this type of abuse is really happening to you? In this article, we’ll talk about the most important warning signs you need to look out for and what you can do if you’re gaslighted.

Let’s get started.

1) They lie persistently and blatantly
One of the scariest things about gas spoons is that they always deny the truth, no matter what.

And they do so with such conviction that it has reached a point where you start questioning yourself and you can’t tell what’s real anymore.

Even if you saw their behavior or heard what they said, they will lie right to your face and pretend it never happened.

For example, you are sure that they said “yes” to do you a favor, and they will tell you that they never agreed to it.

It can get worse: They’ll get upset, deflect the conversation, or accuse you of making things up.

2) They play the blame game
Gas workers are never responsible for their actions.

Think about this for a minute: Is the person….

Always find a way to blame any time you communicate your feelings or talk about something that doesn’t work for you?
Blaming you for being “too sensitive or irrational” or for not being able to “make a joke?”
Make you feel wrong because of every disagreement or argument?
Make you feel guilty for something you didn’t say or do?

If you said yes to any of this, it’s a sign of gaslighting. It’s meant to make you question your behavior or reaction and deflect any responsibility for the pain they’ve caused.

3) They underestimate you
If you constantly find yourself on the receiving end of unfounded criticism from someone, this is a red flag of gaslighting behavior.

Gas players use the power of words to control, insult and harm you.

These rude comments and insults attack your personality and make you feel small and helpless.

They will take things to a very personal level to keep you exposed and vulnerable. This is how they take the upper hand and play with your perception of reality.

This brings me to my next point….

4) They make you question your self-worth
Do you always doubt yourself and feel like you are not good enough? Do you always wonder if I’m being too unreasonable? Do you feel like you can’t trust your own thoughts or instincts?

Here’s the deal: To gain control and power, an invader will always put you in frustration and make you feel insecure.

No matter what you say or do, they will always determine how ineffective and wrong you are.

They will use any perceived flaw, weakness, or insecurity to keep you feeling as unworthy and off balance as possible.

5) Underestimate your feelings

“You’re just paranoid.”

“You’re overreacting.”

These are just some of the phrases gas workers use to convince you that you are wrong and that you are making a lot out of nothing.

They will belittle, dismiss, and invalidate your feelings and experiences to further undermine your reality.

It gets to a point where you start to question your own feelings and even feel foolish for trying to stand up for yourself.

When you can’t trust your own perceptions and feelings and believe what the warrior says, that’s when you’re most likely to take abuse and fail to hold them accountable for their behavior.

6) Make you feel crazy
One of the most common tools that denial and manipulation manipulators use is to make you think that you are losing your mind.

They will tell you that you misremember or imagine things or that you are paranoid when you see signs of dishonesty or inconsistency.

It’s how they divert attention away from their own misdeeds. They may even ask you to seek help for your mental health as a way to trick you into thinking you are going crazy.

You see, the Warrior’s lies and distortions of reality cause you to legitimately question your own sanity. In fact, it’s another way of saying “These problems are your fault, not mine.”

7) They isolate you
And it gets worse: The gas appliance will create distance between you and your loved ones and discredit you to others by spreading rumors that you are unstable.

Never underestimate a warrior’s ability to always do his best and earn the trust of your family and friends. They will use this connection to easily bend reality and turn loved ones against you.

The goal is to separate you from the people who can give you the support you need to prove the warrior wrong.

By now, you should know that an invader is a master of lies. It will make you believe that you have no one else to turn to or trust – except them. Isolation gives them more control over you.

8) They refuse to listen
When you encounter this person, do you often feel like you are saying the same thing over and over and still not being heard?

Does this person often deviate from the topic and bring up something else to make you look like a sinner and look like a victim?

These are all signs of gaslighting. The gas workers will never acknowledge your perspective. They will insist that you are completely wrong all the time.

9) It’s inconsistent
One of the hallmarks of gaslighting behavior is that their actions do not match their words.

They can give you the moon and the stars but they won’t keep even the smallest of promises. When you try to remind them of anything they promised, they will absolutely deny it.

Plus, if you find that someone’s behavior is always confusing you, that’s a blatant red flag.

Do they criticize and hurt you one minute and then shower you with nice words the next?

This shift from blame to praise is another ploy to keep you under their control and make you think they’re not that bad after all.