10 Things Narcissists Do On Social Media That Expose Them

Social media is a narcissist’s dream. I’m not kidding. If you know what to look for, you can spot them from a hundred miles away.

The most entertaining part of any new and harmonious gift like this is that once you know how to do it, you’ll have it for life.

Any narcissist can certainly reveal their true identity online. They do it in subtle ways, as well as not-so-subtle ways.

Let’s peel back the layers together, and discover exactly what they do to expose the toxic mess they truly are.

Social on Social Media

Narcissists love anything that gets them seen and heard for the right reasons.

They’re certainly the first to back off when things go wrong. After all, they don’t want to get involved in drama that could lead to them being accused.

If you’ve ever wanted to see a narcissist reveal their true self online, you’re in for an unforgettable treat. I’ve got exactly what you need to keep your eyes peeled.

It’s fun, isn’t it?

Social media was originally designed to be a fun way to stay connected. If you use it right – it still is. People forget this – including narcissists.

It’s seen as a platform for bragging, stalking, dazzling, comparing, trolling, and over-browsing.

It keeps narcissists busy, and trust me when I say, they love to stay busy.

Related : How Narcissists Act When They Need A Favor

In fact, it takes all the fun out of social media.

WatchIt! Narcissist Detector Activated

Let’s take a look at all the things narcissists do on social media that reveal their true colors.

1 Constant “Me” Posts

I want everyone to be careful to eat their vomit buckets – because this is going to get a little gross.

“Me” posts are horrific when they are constant and over-the-top.

Please don’t get the wrong idea; People are entitled to post whatever they want on social media, and sometimes we all like to share good news or a nice picture of ourselves.

I don’t mean that.

I mean the daily or more posts that narcissists are keen to produce.

Look what I did.

Look what I achieved.

Look at me working out over Christmas and New Year’s while you all sit at home eating your body weight in chocolate.

Look where I went on vacation.

Look at what I do on my day off.

How beautiful is my hair today?

I want to buy something new and expensive that I want to show off to you all.

It’s endless – and there’s no limit to what they will share just to look their best.

Related : 10 Ways Narcissists Try To Ruin Your New Relationship

It’s a surefire way to spot a narcissist, that’s for sure.

2 Not liking your content

The better your content is, the less likely a narcissist is to like it. Over time, they create subconscious programming in their victims’ minds.

They make you want their approval. You want to see that they found it funny or cute or interesting. Want to know why?

Because narcissists make you work hard for crumbs of love or affection.

It’s a movement you don’t realize exists until you find yourself trying to please them day in and day out.

I have news for you: Narcissists can and will silently treat you online, too. And they will — at every opportunity.

3 Passive-aggressive memes or posts

Only you will notice the passive-aggressiveness in some posts. If narcissists are really intent on getting to you, they will target you this way online.

I see it all the time.

Reposting political views. Psychological or philosophical quotes you may have shared or talked about in the past. Anything you feel offended by was meant this way.

I’ll give you a short example, which is completely fictional.

Claire was a hairdresser, and her sister-in-law, Abby, had gorgeous long hair. Claire constantly tried to make Abby short and sleek, but Abby refused, saying she liked her hair long.

Related : 8 Things Narcissists Say About Their Ex-Partners

Claire was always posting memes about people over 40 with long hair who looked old and dull.

These posts didn’t mean anything to her other followers, but Abby knew they were targeting her and decided to keep her hair long.

In reality, Claire was a narcissist and couldn’t grow her hair out because it was so damaged.

She was trying to get Abby to cut her hair so people would stop complimenting her.

Abby refused—and Claire made her feel bad for it.

Do you see how narcissists are?!

4 “I’ll DM you”

Oh, here we go.

Let’s create a post to get attention, then when people ask me if I’m okay, I won’t give anything away to give people the option of guessing or DMing.

No thanks.

I’m sure it’s not interesting, and it won’t give you satisfaction.

5 Constantly Posting to Your Feed

Hey, remember me?

I didn’t post today!

I just wanted to remind you that I’m here!

I’m in your life – oh my!

Look at me and what I’m posting!


We get it.

You’re a narcissist who can’t go a day without reminding us that you’re here.

6 Diet – Exercise – Accomplishments

My appearance matters, and how important I am matters to me.

Narcissists love to brag and brag. If they’re on a trip, you can bet they’re taking all of their followers on that trip too.

Sure, it’s nice to see people improving their health or well-being. But do we need 24 photos a day?

Do we need to see you hit the gym?

Related : 13 Weird Things Narcs Do When They’re Jealous

Do we need a video of you lifting weights?

No. Not a single one of us, really.

7 “Look where I am!”

It’s nice to share vacation photos. It’s fun, and they’re saved to your profile as an official memento. Any family who can’t be there can feel like they’re part of your adventure.

We don’t need to see all the photos you took on vacation. You don’t need to brag about where you’ve been, what you’ve bought, or how much money you’ve spent on X, Y, or Z.

Only those who are insecure or selfish would assume we care about anything beyond the surface level.

8 Selfies / Filters / Flawless

What happened to those good old photos from the past? Funny photos, when we all looked the same?

Narcissists have to add filters and everything else to them, just to look perfect.

If they look perfect, people will think they are perfect.

Only those who have a knack for what narcissism really means will dismiss this as innocent.

9 Overuse of Apps

How many apps can I have? How much social media should I be a part of? I need all my logins, so I can talk, flirt, chat, and post mindlessly to as many people as possible.

Related : WARNING: 6 Ways Narcissists Use Your Medical Information

The more the better!

Sure, narcissist…

10 How many friends/followers do you have?!

This is very important for all narcissists. They need to be able to have a long list of followers or friends, even if they have never met them in person.

Any social media profiles of emotionally healthy people will only include people they may have gone to college with, family, friends, neighbors, etc.

Not the narcissist. They need contacts. Connections.

All of this should be important to the ego!

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