Why does empathy seem to attract narcissists? Narcissists rely on external validation. Empaths are tremendous healers, givers, and benefactors.
On the surface, this might seem like a convenient story. But the underlying dynamics of each couple’s situation can be vastly different.
Every relationship is an ever-changing kaleidoscope of male and female energies, flowing with give and take, in every action, word, and foreplay.
We like to think that living from the heart, in a space of love and intimacy can only be good; It can’t be wrong or bad. But one must also honestly ask oneself: is it balanced? Is it healthy?
The common undercurrent with many empaths is that they often heal others to their detriment, which is not very healthy.
Here’s a funny question: When your healing energy goes to everyone else, and it becomes needed, is it really a healing space anymore?
Some of the best therapists I’ve met know how to laugh at other people’s problems, and they know how not to heal everyone.
They know how to be big in their inner space and understand that healing others, that is, changing the energy that affects them, is not always appropriate.
One of the best things an empath can do is stop trying to heal everyone around them in a way that’s completely out of control.
The primary problem with “Out of Control Empaths” is that they give up all their healing energy to others to the point where they have nothing left for themselves; This does not help people effectively.
Someone has to teach empaths to say no. Someone has to show empathy as they refuse to take responsibility for owning their power. Someone has to show sympathy with images and habits, they are so stuck that they are not allowed to claim their power.
Ideally, it’s a learning experience, and emotion can change all those behaviors, beliefs, and patterns, but without tools it can be very difficult.
We create through the images in our minds. So, if we don’t destroy the images that limit us – actually sit in meditation and imagine those images exploding or we decide to change our inner beliefs – we will simply create the same situations again, because the subconscious mind does not. know anything different.
Of course, this is hard to believe unless you have the right tools and can use them constantly to change situations.
Most people do not want to hear that their relationship space is a space of spiritual development, or a space of growth, and that they may have to learn from different partners before they can be with their perfect mate.
We like to believe that loving others means accepting them completely, even with all their faults; That we should love people for who they are, not for what we want them to be.
But what happens when there is such a huge gap between who that person can really be, that is, what they can do deeply, and who they are in the present moment?
With narcissists, the gap is really big…
An out of control empath subconsciously says, “Heal them.” But it might be best to teach that person. But do we know when it is appropriate to help someone change, heal them, or educate them?
Can you see when validating where someone is capable, not who they are now, healthy, not some form of control?
And can you see that if someone doesn’t want to change and then says no, and moves on, maybe that’s the only healthy thing you can do?
I have seen most relationships are created just from subconscious space. It is the level at which most people on this planet evaluate their relationships.
Empaths without tools are always caught up in healing pacts and healing games.
The great thing about understanding the energetic complexities of different situations, and having the tools to deal with them, is that in order to transform your life, you just need to do more meditation and energy work. You learn to create from the free space of the higher chakras.
And then, in general, the formula for life becomes 90% meditation, 10% action. I would strongly suggest that if you are taking more than 10% of the action and not seeing the results you want, your inner space needs more work. But when you create from the sixth and seventh chakras, you need very little, and very often, no external action.
The journey of people who identify as empaths, in today’s world, is to move from the second chakra, the space of sensuality, feeling, and emotion of the body, to the heart, and then to the sixth chakra—the space of clairvoyance.
In cases where we have an emotional problem, or feel stuck, it is usually because there is a semi-conscious image that we have been caught in and fail to see clearly.
The ability to destroy a mental image is the primary way to change your entire life.
I’ve seen so many highly sensitive, empathetic people — and people who live from their hearts — who find it hard to destroy. One woman who read it even recoiled at the suggestion that she destroy a simple flower.
What inevitably happens with people who do not have permission to let go of these mental images is that they become completely programmed by other people’s controlling energies (because they do not have self-permission to extinguish those energies). This can easily turn into a recipe that can ruin a person’s entire life.
Therefore, it makes sense to look at who you are, who you want to become, how you want to change, and what you want to experience through the relationship.
Empaths, in particular, need to define what they want to get from the relationship. Unfortunately, empaths can easily fall into the pit of losing their sense of themselves when they are around a significant other.
Empathy requires a level of active separation from others that most people don’t really understand.
Most of our cultural fantasies about love boil down to losing the self within the other, i.e. losing space and seniority, doing anything for love, etc., rather than gaining greater clarity and awareness towards oneself.
Love requires more than closeness to be successful; It requires incredibly clear communication, a clear vision, and a myriad of insider tools and practical, transformative spiritual information that can guide a couple on their journey together–without which drama and games survive.
As an empathetic person, he must also be able to identify and stand by the things that make him strong in his space. What does that even mean? It means saying no to doing things you don’t really want to do, being above guilt and cultural or parental programming telling you what you’re “supposed to do.”
It means cutting people out of your life who are a net negative influence so they don’t come back.
This means being responsible for running your energy into your own space and driving everyone else away, even if it makes them mad because you no longer heal them. This means saying no to energy, people, and situations that don’t prove your sincerity, and saying yes to what proves your sincerity.
Freedom requires removing that toxicity from your life. You are kind, generous and loving. You deserve to share these gifts with the people who actually deserve them!