Narcissists? Hatred? Alexander! How is that possible?!
You know perfectly well that the main ingredient that runs through a narcissist’s veins isn’t blood—it’s hatred.
It’s not difficult for them to despise some of your qualities, either, and there are 8 in particular that I want to talk about today.
Hanging on to their excessive jealousy and coldness—any narcissist you know will have a real problem with you if you exhibit any of these traits.
Once you read these, I don’t think you’ll need to ask me why.
Narcissists Look for Traits to Say
People with strong narcissistic traits don’t want to impress anyone!
Their agenda is based solely on the idea that you serve them well by being a certain person.
If you’re not, they’ll hate you even more for it. It’s as if they’re looking for these traits to find a direct cause for their anger and negativity.
For me or for you, these are not qualities you would ever hesitate to wish for.
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Yes, it’s well known that people don’t like exploiters or cheaters—that goes without saying. You build your morals based on what you see as right or wrong.
Narcissists don’t know what’s right or wrong; they just know what they want and how they’re going to get it.
If they hurt you, so what?
I’m often told things like:
I felt like my innocence was being taken away from me.
Every time I was around them, it felt like they were taking away an innate part of me—like my essence.
I don’t understand why they won’t let me be me.
I have news for you:
Because you’re a threat to them!
It’s time to hold on to that essence and never let go, as we enter this list of qualities.
Eight Traits in People That Make a Narcissist’s Heart Beat with Unstoppable Hatred!
- You’re Kind-Hearted
Okay. Shall we stop here? I feel like this reason is so big that there can’t be any others!
Your kindness is a virus to them. The more you spread it, the worse the narcissist feels.
The more you give, the more they hate you.
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How dare you think about others and try to help them? What are you even doing?
What?! For no reason?!
Narcissists are only kind when it benefits them, and even then, it will remind you of them for years.
Don’t forget, I was kind to that person once! So I can’t be a narcissist!
Yes, yes. Whatever.
- You’re Naturally Talented
Naturally talented people are incredibly lucky.
I knew someone in school who could draw any movie or cartoon character from memory. It was truly amazing to watch this creativity materialize on paper in just minutes after they suggested it.
I couldn’t draw to save my life, but there was no part of me that hated that person for their talent. I’m fully aware that we are all different and have many different skills and talents.
That’s what makes the world work, isn’t it?
But narcissists don’t believe this idea. Instead, they see other people’s talents as limitations on their own.
If you can do it and I can’t, you’re taking away a part of me that wants to be portrayed as perfect.
So, yes—be prepared for hate. Be prepared for envy. Be prepared to destroy anything you’re good at just because they can.
- Live Life Regardless
Knowing the narcissist and immersing yourself in their mysteries is exactly what they want from you.
They love you while you’re suffering, and you’ll only have a problem if you ignore their narcissism as if it doesn’t allow you to get close to them.
Believe it or not, there are people like that out there.
Yes, they see the narcissism. But they refuse to be affected by it.
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They won’t change for anyone, and if the narcissist dares to abuse or manipulate them, they’ll continue to live their lives happily unaffected by even a single attempt.
Blessings to all of you!
- Strong Boundaries
If your boundaries are stronger than titanium, congratulations. This isn’t to say I sympathize with those who struggle with their own boundaries, but think about it:
Narcissists won’t want to know you if you’ve already made it clear that you won’t allow them to cross them.
Narcissists only thrive when those they know can freely manipulate them give in. If someone comes up with strong boundaries that sound like this:
No, I won’t continue this conversation if you keep yelling.
I enjoy spending time with you, but I also love seeing my friends, and that’s not going to change.
Please respect my personal space. If you keep encroaching, it won’t work.
Imagine making these comments at narcissists!
Well, maybe you should!
- Intelligence
You can’t know things!
If you do know things, you might outsmart the narcissist and make them look stupid.
You can show them all your facts!
No, sorry. That won’t work.
- Thinking
Okay, let me explain. Your mother is sick. Would you like to buy her some flowers and grapes and take her to visit her?
Sorry, I don’t understand.
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What good would it do me, the narcissist, if I did that?
Where did you get the idea to be so considerate?
That won’t work either.
All you’re doing is showing these toxic people what they really are because they didn’t think about it first.
- Joy
You see joy in every little thing. There’s something to appreciate every day. The flavor of your coffee, or a beautiful sunrise.
You smile, and you’re grateful for the life you have, even if it’s not perfect every day.
You do everything a narcissist can’t—and hates.
If joy were innate to them, they wouldn’t have to spend so much time stealing other people’s joy. At least, that’s what I think, anyway.
- Generous
This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll give me $20 every time I ask for it.
When I talk about generosity, I’m talking about time, love, patience, compassion, and empathy. You’re there to help people, always taking the time to give them what they need.
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You’re a good friend, a trusted son, daughter, or sibling. Your loved ones and colleagues turn to you as someone they know will care, help, and support them.
These are qualities you can’t fake.
That’s why narcissists hate you.