You can reveal a lot to a narcissist, and they’ll love you for it.
From vulnerabilities to confessions you’re not allowed to admit—you’ll be a narcissist’s best friend if you raise your hand from time to time.
There’s one thing you should never reveal—unless you want to change your relationship with them forever.
What is it?
Well, it’s funny you should ask, because I’ve got the answer right here.
NarcissistsDon’t Actually Love You…
I know it’s not what you want to hear, but if the truth is told, a narcissist already sees you (and everyone else) as an enemy. It’s just the way they operate and play that makes you think differently.
There’s one thing you can say to a narcissist that will ensure that everything changes afterward. It’s not an idea, or even an opinion.
What you’re presenting to them is a fact, and you’re shining it into their eyes so they can’t avoid it.
And when you do that, their dislike for you will quickly turn to hatred.
The One Thing You Should Never Reveal…
If you ever say:
“You meet all the narcissist’s requirements”…
Prepare for all hell to break loose.
Narcissists are never prepared for such a direct hit on their character and everything that is wrong with them. They are never prepared for you to be brave enough to tell the truth.
They are never prepared for you to find out.
What Happens When You Do?
Narcissists love a certain dynamic in relationships, and they work hard to carve it out.
This can look like cutting people off when they need it, or pretending to be someone else’s best friend. If it means getting them what they want, they go all in.
Related : 8 Ways Narcissists Treat You in Public vs. Behind Closed Doors
To those who don’t realize it, they come off as nice people when they want to spend time with you. These people don’t realize that there is a plan being made, and they are a big part of it.
So when these dynamics start to fall apart, narcissists panic. It’s like a house falling apart…
“I built this from scratch, and now it’s falling apart and I have no place to live!”
The house of toxicity falls apart when you admit you’ve found out.
They can no longer manipulate you, because you no longer believe their lies or their games. You don’t believe them when they talk, and you see how they cause trouble wherever they go.
I’ve come to realize that the common denominator in all this drama and pain is the narcissist.
They panic.
They rage.
They may even dump you altogether (after all, what good will it do you now that you know the truth?)
I won’t promise you a garden of roses if you speak up and are brave, but I do promise a change in your healing.
They’re all too common!
A smear campaign is a deliberate attack on you and your name, on anyone who will listen.
Prepare for lies and gossip to spread about you, your innermost secrets and vulnerabilities to become public.
Suddenly, you are the problem. You are the crazy one…
…you are the narcissist.
It is hell for those who receive it, but it is done as a means of punishment and diversion.
All the toxicity should be directed at you, not the narcissist. They cannot let anyone else know who they really are.
Victims of narcissistic abuse have been known to lose the people they thought cared about them in the process of the smear campaign. It is painful, and there will always be those who surprise you with who they have chosen to stand by.
You should never let that stop you from standing your ground, and giving your reality the time it deserves and needs.
TheyCanNoContact – But Not in the Way You May Want
If you have tried to read in the past about how to deal with a narcissist, you may have come across the term “no contact.”
This means cutting off all contact with the toxic person in question, and blocking them wherever possible to avoid the possibility of future contact.
If you expose a narcissist, be prepared for your lack of communication to affect how he or she portrays you to others.
In fact, while it’s a huge benefit to you not to hear or see them, they’re busy telling everyone how much of a victim they are, and how you’re punishing them for something they didn’t do.
It’s a total power play to make you feel helpless, and to get back at you for your rude comment calling them a narcissist.
TheBestRevengeIs… KeepingCool
It’s always the best revenge! Keeping your cool is how you’ll get through the tough times that narcissists have in store for you.
All the ways they want to make you squirm and regret having crossed them will become clear, but you have to do your best to get through it.
What they want is a reaction – but what they need to receive is a smile and your disinterest.
The last thing you want is for a narcissist to feed on your emotions – so don’t give them anything. That way you stay empowered.
When you drop the “I know everything about you” bombshell on a narcissist – it’s too late to back down. My advice to you is – be smart. Knowing what to do next means you can take steps to protect yourself.
I would start by keeping your cool. Don’t respond – no matter how tempting it is.
Remember – the narcissist will want to make you look crazy or unstable – and it’s up to you to prove them wrong. Keep being you, and you will confuse those who have been told lies about you.
Exposing the narcissist will not make them realise the error of their ways; they will always be narcissists.
It’s time to keep your peace of mind and avoid adding fuel to the fire of narcissism.
Remember… Narcissists are experts at playing the victim
Narcissists will always try to play the victim wherever possible. It’s not up to you to prove that they’re not – sometimes they can do this themselves by accidentally letting their mask slip.
If this happens – watch from a distance with a smile.
Narcissists want sympathy after you accuse them of something – especially something as big and subtle as calling them a narcissist!
Related : You Must Never Say These 10 Things to a Narcissist
Never let them make you think, “Wow, maybe I was being a little harsh.” No—you weren’t being harsh. You were being honest, and frankly, you scared the narcissist into a dynamic shift.
Narcissists want people to care about them and ask if they’re okay. These moments can give the narcissist the perfect opportunity to play the violin and talk about how unfair you’ve been. Let them do it, I say!