The Art of Narcissistic Grooming

Hello beautiful.

I can hardly believe that there is someone as smart as you, reading my blog post.

Even giving me a few minutes of your precious time brightens up my entire day.

Of all the sites out there, you are here…on mine.

Do you know what this means? Fate has brought you here. It’s so stellar for us to be together.

Just one look from your eyes gives my life purpose.

Speaking of stars… can I ask you a question? Does it hurt when you fall from the sky?

Seriously, I hope I’m not being too forward here, but has anyone told you lately how amazingly beautiful you are? You are without a doubt the most amazing person I have ever seen; The smartest and most amazing.

And the fact that I get that about you makes me the luckiest person alive.

Why don’t you give me your number? I promise not to bite… that is, unless you want me to. You just say the word.

So, shall I call you tonight around seven o’clock? I will make you forget everything that has caused you sorrow or grief, if you will only give me the opportunity.

I will protect you… You will be safe with me. I’ll show you what it means to be taken care of.

Remember these words? Remember how, after succumbing to constant praise and flattery, how great the “intimacy” was? How did the narcissist tell you that you had the best body, the best lovemaking skills, and how could they not get enough of you?

You were the most classy and charming person ever. The two of you were soul mates, right?

And these are the words that reverberate in your mind for years–keeping you hooked, desperate, and longing for a hint of those feelings of importance and worthiness. long after the assault occurred; Long after you discover the lies and cheating and that your partner has no conscience. Long after love bombing is a distant memory.

Why turn into putty when a narcissist says those words to you, while others try and fail to get your attention? Why stay with them even after you discover that they are not true to their words or promises? Even after discovering that love bombing is just a tool for manipulation?

Narcissists are charming, persuasive, and very good at their game. While most of them are attractive, even those who are not can come across as such through the way they dress, their postures, and the various images they display. Moreover, if intimacy with them is good, they become even more attractive. There is nothing like oxytocin to keep a person attached to a partner, whether or not the partner involved is beneficial to the individual’s mental health.

On the other hand, there is another reason why narcissists are so good at connecting and maintaining their goals. They learn their deepest fears and insecurities, then proceed to amplify them to the point where their victims become obsessed with maintaining and validating the narcissist’s approval.

In the beginning, the narcissist told you everything you wanted to hear about your worth. They built you, high in the sky, where you thought nothing could bring you down. You never felt understood and appreciated.

Then, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, the narcissist began to dismantle the foundation of your newfound confidence. They made you doubt yourself, your worth, and your potential for success and happiness. It revived the insecurities you developed during your early years, when you learned that many of us were born evil, wrong, and imperfect—and there was nothing we could do about it.

And then, after the idealization stage of the narcissist, your soul has witnessed a slow, tormented descent into the pits of self-loathing, insecurity, and misery. And every single day, you wait for the narcissist to show some signs of remorse, some signs that you’re not unworthy, after all.

Why can other people tell you all day long how attractive, successful, and worthy you are, yet do little to ease your sadness? It is because these people do not abuse your inner child, which is exactly what the narcissist does to you every day as you remain in a relationship with him or her. In fact, the narcissist does it on purpose and ill will. They turned love bombing into an art form.

It’s how they keep you hooked… But, you can stop this cycle of darkness and sadness. Imagine your younger self, the person the narcissist emotionally abuses every day, take him by the hand and lead him to safety. Only by standing up for your younger self will you begin your journey of emotional healing.