7 Reasons People with Intuitive Personality Are Often Misunderstood

Those with an intuitive personality are often misunderstood. We think and act differently from our family and friends which can be frustrating on both sides.

It is natural for people to want to be understood. In fact, it is one of our deepest desires. This is why we are looking for a soul mate. We are looking for someone to “get” us. For those with an intuitive personality, this can be frustrating.

We think differently than many people around us. Our friends and family may struggle to understand us. This can make us feel isolated, lonely, and like we’ll never fit in.

There are many reasons why people find intuitive personalities difficult to understand, but below I have listed some of the most common ones.

If you identify yourself in the following traits, then you certainly have an intuitive personality.

  1. You never take anything for granted
    When someone tells you something as the truth, you rarely just accept it, especially if it doesn’t fit with the way you see the world. As an axiom, you will need to explore this new information and look for personal examples, evidence, and echoes. However, you will not refuse information either. You always strive to keep an open mind.

You tend to rely on your intuition and logic rather than someone else’s opinion, even if it is generally accepted. An intuitive person often disagrees with public opinion and things considered socially acceptable. This is because we trust only our own judgment and moral law, and when something does not resonate with us, we will not accept it at face value.

  1. You feel on the edge of society
    Because of your unconventional way of thinking, it can be difficult for you to find a place that works for you. You often feel like you don’t belong here, in this community and even the world.

You find traditional beliefs and values in mainstream society confusing. This is again due to your tendency not to accept things at face value. If societal values don’t resonate with your personal ethics, you don’t accept them just because everyone else does.

Intuitive personalities don’t follow the crowd. They play the role of outside observers, and yes, sometimes that can lead to loneliness and misunderstandings. But on the bright side of this solo path, you know you stay who you are and don’t let society turn you into someone else.

Thus, you identify better with those on the fringes of society, those who traditional people think are a little weird or eccentric. Since you have to spend time with family, friends, and colleagues who don’t understand you, this can be difficult.

  1. You can always see another side to the story
    Your intuitive personality helps you understand things from other people’s point of view. You realize that nothing is ever black or white. Because of your intuition and empathy, you prefer not to judge other people — after all, you haven’t had their life experiences, so you can’t figure out why they act the way they do.

Your motto might be the Native American proverb: “Never judge a man until he has gone a mile in his moccasins.”

At the same time, those around you may misunderstand the fact that you are not taking sides. When disagreement arises, your friends and family expect their full support from them, and your decision to be neutral can be seen as a betrayal. Needless to say, this can create all sorts of difficulties in your relationships.

  1. You are an abstract thinker with a wide range of interests
    Having an intuitive personality means that you are interested in a wide variety of things. She loves the strangeness of life, its mysteries, and the unknown. You may find life boring if you have all the answers, but you love to learn more and improve. Others can’t always understand your drive to learn and your constant curiosity.

At the same time, people with an intuitive personality tend to be abstract thinkers. You may find yourself more focused on the world of fantasies, theories, and fantasy rather than real life.

You don’t place much importance on ordinary things, and this trait of yours may seem eccentric to others. For example, if you’re working on an exciting new project and you’re completely immersed in what you’re doing, you might skip a meal or forget to sleep.

  1. Your idea of success is different from others
    Your idea of success is to make a positive difference. You would like people to remember you for helping people or making the world a better place. Perhaps you value love, kindness, creativity, and compassion.

Conventional success like salary increases, promotions, luxury cars, and big homes doesn’t appeal to you. These are things you simply don’t care about. You are not competitive and do not seek to control others. As we said above, intuitive personalities do not follow the crowd and are also not interested in leading others.

You are not overly materialistic and value relationships and experiences more than wealth and material possessions. This is another reason why you don’t fit in with modern society and its values, and you can often feel out of place.

  1. You often don’t trust authority
    As an axiom, you can easily see where authorities such as governments fail people. Since there are many examples of inequality and corruption in modern life, I have lost faith in authority figures. You may become completely disillusioned with political life and choose not to participate in it at all.

If someone behaves immorally, you will never accept their behavior simply because it is an authority or a high position in society. Superficial features such as marital status, position of power, or title mean nothing to you. The only thing you care about is whether someone is a person of value or not.

You can’t bear to watch media stories filled with negativity and fear because they make you feel hopeless about the world. You wonder how billionaires and immoral politicians sleep at night! Above all, you cannot understand why there is so much hatred among people.

  1. You overthink things
    As an intuitive living in a world far from perfect, you may be prone to anxiety, anxiety and depression. This is because you feel other people’s pain deeply. There is even a rare word for it – Weltschmerz. It describes a deep frustration with the world and the inability to stop all the evil and suffering that is taking place in it. This is a perfect word that every person with an intuitive personality can relate to.

You love that people and all living things live in peace and harmony. Others think that you are naive, but you cannot understand why it is so difficult to make peace.

You also have a tendency to overthink things. Since there are many sides to every story and no clear path to follow, you find it difficult to make decisions at times. Thus, you tend to waver even when it comes to making the simplest of daily decisions. You just don’t like to act impulsively and want to make sure you consider all factors and analyze each situation in depth.