If you have ever encountered a narcissist and been exposed to their vile narcissism, you would surely know about their deadly sins. Anyone who has been in a relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder will know just how completely selfish and cruel they can get.
They want the other person to be completely under their control and do what they say. For them, they represent the be-all and end-all, and that the whole world revolves around them. What they think, what they say, and what they want is of paramount importance. The driving factors behind this type of attitude are varied.
The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism was initially put forth by renowned psychotherapist and clinical social worker Sandy Hotchkiss. According to her, these seven characteristics perfectly described what a narcissist really is like.
Here are the seven deadly sins of narcissism
1) Insolence.
It’s not like they’re somehow unable to connect shame with their actions. It’s not like shame is completely absent from their lives. Just that they are unable to process this shame is a healthy, organic way.
If it is not expressed or vented in the right way, it generates more problems and thus begins the endless cycle of vile deeds and the inability to address them and thus more such acts of frustration.
Related: 4 Key Behaviors A Narcissist Displays That Reveals Their True Colors
2) It is self-absorbing.
Narcissists truly believe they are above themselves. Psychologically, this is known as magical thinking.
They have such a distorted version of themselves inside their heads that they can’t even process their own shortcomings. Instead, they project it onto other people.
3) conceited.
If they get off their high horse, they start to get upset and feel very uncomfortable. The only way for them to feel better about themselves is to insult and degrade another person.
4) Envy.
To prove that they are better than everyone else, they try to make others jealous of themselves. This is just another way of projecting their fears onto others.
Related: 7 Signs of A Female Narcissist
5) titled.
Because they are disappointed in the thought that they are somehow superior to everyone else, they also expect the world to treat them as such. As long as everyone is willing to be on their toes and connected, they will be happy.
As soon as someone digs up, they immediately refer to them as a “difficult” or unreasonable person. They view non-compliance as an attack on their supposed superiority. This threatens their illusion bubble. This type of behavior may also trigger their narcissistic anger.
6) Exploitative.
This is why they are the worst kind of people to be in a relationship with. They think out of their world and expect you to do the same. Your worth and existence are only limited to how useful you are to them.
Their abuse starts with mental abuse only but can develop into other forms as well. They don’t care about the happiness or even the mental peace of the other person. The only thing that matters to them is that everything should be the way it suits them.
Related: The 7 Things Narcissists Are Most Afraid Of
7) No limits.
They feel they have discretion over the other person and their lives. No matter how many times someone might ask to give them space, or to get away from them, narcissists will continue to violate all boundaries.
They don’t care what you want, all they care about is themselves, and what they want to do to make themselves feel good and satisfied.
As mentioned above, the presence of anyone close to them is only so important that it can be used to serve them in one way or another.