How to Spot a Sociopathic Liar and Why You Should Stay away from Them

Don’t get caught up in the manipulative lie, especially when he has sociopathic tendencies. Look out for these signs and steer clear of them.

What is a social liar?

Unfortunately, they come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life. An unsuspecting romantic partner, co-worker, or online predator can turn into a liar, sociopath. It is possible to avoid the trap, so look out for some of these warning signs that you are dealing with a sociopath.

Warning Sign 1 – Watch their words

Sociopaths can possess some of the most subtle and dangerous personality traits. However, there are often some telltale signs in the early stages of a reaction.

Sociopaths talk fast. They will use words they don’t mean and they will use language designed to cover their behaviour. This is why sociopath liars are often “fake” because they may be a completely different person than they say they are.

Do they make big promises? Do they tell you tall stories without any way to back them up? It is likely that you are dealing with a sociopath.

Also, does your sociopathic liar regularly shower you with more than enough praise? Are you the best thing since sliced bread for them? Do they often tell you that they cannot live without you? Sociopath partners may also say that they would never do anything to hurt you or that you would make them a better person.

Of course, all of these things in isolation are rarely a red flag. But, all of these things in regular succession indicate that someone might be a lying sociopath.

A sociopath may also use extremely negative words. This may be the second stage after they get to know you a little better. You may find that they blame you for a lot of things. These are usually petty and have little consequence, but they may also blame you for lying to them. They will say they will never trust you again, or that they never did anything to hurt you, but look what you’ve done to me!

Warning sign 2 – their behavior
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) from the American Psychiatric Association, the primary characteristic is the sociopath’s willingness to “ignore [or violate] the rights of others.”

Sociopaths will quickly switch between being your best friend or your worst enemy. But a sociopathic liar will give you millions of reasons to defend this behavior towards you. They are always blameless and rarely apologize unless caught up and it will make them look good.

Some studies of sociopaths say that their behavior is 90% of the norm. If you can focus on their behavior and ignore the words they say, you can see the social liar right in front of your eyes.

Sociopaths may also form strong opinions. They will not often form these opinions based on any forethought but when it is appropriate or makes them look good. They can also use it to take the opposite point of view, just because they think they can!

Warning sign #3 – Getting too close

In addition to trying to be your best friend, a sociopath can also be very good at making other people fall in love with them – especially if they are feeling lonely, sad, or have low self-esteem at the time. The same behavior can be applied to hiring; Sociopaths can make themselves look like the next inventor or superstar. If someone sweeps you off your feet, you may be falling in love with a lying sociopath.

You should also be aware of your feelings through all of this. In his study of psychology, The People Who Can Ruin Your Life, Bill Eddy determined that sociopaths will often have targets for blame.

These are people who often enjoy the suffering of others. They either come back aggressively with the sociopath or show their fear or frustration. Both are unwise.

It is better to calmly disengage than to show how much she affects your feelings. They will enjoy your hopeless anger and/or hopeless frustration. It just confirms that they have power over you.

This dominance is what Eddie describes as a driving force. Sociopaths have a lot of energy and use it to control others. He also found that sociopaths often lack a conscience, so they will do anything to get what they want.

Don’t get caught

A lot of sociopaths marry even though they’ve seen some warning signs. They also employ them, conduct business deals with them, or elect them to occupy responsible positions. They wanted to believe the person’s words rather than pay attention to how they felt.

Trust your feelings more than their words. If you have an uncomfortable or intense feeling, check it out.