Narcissists completely ignore another person’s feelings. They don’t think twice before bemoaning someone’s height, skin color, or fragile insecurities. They believe that if they show others that they are not good enough, they will somehow raise their status in this society. However, all this behavior does is make them lonely and when you hurt people, it has chronic effects on your life.
The narcissist is well aware of this but when you don’t try to separate from your selfish side, it becomes a part of you. A narcissist is always taught to spit on the world and this is how they were raised. He doesn’t believe some people have experienced real, unbearable pain because he’s always been in pain.
I’m talking about pure narcissists here, not people who wear disguises just to hide the good in them because they don’t want people to relate to them. They are a completely different group.
Here are some signs of a pure narcissist.
- Masters of manipulation
Narcissists are very egotistical people. In relationships, if they have an argument, and even if you have overwhelming evidence against them, they will always have a way out. words like judgmental; You are not perfect either he will just use them to blame you. They lack acceptance.
Even if they stab you, they’ll say, ‘You made me do this.’ Like seriously? Well, I made you do this, so why don’t you take that dagger and stab your thick hollow skull with it?
2 . It’s always about them
Sometimes you just meet someone who wants to have a lasting crush. He or she wants to be constantly reminded of what kind of fairytale princess she is and how the Taj Mahal is her personal property. Sure, you say some words in their high praise to make them feel better. It’s okay, no big deal.
Now, even when you get to the top of Mount Everest and they’re just sitting in front of their TV eating their leftover Cheetos like a sloth, they’ll still tell everyone back home that they had a big part in your success. They will use your achievements to raise their social status.
3 . Jealousy runs through their veins
They can’t beat anyone better than them. They must be the most popular people in the world. It is essential to their ego or it will put an end to their so-called pseudo-social life. They will plan to overthrow your existence.
- Taking advantage of others
Some people spend their entire lives befriending narcissistic people because they are just so sweet. They surround themselves with toxic people because they think they are trying to fix them and sometimes because they are too attached to people and can’t let go. This can bring a lot of negativity into their lives because narcissistic people will always take advantage of the people they are close to because it is so easy for them to do so.
They have a free ticket to do whatever they want and won’t feel any kind of guilt for leaving you unrequitedly in love with you. The world is their base. It’s for the taking and no one else matters. They are entitled to what is in front of them even if they deserve it or not.
- They don’t live up to their expectations
Their ambition in life is to be an example of perfection. They aspire to be gods and have high expectations of people. No one is perfect, no one has found the elixir of youth and we all have flaws in us but narcissists do not understand this concept. This is why they are always disappointed in people and can never maintain a long-term relationship with anyone. All consumed in Hell are bound to achieve a high level of perfection. How could this work? It can never work.
- They have a dark sense of humor
They don’t receive most jokes. They are pessimists and it’s really hard to cheer a narcissist up. He will always run to the negative side of things. Even if you make a joke, the narcissist cannot accept that you managed to cheer them up because they think this is an accomplishment that makes you superior to them.
- Physical appearance
Physical appearances are all they care about. They can’t see beyond someone’s thick, rough exterior. They have very shallow personalities. If you had the good in you and were doing things to help humanity, it wouldn’t matter to them; They will find it unimportant and irrelevant.
However, if you look great, they will feel accomplished because then they can tell the whole world that they are with a fairy goddess. It’s never about you. It always comes to them that they can tell their friends and people they know that they own a very rare and expensive drug.
Narcissists are very spoilers in the head and you should do your best to stay away from them because they can make your life miserable.