How to Deal with Manipulative People and Cut Them out of Your Life

If you have to deal with manipulative people, there are some ways to protect yourself from their influence and ultimately banish them from your life.

We tend to meet different types of people in life. Unfortunately, the percentage of negative characters around us is very high.

Among the different types of negative and toxic personalities such as narcissists, gossip, blamers, and complainers, to name a few, some manipulators have the power to suck the life out of you. For this reason, you must know how to deal with the manipulative people in your life.

Manipulators have mastered the art of draining your self-confidence and replacing it with self-doubt. These people do their best to prove that their claims and opinions are objective and reliable facts. On the other hand, they will say that they are worried about your problems and your life.

What we have to realize is that manipulative people have no interest in our well-being and only care about their interests. The best part is that you can always deal with such characters effectively without letting them wear you down.

There are some radical and solid ways to deal with manipulative people to bring about change and get such toxins out of your life for good.

Avoid all influences on their part

The most important thing any victim of a manipulator should know: ignore the manipulator. A manipulative person will suddenly reverse course on various issues, and try to remove himself from the situation when held accountable.

They will promise you things but never deliver and they will regularly make you feel guilty about any kind of shortfall. In short, everything that no one likes.

One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make when dealing with a manipulator is making an effort to fix them. In trying to do this, you will only frustrate yourself and fall for their deceptions and traps. They will want to get you emotional to see how your personality and mind work.

Once they are sure of the things that affect you, they will use them to influence your decision-making and actions. This is where you should ignore them as much as possible.

Sometimes it’s easier said than done, as the person could be your boss, your college roommate, your classmate, or even a family member. The point is to allow yourself to listen to them but not act the way they expect you to.

Cutting people out of your life doesn’t mean you hate them. It simply means that you respect yourself.

Tap on their center of gravity

Manipulative people will go so far as to influence your social circle. For example, they will become friends with your friends and will later convince them to oppose you. This is where you need to turn their game against them.

The trick is to identify things in their discomfort zone and hit those states at the right time. This method of dealing with shady personalities is especially applicable to those who find it difficult to ignore manipulative people.

You need to identify their center of gravity and pounce on it. Such sensitive sites can be anything from friends, professional circles, acquaintances, and so on.

Let’s not get under the impression that you need to become somewhat “passive” in your motives for attacking them. Remember, it is about protecting yourself from these common negative influences that plague society, workplaces, and schools.

Identifying their most prized possessions, close people, etc. and tactfully dealing with them as the manipulator becomes defenseless is a powerful way to bring peace to your life.

Trust your instincts

You have your close family and friends. However, you are the only person who can understand your life better than anyone else. It’s not uncommon to see people walking around asking other people’s opinions about, like, “Is this the right career for me?” “,” What am I doing with my life? “,” Am I in the right relationship?

The point is, no one defines your life but you. This is what distinguishes people who are highly successful in life from any other ordinary person walking down the street.

Successful and happy people believe in their abilities and dreams, rather than looking to others for approval. By creating and sticking to your own beliefs and values, you leave no chance for manipulative people to influence your decisions and your life in general.

This is why you should always trust your gut reaction and judgment as you feel throughout your life.

Say “no” to compromise

Guilt is useless, but, unfortunately, it affects almost every one of us. On the other hand, it can also be used as a powerful weapon by manipulators.

Such people will make the individual feel guilty for all his failures or misfortunes or for the disastrous consequences of being overconfident and proud.

They simply cannot stand any time when you are happy and cheerful, so they will try to use it against you. Their point is that no one should ever feel complacent and complacent.

As mentioned earlier, manipulators are also known to build up an element of “doubt” in you, doubt about your abilities and self-worth. This is how manipulators force you into a phase of uncertainty. Over time, their influence tends to blossom and require you to compromise more on your interests, preferences, values, goals, etc.

If you have manipulative people in your life, there is a straightforward and promising way to deal with them – stop feeling guilty. Remember, when we talk about our lives, we don’t owe anything to anyone.

It doesn’t matter what age group, social class, ethnic class, profession, and educational qualification you belong to, you should always feel confident and proud of your accomplishments.