10 Signs He’s Just Using You and Is Not Genuine

Maintaining a relationship can be a challenge at times, and no matter how many problems come up, you may end up ignoring them because you want it to last. There comes a point where you need to sit back and judge if the guy you’re dating really likes you or is simply using you.

Everyone wants a man who will genuinely love them, who will be there for them, and who is loyal. Unfortunately, not every man is built this way, and there are many men who will treat their partners poorly, simply using them for as long as they like. It may seem idealistic at first, but that’s not the real truth.

With time, they reveal their true colors when someone starts to love them blindly and fail to notice that their love is not real and that they are just using you for their own selfish needs.

Here are 10 signs that he is just using you

(1) He doesn’t care about your feelings.
He is always thinking of himself and does not bother you if you are hurt or upset by his behavior or actions. If you try to express your feelings, he will react in a way that makes you feel like you shouldn’t be thinking that way. Whenever you try to talk to him about how his actions hurt you, he will twist the entire conversation, make it about himself, and picture him as the victim.

The sad part is that he knows exactly what he’s doing, but he’ll always manipulate you and your emotions, and make you dance to his tune. Your emotions are not important to him, and they never have been.

(ii) He communicates with you only when he needs services.
He always reaches out to you when he needs any kind of help, be it financial or something else. Of course, you can always ask your partner for support, but if that’s the only reason he’s calling you while ignoring you the rest of the time, it definitely means he’s just using you. True love isn’t just asking for favors and then disappearing.

You know a guy is using you when he acts like the best friend ever when he needs something from you, but the moment it’s all done and dusted off, you’re nowhere to be found; MIA has gone. once again.

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(3) He is always “busy” and avoids going out on dates together.
Life can be busy at times, but a relationship also needs nurturing. No matter how busy you are, you can still find time for your loved ones, if you truly love them, that is. It’s not really an impossible thing to do. So, when a guy you’re dating tends to ghost you for days, claiming he’s just “busy,” know that he’s simply not interested in spending time with you.

When you really love someone, you will always try to find time for them, and if your guy isn’t doing that, he’s just using you. Giving a partner time is one of the most important parts of a relationship, so if you’re not getting that, it’s a big red flag.

(4) He never introduces you to his friends or family.
He may have met your friends and family, but strangely enough, you never met him. Whenever you bring up this topic with them and tell him you want to meet his loved ones, he either tries to avoid it or gets angry very quickly. Or he might tell you that he will make plans accordingly, and never end up with it.

Meeting your partner’s friends and family is an important step, so when he’s not working for it, know that you’re in the wrong relationship with the wrong person.

(5) He never spoke of commitment.
A man who is not serious about you avoids topics such as engagement or marriage. When you’re in a healthy relationship, it’s very natural to talk about your future commitments with your significant other, whether they’re long-term goals or short-term goals. When he’s not participating in all of this and acting negative whenever you talk about these things, know that he’s not serious about you at all.

He also never expresses his love because he doesn’t really love you. Having true feelings for someone feels different, and it’s always very obvious, but when you don’t, it also shows in their attitude and behavior.

(6) His mood fluctuates all the time.
Sometimes he’s in love with you and other times, he just doesn’t want to talk to you. If his mood fluctuates all the time, remember that he’s on a red alert. He only expresses love when he needs something from you or when he needs you to do something for him. He is always guided by his mood and does not care at all about your mood and needs.

You will never feel heard and safe in your relationship and most of the time you feel scared and afraid that you will say the wrong thing to him which will cause him to lose that mood. It’s as if you don’t even exist.

10 Signs he is just using you and that he is not real

(7) Your colleagues tell you that he is not a good guy.
Love is indeed blind. When you are in love with someone, your logic tends to fail. You will ignore all his flaws but your friends and well-wishers can see the truth as clear as day. They will always try to warn you against it because they genuinely love you and only want the best for you.

So if they keep telling you that he’s not a good guy, you should listen to them. What you may not get it right, the people around you can sometimes do.

(8) He always talks about himself.
When a man is using you, he will not consider your feelings, your likes, and dislikes, your thoughts and opinions; He will only speak for himself. When you want to talk about something related to you, he will manipulate the situation and somehow make it his own.

He doesn’t care what you’re going through in your life and he doesn’t want to. He’s so obsessed with himself that he doesn’t even register in his mind that you might also have something important to say, or you might have something to share.

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(9) He invites you to have sex but never goes on a date with you.
When you want to plan a romantic date with him, he’s always pretty busy, but when it comes to sex, he has all the time in the world. He didn’t have time to go see a movie with you, but he has all the time in the world to join in. When a guy is only interested in having a physical relationship with you, it just isn’t worth it.

Relationships are about more than just sex, so if your relationship has just that, it’s time to rethink everything. You deserve much better than someone like that.

(10) He always hides his phone.
You know you can never trust a guy when he always hides his phone from you. Snooping into your partner’s phone and checking all their messages isn’t healthy, but if they’re always uncomfortable and super controlling about their phone whenever they’re with you, that’s a big red flag. If he was a trustworthy person, he wouldn’t have to resort to all of this.

If he has nothing to hide from you, he will never hide his phone. But if he is, don’t trust him. never.

A man who gets into a relationship just to use his woman will eventually leave her when he is done using her. These relationships are highly toxic and never last. So, if you see these signs, you better get out of it. The world is a vast place, and you will find your master someday.