Why Do Narcissists Play Games With You?

Narcissists are known for their manipulative behaviors, and one of the most common tactics they use is playing emotional and psychological games. These games are not just incidental—they are deliberate strategies used to gain control, maintain superiority, and keep people off balance. If you’ve ever found yourself confused or emotionally drained by a narcissist’s behavior, it’s likely because they were engaging in these harmful games. But why do narcissists play games with you? Let’s explore the psychological motivations behind their behavior.

1. Need for Control and Power

One of the main reasons narcissists play games is to assert control and dominance over others. Narcissists thrive on having power in relationships, and by keeping others guessing, they maintain control. Whether it’s through mixed signals, gaslighting, or making you doubt yourself, these games are designed to make you feel dependent on them for clarity and emotional stability. By keeping you confused and uncertain, they can manipulate the dynamics of the relationship and maintain the upper hand.

2. Validation of Superiority

Narcissists often have an inflated sense of superiority and believe they are better than others. Playing games allows them to reinforce this belief by making others feel inferior or less capable. For example, a narcissist might deliberately withhold affection, compliments, or approval, making you work harder to gain their favor. When they eventually give you a small amount of validation, it feels like a victory—reinforcing their sense of control and your dependency on their approval.

3. Maintaining Emotional Distance

Narcissists fear vulnerability and emotional intimacy because it threatens their sense of control. Emotional games are a way for them to avoid genuine connection and keep people at a distance. By playing with your emotions, they prevent you from getting too close. One moment they might shower you with attention, and the next, they may withdraw or criticize you. This push-and-pull dynamic ensures that you never feel secure in the relationship, which keeps you focused on trying to please them instead of developing a deeper emotional bond.

4. Supply of Narcissistic Validation

Narcissists need constant admiration and attention, referred to as “narcissistic supply.” Playing games allows them to extract this supply from others. By making you chase their approval or affection, they receive a steady stream of validation. Whether it’s admiration, attention, or simply seeing you emotionally invested in them, these games provide the narcissist with the affirmation they need to maintain their fragile self-esteem.

5. Avoiding Responsibility

Narcissists are experts at deflecting responsibility and blame. Playing games can be a way for them to avoid accountability for their actions. If they constantly keep you guessing or confused, it’s easier for them to manipulate the narrative and shift blame onto you. For instance, if they hurt your feelings, they may gaslight you by denying they ever said or did anything wrong, causing you to question your own perceptions. This evasion tactic allows them to maintain control without having to take responsibility for the harm they cause.

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6. Testing Boundaries

Another reason narcissists play games is to test your boundaries. They often push limits to see how much they can get away with. By engaging in manipulative behavior, they can gauge how far they can go before you push back or set limits. The more you allow them to manipulate or mistreat you, the more they feel justified in continuing their behavior. These boundary-pushing tactics can gradually escalate as they become more confident in their ability to control you.

7. Keeping You Off-Balance

Narcissists enjoy seeing others confused, anxious, and emotionally off-balance. When you’re unsure of where you stand, you’re more likely to invest time and energy into figuring out the relationship, instead of recognizing the toxic dynamics. Narcissists may use tactics like intermittent reinforcement—alternating between kindness and cruelty—to keep you emotionally invested. This unpredictability can lead to what is known as a trauma bond, where the highs and lows of the relationship create a powerful emotional attachment that is hard to break.

8. Boosting Their Ego

Playing games allows narcissists to feel powerful and important. They enjoy knowing that they can manipulate others and have an impact on their emotions. Watching you react to their games, whether it’s with confusion, anger, or emotional distress, can give them a sense of superiority. They see it as evidence of their control and dominance, which feeds their ego.


Narcissists play games for a variety of reasons, all centered around their need for control, validation, and power. These games allow them to manipulate others, maintain emotional distance, and avoid responsibility while keeping their partners or friends emotionally off-balance. For those involved with narcissists, recognizing these toxic patterns is the first step in protecting oneself from emotional harm. Setting firm boundaries, seeking support, and understanding the narcissist’s motivations can help you break free from their manipulative games.

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