Why Do Narcissists Act Like They Love You?

Narcissists often appear to express love and affection, leaving their partners or loved ones confused and emotionally conflicted. But the behavior they exhibit is not typically rooted in genuine love. Instead, it serves their own needs and desires. Understanding the reasons behind why narcissists act like they love you can help you better recognize these manipulative patterns and protect your emotional well-being.

1. Love Bombing for Control

One of the most common tactics narcissists use is love bombing, a technique where they overwhelm you with attention, affection, and grand gestures early in a relationship. This can make you feel incredibly special, as if they are deeply in love with you. However, this is often a manipulative move designed to gain control. The narcissist wants to create an emotional dependency, ensuring that you become attached to them quickly.

Once they have you hooked, their behavior often changes. The intense affection fades, and you’re left trying to figure out what went wrong, often blaming yourself in the process.

2. Feeding Their Ego

Narcissists crave admiration and validation. They act like they love you because they need someone to constantly provide them with attention and praise. When they shower you with love, it’s often because they expect it in return. Your admiration fuels their ego, and they become dependent on your adoration to maintain their inflated sense of self-worth.

This isn’t love in the traditional sense—it’s more about feeding their own need for validation. As long as you continue to serve this purpose, they will act like they love you, but if you stop or question their behavior, they may quickly discard you or turn cold.

3. Maintaining an Idealized Image

Many narcissists are deeply invested in maintaining an idealized image of themselves. To the outside world, they want to appear charming, loving, and generous. Acting like they love you helps them create this facade, fooling others into believing that they are capable of deep, genuine relationships.

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In private, however, their behavior may be very different. Narcissists often mistreat their partners behind closed doors while putting on a show for everyone else. This public performance is a key reason why narcissists act like they love you—they want others to admire them, even if their relationship is far from healthy.

4. Manipulation Through Emotional Dependency

By acting like they love you, narcissists can foster emotional dependency. They want you to feel like you can’t live without them, making it harder for you to leave or set boundaries. Narcissists often alternate between affection and cruelty, creating a confusing emotional dynamic known as intermittent reinforcement.

When they show love, it feels like a reward for enduring their negative behaviors. This cycle of affection followed by emotional abuse can make you feel trapped, always hoping to return to the “good times,” when the narcissist acted like they truly loved you.

5. Fulfilling Their Needs, Not Yours

For a narcissist, love is transactional. They act like they love you to fulfill their own needs—whether it’s for power, control, admiration, or material gain. Once you stop serving their purpose, their “love” quickly fades, and they may either discard you or begin devaluing you. Narcissists often view relationships as a way to meet their needs, rather than forming a mutual connection based on respect and care.

6. The Fear of Abandonment

Though narcissists are often emotionally detached, some fear abandonment. They may act like they love you to prevent you from leaving, especially if they sense you’re growing distant or pulling away. This behavior is typically not driven by true affection but rather a fear of losing their source of validation and control.

They may suddenly become affectionate or attentive if they feel threatened by the possibility of being alone. However, once they feel secure in the relationship again, they often revert to their previous behavior.


Narcissists act like they love you to manipulate, control, and fulfill their own needs. While their behavior may seem affectionate on the surface, it’s often superficial and self-serving. Understanding this dynamic is essential for recognizing narcissistic patterns and protecting your emotional well-being. Genuine love involves empathy, respect, and mutual care—traits that narcissists typically lack.

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