What Is a Malignant Narcissist and How to Recognize One in Your Life

A malignant narcissist is someone who has a combination of two personality disorders, which makes them both extremely dangerous and manipulative.

Narcissists are everywhere, right? From demanding celebrities to power-hungry bosses, narcissists have an innate sense of entitlement, a complete lack of empathy, and crave the spotlight and attention.

According to the DSM-IV, narcissistic tendencies include:

Have a high sense of self-importance
They exaggerate their achievements and talents
It consumes a lot of success, power, distinction, brilliance, beauty
I think they are superior and only other special people can relate to them
Need constant admiration
Maturity expectation
Unable to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Act dismissive or arrogant
What is a malignant narcissist?
As if the above tendencies aren’t bad enough, narcissists can have malicious tendencies, too.

Famed social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term “malignant narcissism” in 1964 when he described it as: “the essence of evil.”

A malignant narcissist is someone who has a combination of narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies. Psychopaths usually have very few emotions and cannot feel sadness, empathy, remorse, or guilt. They may know what they’re doing wrong, but they just don’t care.

The average narcissist needs attention and constant validation, but the psychopath can care less about what you think of them. So how does this mix of characters work?

A narcissist fantasizes about what they want in life. They want you to believe they are more successful, better educated, have a much nicer partner, earn more than you, and are generally obsessed with maintaining that facade.

Now add to this character a malicious streak. All of the narcissist’s wants and needs are now under the psychopath’s control. A psychopath who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Malignant narcissists will use any method at their disposal and are willing to sacrifice anyone who gets in their way.

antisocial behaviors
superficial charm
Pathological lying
No regrets
Parasitic lifestyle
emotionally shallow
Unwilling to accept responsibility
Combine those with a narcissist and you have someone who is not only cold-hearted and manipulative but will use these characteristics to achieve their goals.

Signs of a Malignant Narcissist:

  1. An exaggerated sense of entitlement
    There are days when we all feel as if we are entitled to special treatment, birthdays for example. The difference with malignant narcissists is that they feel this all the time.
  2. No conscience or remorse
    We all have thoughts and feelings that we know we will never act on. A malignant narcissist is unable to put himself in someone else’s shoes, he will never feel remorse for his actions, no matter how outrageous.
  3. She is cruel and sadistic
    Malignant narcissists have a cruel streak as they enjoy inflicting pain, either mental or physical, on their victims.
  4. Selfishness
    While we all want our egos to be beaten at some point in our lives, the malignant narcissist only thinks of himself and wants everyone to see things from their point of view.
  5. A sense of grandeur
    If these types of people believe that they are better than everyone else, they feel that they are uniquely superior to others and that only a special few can understand them.
  6. Paranoia
    The malignant narcissist believes that everyone is out to get them, with little or no evidence to support their theories. They will take the most innocent confrontation and turn it into a vendetta against them.
  1. Manipulative
    Who hasn’t tried to use the situation to their advantage at some point? A person who uses this technique regularly is likely to be a malignant narcissist.
  2. A charming virtual glow
    It is second nature for these types of people to sweet-talk or use their charm to get what they want from others. They may seem honest and real but don’t be fooled.

Why are malignant narcissists dangerous

Narcissists can be dangerous if the truth shatters their fragile sense of worth. They will react hysterically and do anything to protect themselves from being knocked out. If their facade is broken, the narcissist will lash out when challenged. Add to that a malicious tendency and you have someone who is emotionless, remorseless, and willing to do anything to keep you from revealing their true nature.

Individuals with this personality disorder will be particularly manipulative and cold-hearted and believe that they deserve what they want and that everyone else is inferior to them.

This is a dangerous combination because they tend to look down on people who have no emotion, they only see what they can offer them and they will use manipulative techniques to achieve this.

Malignant narcissists often see the world in black and white, with no gray areas in between. This means that they will not allow arguments or mistakes to be made and that they have problems when it comes to maintaining or even starting relationships.

Malignant narcissistic treatment

Unfortunately, because the malignant narcissist generally does not realize that something is wrong, it is very difficult to get him or her to accept treatment. Also, we must keep in mind that these people are often in positions of great power and that others around them may feel intimidated when it comes to implying that something is wrong with their personalities.

The decision is often taken out of the hands of malignant narcissists, as social services or the legal system may have to intervene if others are injured or a criminal offense is committed.