[7+ Reactions] How Do Narcissists Treat Old Supply?

Narcissists need a supply just like a drug addict needs a fix, it’s their lifeline. They need a great deal of outside attention to make sure that they really are there and that they are as special as they think they are.

For narcissists, a person is not a living, breathing entity, deserving of their needs and desires. No, to a narcissist, other people are either a provider or nothing. There is no in between.

When considering how narcissists deal with old supply, it will always boil down to one thing – their current availability of supply.

To understand why presentation is so important to the psychological survival of the narcissist, it is important to take an active look at the personality disorder.
narcissist gains
Many of us on this planet have experienced some degree of trauma, which then continues to dictate how we interact with the world around us.

While many of us have dealt with our trauma in a way that makes us more empathetic to others, narcissists have decided to go the opposite route.

When the narcissist was in a place of trauma, they decided that what they were feeling was unbearable and they simply refused to feel those things. In response, they have unconsciously given up on their true self, because this was a part of them, which is responsible for making them feel such things.

By abandoning their true and authentic self, they also sever their connection to the Divine Life Force, which is how we all access life force energy.

It was basically the biggest self-denial they could do.

From that point on, the narcissist is left with a black hole inside himself, which never actually solves his problem.

Now, narcissists have doomed themselves for life to needing to steal life force energy from other still whole lives. This is the only way for them to temporarily relieve the inner pit of despair, which is their empty black hole.

When they were cut off from their true selves, their egos were the only thing left in charge. It is their ego that has created a complete false ego to go along with their false reality, all with the intention of shielding the narcissist from the truth. That they are a flawed human being, not as special, superior, or more important than us.

Extract life force energy

The narcissist’s need to self-medicate with life force energy is insatiable. They will never be able to fill their empty void, yet it is the only thing that gives them temporary relief.

The only real way for narcissists to heal themselves is to reconnect with their inner being. However, doing so also means acknowledging all of their flaws and taking full responsibility not only for their behavior, but also for their deepest wounds.
The very nature of narcissism is the reason few are able to heal in this life.

There are specific ways a narcissist can extract life energy from other people, in order to continually feed their false self.

It all comes down to attention, which is simply energy. In other words, they need a constant stream of attention directed their way, which feeds their egos and keeps their false reality from inflating.

You see, in order for their false reality to still exist for them, they need constant validation from the outside world that it is really “real.”

You can see how narcissists are doomed to a life of emptiness and dysfunction.

Narcissism is a spiritual disease through which they believe they are superior, special, and perfect more than anyone else. In their false reality, they are a deity around whom the entire universe revolves.