8 Traits of a Super Empath: Find Out If You Are One

What is Super Empath? You might think this means empathy with heightened sensitivity. You’re right, but it’s complicated.

Super empaths feel the emotions of others more intensely. It’s like having a super power. You can use it for good or bad. In this article, I want to examine the traits of super-empaths, how they differ from empaths and how they deal with this hypersensitivity.

8 Super empath traits

  1. You can connect to your feelings up or down
    Super empaths can either lower or intensify their levels of empathy. It all depends on the situation. Usually, this happens after prolonged abuse. Super Empaths calls this “turning off their emotions”.

Super empaths are finely tuned to the feelings of others. They use their opponent’s fears and insecurities like a heat-seeking missile against their aggressors.

Super empaths know what the other person is going through. It is easy for them to see what motivates a person. For example, if their partner treats them silently, they won’t speak up either. If someone constantly puts them down, they will do the same. Super-sympathizers can project nasty traits on their abuser, but with an added allure.

Indifference or indifference is not associated with empathy. However, in certain circumstances, it is a super empathetic trait. Super empaths can become critical, impatient, demeaning, mean, and spiteful. In effect, it mirrors his abuser, or plays him at his own game.

She can also appear disinterested and then explode with anger. However, it does not give them pleasure and they are aware of how harmful their actions are.

  1. You attract narcissists
    You might be wondering why super empaths take such drastic action. One reason is that their caring and empathetic nature attracts narcissists. One of the most common traits of empathy is the desire to help others. Narcissists quickly pick up on this and get trapped in super empathy.

Narcissists use empathy to their advantage. However, while an empath may remain in an unhealthy relationship, a super empath is different. Some call this the awakening of super empathy.

Empath finally realizes his power and begins manipulating narcissists. In a battle between a super empath vs. a narcissist, I was previously wasting my money.

  1. You can see the positions from both sides
    Do you defend the actions of others? Do you play Devil’s Advocate in arguments? Are you explaining the situation from the other person’s point of view?

Super empaths understand why people do things. For example, you may have a black sheep in the family. Your siblings have long since disowned her, but you will keep in touch. You remember how they struggled as a teenager. You understand how this explains their behaviour.

  1. You are very self-aware
    People with critical self-awareness can tap into the feelings of others. However, they are also aware of their mental state and how this may affect them. You may have done shadow work on yourself.

As a result, you are aware of your own biases. You realize that you see the world through an imperfect lens. This lens has many effects. Your upbringing, your family and friends, the environment, mainstream and social media.

You know your triggers, why you react the way you do, and adjust your behavior accordingly.

  1. You have a strong sense of identity
    Being self-aware is beneficial in all aspects of life. It provides super-empathizers with the insight to change their behavior and an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. You know who you are, what you stand for, what your beliefs and values are, and you make no apologies for expressing them.

However, you combine your self-awareness with tact and diplomacy. You are also aware of other people’s feelings. You hope to educate people, not preach to them.

Super Empath wants to spread compassion, mediate, and bring people together. They want a perfect world where everyone coexists; Those who can contribute, and those who cannot, are taken care of.

  1. You are a people pleaser
    Some people give advice without being asked, give you their opinion whether you like it or not, and “like to say it straight.” In other words, they are tactless and have no other motive than to make themselves look and feel superior.

I’ll give you my favorite example; I had just purchased my new car and was excited to show it to a friend. That was the most money I’ve ever spent on a car. I was wondering about driving this “luxury model” home. My friend saw it and said

“I don’t like the color.”

My friend is the opposite of super empathetic. Super empaths are always aware of how they treat others. They think before speaking, considering people’s feelings. They certainly don’t say anything annoying to people.

  1. You are very in tune with the feelings of others
    Super empaths are very sensitive to the experiences and feelings of others. This is not just about understanding what someone is going through. For example, we can all empathize with someone grieving the loss of their partner. We may comfort them, grieve for them, offer practical help, or a shoulder to cry on.

But super empaths feel their grief as if it were their own. They experience the pain, heartbreak, and deep sadness of others for themselves.

I know someone who can’t watch a movie where a child or a dog dies. She has made many donations to charities after being overwhelmed with grief over the plight of starving children, exhausted donkeys, the homeless, yellow bears, you name it, donate to her.

  1. Your partners can change your mood
    Have you ever felt that you are not in control of your feelings? Perhaps you feel that others have unfettered access to your moods, changing them at will.

Some people naturally light up a room, while others are emotional vampires, sucking joy out of everything around them. You tend towards the strongest mood. You are like a sponge. You absorb the atmosphere, but you can’t change it.