Narcissists are known to lie to the point where they believe what they’re saying.
It’s like they feel like they’ve not only convinced you, but themselves!
As you sit there, frustrated by their obvious moves to deter you from the truth, you notice it.
You notice their self-assurance. You see the way they’re really invested in their own words.
They’re hoping that by being so convincing, you’ll follow suit.
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So—I ask you—do you think narcissists lie, or are they just completely delusional people who’ve convinced themselves that the truth is what they want it to be?
For you or for me, lying is wrong. Big or small, lies get us nowhere.
We know that—but we’re not the problem, right?
The difference between healthy people and narcissists is their conscience. Healthy people don’t want to hurt others with something as brazen and intentional as lying.
What good is lying anyway? They do nothing but build false illusions and an unstable image of a solid foundation.
Narcissists don’t look deep. They are as deep as a puddle – and their shallowness is often presented as emptiness.
Lies help narcissists get out of tough situations. They might throw you under a bus to save the takeaway burger they just dropped.
Delusions certainly have a place inside the narcissist’s mind. No matter what the truths of the world are – the narcissist will hold their beliefs – no matter how great – close to their empty heart.
Narcissists trap themselves in the lie, but they see it somewhat distortedly as a means of escaping a situation they feel stuck in.
Whether they feel threatened by someone else’s success, or they want to pretend their way to the top so to speak – they will lie.
If they go beyond just making something up to keep themselves looking good – they will believe what they say.
You can watch a narcissist in real time convince themselves that what they are saying is true.
How many times have you been in the presence of someone who is so full of what you know about themselves that they don’t even realize they are lying in the first place?
I know I have.
It’s hard. Even when you can prove them wrong – they still continue with their story. They are the only person they trust.
Lies are what save the narcissist.
Delusions are what make the narcissist.
Related : Are Narcissists Aware of the Emotional Damage They Cause?
They are both used as a ruse, and both are just as destructive as the other.
Why not do the same?
PureDelusion – It’s a Thing
Here’s where I get a little “scientific” – but I promise, once you know this, it will make a lot of sense to you.
DelusionalNarcissism is a Thing.
DelusionalNarcissism is literally taking a narcissistic person in one hand, and a delusional thinking concept in the other, and squishing them together to create a person.
What do you say?…
People with delusional narcissism have an intense need for admiration.
So they lie.
Their level of self-importance is out of the ordinary.
So they lie.
They have no empathy for anyone else. (If I could make negative points, I would make them here.)
So they lie.
The patterns of lies are always there, and the reasons are justified.
Confusing – Yes
For us professionals, the delusional narcissist is both confusing and intriguing. We want to know why they convince themselves so much that their version of reality is the real one.
Beneath all the grandiose ways they convince the world that their lies are the truth, is a deeply rooted, insecure person with strong feelings of inadequacy.
BehindTheMask Will Surprise You
The narcissist wears many masks – but the mask that covers his lies is one of the most vulnerable. Once it slips – you see a person who is afraid. Afraid to live in the real world. I am afraid to know that in reality, beneath all these lies is a normal person like you or me.
Usually, we don’t need anything that makes us special to feel special. We are all different, and we are all trying our best, but that is not enough for the narcissist.
They love to be on top.
They love to be the best.
They love to show off so much power and ego that others almost faint in their presence.
Lying vs. Illusion
Related :Why Are We Attracted to Narcissists?
Admiration is something that narcissists need – and they treat this need in the same way they treat their need for air in their lungs.
Lying is something we can all be guilty of.
Yes, Grandma. Your curry is delicious…
You don’t want to hurt Grandma’s feelings, and I know it sounds awful to pretend, but sometimes, we’ve all been there.
Narcissists, living on their “other planet”, lie on a completely different scale.
Ironically, narcissists are very good at telling people that they are the ones living in a fantasy world – not the narcissist.
Want to go there on vacation? Are you crazy?
In your dreams! You could never afford it.
You are living in a fantasy world if you think they love you!
They are arrogant creatures, and they only get the attention they crave by spreading a bunch of lies into the world like seeds into a crop.
Eventually, with enough effort and persuasion, these seeds will take root and grow.
The narcissist will water these seeds, while gently feeling good about their existence.
Delusions in a Nut
A firm belief that something is real, without evidence to the contrary, is a form of delusion. If a narcissist displays repeated, wide-ranging delusions without rhyme or reason in your eyes – they are not just lying, they are completely immersed in delusions.
The narcissist cannot be separated from his lies – they seem to come as a package deal, but the delusions are definitely a step above the everyday lies you might expect.
Related :Why Do Narcissists Make Everything About Themselves?
You have to remember that narcissism is a type of personality disorder. While jokes can be made about narcissists, they are not actually healthy people.
It takes a truly sick person to remain obsessed with their lies, even when the truth is presented to them in the form of facts.
The sky is blue.
No – it’s green!
No – look – it’s blue.
Come on! I see shades of green everywhere. Look, there, there and there! What are you talking about??
Soon enough, you’ll be looking up and convincing yourself that the sky is green – and that’s what the narcissist wants.