Are you aware of the fact that your toxic relationship habit can eventually destroy your relationship?
Toxic habits are an extension of our personality and are hard to break. However, identifying and acknowledging your toxic habits in your relationship can be a step in the right direction.
Believe it or not, your toxic behavior in a relationship may have something to do with your zodiac sign. While each sign has a different personality, they also illustrate the diverse types of positive and negative habits that different people have.
We’ve summarized each zodiac sign’s toxic relationship habit so you can better understand yourself (and your partner).
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Your toxic relationship habit based on your zodiac sign
Here is a brief account of toxic behavior in a relationship as per astrology.
- Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries can be very stubborn when it comes to revealing how they feel. Somehow they think it is best to keep their mouth shut about the problems they are having in the relationship.
Well, contrary to what they desperately hope; Nothing in life gets resolved by itself. If there are problems, they should be talked about with the partner. It’s a mistake to expect your partner to miraculously understand when something is wrong and correct it.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you are too stubborn to be in a well-functioning relationship.
- Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus can’t let go of their competitive streak, even in a relationship. There is always a flashing scoreboard displayed at the back of their minds. Every kind gesture, every dinner, every slight for their pleasure, everything adds up to that scoreboard.
You don’t need to keep a ledger with your partner. There is no competition for who is the best. You are both in this together, don’t forget about it.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you are very competitive and can be quite materialistic at times when it comes to relationships.
- Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Gemini people are a little battered and miss anyone to take them seriously. They pledge wholeheartedly but always fail to stick to it.
Even worse, they somehow come up with excuses that the only person they can convince is themselves. For someone who is in a relationship with a Gemini, it can be a little tiring to be let down over and over again. There will come a point where they will not be able to trust the other person at all.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you never keep your promises, and your partner never knows what to expect from you.
- CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Cancer takes their relationship a little too seriously. They get too clingy too soon. There is no denying the fact that they are very loving and caring, but sometimes their clinginess gets a little too restrained.
You and your partner are two separate individuals. They are not meant to be inseparable. Give them some breathing space, or you may lose them forever. Your relationship may be the stuff of legends but that doesn’t have to be the only thing in your life.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you tend to be very emotional about everything and do not give your partner space.
- Leo (July 23 – August 22)
According to Leo, the best thing in this world is that they exist. They have a bit of an edge going on which is a great feature for a leader, but not so much for a partner.
Being a Leo, you might be used to being the one who turns everyone around you on. But this is not a healthy situation for a relationship where both partners should be equals. Please don’t assume you know what’s best for them and try to control their lives. Consider them as equals and treat them as such.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you are self-obsessed and unable to bend your will to anything or anyone, including your partner.
- Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgos have a hard time controlling their jealousy. They make a mountain out of a hill and this spoils the relationship. Being a Virgo, you need to understand that you can’t question your partner’s every move just because you’re insecure. Instead, you should work with them and try to overcome your fears which will allow you to have a healthy relationship.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you are extremely jealous. After all, when placed at the wrong angle, a magnifying glass can cause serious harm.
Related: 9 Ways Your Partner Uses Guilt Trips You To Get What They Want
- Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Libra is very good at taking care of problems. But this makes them prone to looking for problems even when there aren’t any. More problematic than that, they take it upon themselves to “fix” their partners, too.
Just because someone isn’t as organized or tidy as you are doesn’t mean they need a lesson in planning and management. It would help if you let people be their people. Imposing your expectations on them is not going to help anyone. And on that note, you are not perfect. Try introspection and work on yourself instead of worrying about your partner.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you keep looking for trouble all over the place and you need to be good shoes in your relationship.
- Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Scorpios do not tolerate when things do not go the way they planned. Keeping up with Scorpio’s expectations can be very tiring. And the fact that they have a habit of blowing up at the drop of a hat makes everything worse.
You are not dating a machine. Your partner is human and has flaws by default. You must be more understanding and patient if you want your relationship to flourish.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you can be so controlling that you hurt your partner’s feelings and end up driving them away from you.
- Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius brings misery upon themselves and through no one else’s fault. They have low self-esteem and they keep playing on it. They always feel that they are lacking in one aspect or the other and this makes them very negative about everything.
Your partner doesn’t expect you to be perfect, but what can they do if you add too much negativity to the relationship because of your self-esteem issues? You have to learn your self-worth and stop putting yourself down. Only then can you be truly worthy of your partner?
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you suffer from low self-esteem. Ah, Sagittarius — it’s okay to be a little guarded so your partner knows where you are.
- Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorns have the power to take on the world through them. They are so used to being their boss that they sometimes forget that being in a relationship means one has to be vulnerable and open to their partner.
You don’t need to protect yourself from your partner. You have to trust them enough to let them break down your walls and find out the real you.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you are extremely guarded; The more you ignore your relationships in favor of other things, the more your relationship will suffer.
- Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarians have this thing that doesn’t allow them to stand up for themselves. They think they are the bigger person and allow their partner to have what they want, but in reality, they are just being easygoing.
You don’t have to agree to anything to make you unhappy. It will only exacerbate and lead to a dysfunctional relationship. Learn to make your voice heard and your fears visible in a relationship. Being trampled on is in no way equal to being loved.
Your toxic habit in your relationship is that you don’t stand up for yourself enough, it’s not all about your partner in the relationship.
- Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces are known to be creative and have a flair for the dramatic. But sometimes, if their dramatic needs aren’t being met, they go out looking for it.
This may make them invade their partner’s privacy. And this is just the beginning of the many problems they can bring on themselves. You need to stop letting your thoughts get ahead of you and start respecting your partner’s privacy.