Narcissists seem to have it all, annoyingly, doesn’t it?
You might be wondering, “How do they get away with all this?”
Well, honestly, that’s because they’re experts at the game they’ve created.
However, everything is subject to change, dear reader. And it is.
The fate of a narcissist will shock you, and make you realize how a single moment can change everything.
Narcissists: The Perfect Life
It’s the perfect picture, isn’t it? Narcissists want to be perfect, and they do their best to maintain that image, no matter what. They’ll pretend like nothing is their fault.
They want to be hardworking, so people know how seriously they take their responsibilities.
They like to honor themselves by providing the best material goods imaginable. They want a nice car, a big house, designer clothes, and the latest phone.
Related : Why Your Ex Is Likely Not the Narcissist You Think They Are
On paper, they have it all. They project the perfect life to the world, so the world sees them as perfect.
Of course, we know they’re not perfect—quite the opposite!
There are a group of people who know narcissists well and know their life path.
Before I get to that point, I want you to think about one narcissist you know. It could be a family member, a friend, someone you work with, or even your spouse.
Once you’ve settled that in, I want you to think about how they are now.
Are they more impossible than usual? Perhaps they have a history of always getting what they want and being incredibly lucky.
They’re healthy. They have great relationships. They live in a beautiful home you wish you had. They don’t seem to be afraid of many problems, and they’re very respectable, both personally and professionally.
Isn’t that unfair? Especially when you know who they really are.
Without You…
This is the worst part—the part you know and are familiar with…
…Narcissists are nothing without you. They build their selfish empire on making you feel the worst you’ve ever felt in your life, and that’s what drives them to exceed their expectations.
But as soon as you hinder them—as soon as the dynamics change in any way—the narcissist’s mask and persona begin to crumble.
They realize they can’t function without knowing that they could publicly abuse you at any moment.
Related : When You Stop Caring About The Narcissist They Will Do This!
They want this to last as long as possible, but they know it can’t continue because you’ve left, or you’ve moved on, or you’ve discovered who they are.
You’ve discovered the truth.
And That’s Why They Need You
They can’t play their game unless you join them, and when you walk away, the game is officially over.
You need to remember this, friends, because it’s what will help you get through your worst days with narcissists:
They really need you more than you need them.
You’ve been programmed to believe you need them and can’t live without them, but that’s not true.
The truth is, they can only do what they do because they have an open door.
When you close that door, everything changes.
The fall is almost instantaneous, but it’s not necessarily obvious to everyone at first.
You’ll notice a withdrawal. The narcissist feels temporarily confused. Yes, they can move on to their next victim, but what if they’ve run out of people to manipulate?
What if they’ve run out of charm?
It’s easy to see that a narcissist seems lost when they don’t know how to manipulate those around them to their advantage.
They’ve exhausted all their options, and now it’s time to watch their demise.
…Even Deteriorate!
I’ve had conversations in the past with people I’ve met or know about their narcissistic parent.
When they were younger, their parent thrived on knowing they could manipulate their children and spouses. Work was busy, and they were always trying to find ways to make everyone around them feel small.
Related : The One Secret The Narcissist Knows About You
As they grew older, their personalities matured.
It became harder to manipulate children who suddenly became adults, with greater power to hold on to an idea, opinion, or goal they aspired to achieve.
They felt lost and tried to control themselves wherever they could. This often comes across as a violent attack, or an attempt to triangulate whenever possible.
They play on their age, with statements like:
I used to be much fitter than I am now.
I’m older. No one understands or sees me.
I’m sick. No one helps me.
I wish I could turn back the clock.
It’s almost like they’re playing their own sad tune, doesn’t it? You almost roll your eyes because you know they’re exploiting their age.
Aging is actually a privilege not everyone has, and that’s worth remembering.
The problem with narcissists is how they exploit their age as if it were some kind of mental incapacity.
They’re still capable of being narcissistic.
They’re simply fooling fewer people.
Going Unfit: Quick
Narcissists are on the decline!
It’s fast-paced—and I must say, if you think it’s fun, you won’t be the first to adopt that view.
And finally, there comes a day when things don’t go their way.
Related : 13 Painful Lessons You Need To Learn From Narcissists
People get tired of their mood swings.
There’s a shift in their sense of entitlement.
They realize the connection between negative feelings and being with the narcissist.
They begin to want to achieve their goals, and they realize that the narcissist is holding them back.
Life begins with the desire to be lived, and as these people grow, the narcissist shrinks.
Narcissists can only abuse when you surrender yourself to the narcissist, consciously or unconsciously.
If you start putting yourself first, the narcissist has no choice.
No, they don’t like it, but guess what…
…it’s not up to them.
No Happy Ending
When it comes to narcissists, their lives never end. They are known for their deteriorating ability to cope with age.
Their stubbornness becomes annoying.
They crave the power to control those they once controlled.
Related : 10 Signs of The Female Narcissist
Their resentments are stronger than ever.
They realize they are not who they used to be.
Narcissists end up miserable, sad, and lonely. They always have been, but as they age, these feelings become more pronounced.
They never begin to care, nor do they regret their actions.
It would be a mistake to assume they ever will, or do.